» Romance » Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗

Book online «Redemption, H.L.B. Adams [grave mercy txt] 📗». Author H.L.B. Adams

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out of line, but somehow she forgave me.”

“Now, that’s the Ann I know. She can’t hold a grudge. She tries to make you think she can, but she usually forgives people five minutes after they’ve done whatever they need forgiving for. Mackenzie gets her tendency for grudges from you.”

“I don’t hold grudges,” Brandon said slightly insulted.

“You held a grudge against me for years, just because of a joke. Everyone knew I was joking with Ann all the times I asked her out, but you decided I wasn’t and that you hated me,” Rick said looking at him, daring him to deny it.

“Okay, so maybe I can hold a grudge, but I get over it eventually,” Brandon said sulkily.

“Yeah, you got over that after Jason broke your nose,” Rick said and laughed. “No hard feeling dude. I always knew you were in love with her. Hell, I’d probably hold a grudge to if I were you.”

“So, what have you been up to?” Brandon asked Rick. I was more than happy to change the topic. He really didn’t have a problem with Rick anymore. He still considered Rick a friend, and as Rick had said he was going to need a friend outside the three musketeers because if he so much as misworded something toward Ann Jason would be ready to hurt him. “Nothing much, just working, and spending time with Carol’s kids.”

“Yeah, I heard she had a brood. I couldn’t believe that your wild ass sister decided to settle down so soon, no offense,” Brandon said.

“None taken. I thought the same thing, at first, but John was what she wanted. They love each other, and he was just what she needed. Some days I go over there and am stilled shocked to see her in the kitchen cooking and running herd on three kids with a smile on her face,” Rick said with a little laugh.

“Yeah, it is a picture. So no one special for you? No kids in your future?”

“Still look for the right woman. I’ve dated a few whom I thought were the right one, only to find out that they were nothing like I originally thought,” Rick said shaking his head. “Unfortunately not everyone is as lucky as you and Ann and finds the one when there five.”

“Yeah, but I almost screwed that up. Still working on getting my family back. I can be an idiot sometimes,” Brandon replied.

“Everyone can be, even our precious Annie. Don’t tell her I said that. She will seek retribution, in the form of Mac. Mac will do her best to hurt me, and Ann will just stand there and laugh. Then pretend that she is getting on to her.”

“Yeah, I know. The first night I met Kenzie she stomped on my foot and called me a jerk. Ann laughed and then told her to apologize.”

“Fun,” Rick said, “Ann might not be the type to hold a grudge or resort to violence, but she thinks it’s hilarious when Mac does. Only because it means Mac want take crap off anyone. Mac doesn’t do anything to just be mean. You have to do something to her or someone she loves for her mean streak to come out. Her temper will get better as she gets older. Well she’ll learn control.”

“Yeah, that’s what I keep telling myself, but I’m still waiting to get a call saying she’s been suspended from school for fighting.”

“That’s not going to happen. She gets along with other kids. It’s just adults that she has problems with, at least for now. We’re a lot better at putting our foot in our mouth, and doing stupid stuff. The kids she’s around are still to innocent and naïve to screw up like we do.”

“True,” Brandon said and looked over to the swing set when he heard Kenzie call him. “Dad come play!” she yelled. Brandon smiled and gave Rick the grilling duties. “Coming,” he yelled back and went to play with his daughter.

“So, you enjoying you party?” Brandon asked her as he pushed her on the swing. “Yeppity yep yep yep,” Mackenzie answered. “But I can’t wait till I get to open presents. When can I open my presents?”

“Now, if you want. It’s you birthday,” Brandon said laughing. “Yay,” Mackenzie said and jumped off the swing, giving Brandon a heart attack. ‘Damn does she have to do that when the swing is so high? She’s going to break something one day,’ he thought shaking his head.

“Okay, everyone,” Brandon yelled, “the birthday is ready to open presents!” Everyone gathered around the table where Mackenzie’s mountain of presents were. “You know we were going to wait a little longer,” Ann said smiling at him when she reached him.

“Well, Kenzie wanted to open them now,” he said shrugging. “It’s okay. I would have given in too,” Ann said laughing.

Mackenzie loved all over her presents, well except or the tiara that Brandon bought her. It wasn’t her real present, but he couldn’t help but bug her with the whole princess thing. She was probably the only little girl he had ever met who didn’t want to be a princess.

The party dissipated around four. Mackenzie was asleep on the couch, and Ann and Brandon looked to be asleep on their feet as they cleaned up. “Hey, why don’t you and Mackenzie go on home and get some rest?” Brandon said.

“I’ll just help you clean up first,” Ann said as she continued to throw away plastic cups and paper plates.

“I’ve got this. Go get some rest. I’ll come by a little later and we can have movie night. Kenzie’ll love that.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, go on. You need some rest.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours then,” Ann said and headed into the house to get Mackenzie.

Mackenzie didn’t wake up as Ann picked her up and took her to the truck. She didn’t wake when Ann put her in her safety seat and buckled her in. Ann had decided to leave Mac’s presents, she figured she’d let Mac decided what she wanted at her house and what she wanted to keep here.

Ann was a few miles from her house when it happened. She didn’t see the truck until it was too late. The truck came over the hill on her side of the road and hit her head on. All Ann saw was a huge black truck and the nothing.

Chapter Ten


Brandon had just finished cleaning up when he heard the truck pull up. He walked around to the front yard and saw a frazzled Jason jumping out of his truck. “Brandon, we’ve got to go,” Jason said as he got back into his truck. “What? What’s going on?” Brandon asked as he got in Jason’s truck. “Ann and Mackenzie were in an accident. From what they told me on the phone Mackenzie’s fine, but Ann…” Jason said as he tore out of the yard and Brandon went pale.

Brandon couldn’t say anything. Images from years ago kept flashing into his mind. The officer at the door telling him his parents were dead. His mom in her casket, and then she changed to Ann. “No,” he said as they pulled up at the hospital. “No, I won’t lose her.”

“We’re not going to,” Jason said as he parked.

They ran into the emergency room. “Where’s my daughter?” Brandon yelled at the receptionist. “What’s her name?” the receptionist asked unfazed. She was used to people yelling at her. People were always impatient around here.

“Mackenzie, Mackenzie Cooper,” Brandon said in a normal tone. “And can you tell me how her mother is, Ann Mackenzie.”

“Mr. Cooper your daughter is in room E5, and her mother is in surgery,” the receptionist said.

Brandon ran back to Mackenzie’s room in the ER. “Sweetie,” Brandon cried as he picked Mackenzie up and hugged her. “Are you okay?” he asked pulling back to look at her. A nurse came in behind him and said, “Not a scratch on her. You must be her dad.”

“Yes, umm can she leave? Well, actually can you point me to the OR waiting room? I need to go see what’s happening with her mom, and I don’t want her out of my sight,” Brandon said with a distraught voice. “Yeah, it’s one floor up. When you get off the elevator the nurses’ station will be in front of you. You can ask them, they’ll be able to tell how she’s doing,” nurse said feeling for him. She had seen the mom and little girl come in. The girl was truly lucky, her mom on the other hand…

Jason stood in the hall way outside Mac’s room fighting tears as he listened to the exchange. Brandon walked out a second later toting Mackenzie. She had her head on his shoulder crying. Without a word Brandon headed to the elevator and Jason followed.

Brandon walked to the nurses’ station as soon as he got off the elevator. “Can you tell me the status of Ann Mackenzie?” he asked the nurse behind the desk. “And you are?” the woman asked. “The father of her child,” Brandon said gritting his teeth. “She’s in surgery,” the nurse said looking at the screen. “I already know that,” Brandon said getting ill. “Can you tell me what’s wrong? Why they needed to do surgery and the surgery is going?”

“I’m only allowed to tell her next of kin that.”

“Look, he is her next of kin. Unless you want to tell her six year old daughter,” Jason said stepping in and flashing his badge. He’d grabbed it as he left the house. He’d had a feeling he was going to need it.

“Well then,” the nurse said flustered and looked back at the screen. “Here I’ll take Mac on to the waiting room,” Jason said taking her from Brandon. Brandon let her go reluctantly. “She has a fractured skull and a brain bleed. That is what they’re doing surgery on. I’m not sure how the surgery is going. No one has come out to inform us, but as soon as I know something I will let you know,” the nurse said.

Brandon nodded at the woman and walked to the waiting room where he saw Jason talking to a cop while Mackenzie clung to him. Brandon walked over and got Mackenzie from him. “Brandon this is the cop who was at the scene, Officer Johnson. Johnson this is Mackenzie’s father,” Jason introduced them.

“What happened?” Brandon asked and sat down in the nearest chair.

“A drunk driver hit them head on,” Officer Johnson replied. “A student from the university had started his partying a little early and decided it would be a good idea to drive is F-350 on the wrong side of the road. We have him in custody.”

Brandon nodded at just sat there. What was there to say? A stupid kid got drunk and drove, and now he might not have the love of his life. How was he going to explain this to Kenzie? Could he handle being a single dad? All of these thoughts ran through his head over and over again as he sat there and waited for news.

Brandon didn’t even realize he was crying until someone handed him a tissue. Jasmine Betts was sitting beside him. ‘When did she get her?’ he thought weakly. “She’s tough. Don’t worry we won’t lose

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