» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

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and build up our relationship but Devon was trying to make that impossible . 8 years is a long time , but i finally came to my senses and wanted to move on . I don't love Devon , never have and i never will .

" you look so sexy ."

Someones voice startled me , making me jump damn near out of my skin . I couldn't see their face but i could see their body and i knew that they were naked . Their face was hidden in the shadows .

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body " who's there ?"

" what , you don't remember me now ? Damn , we broken up for a few days and all of a sudden i'm not even a memory ." Devon . " i gave you 8 years , and you're not walking away from me that damn easy ."

Devon stepped out of the shadows and the look on his face was one of pure hurt and hatred . But how could he hate me ? I was only doing what was best for us ! That's all . I would never love him and i damn sure was no longer happy with him so , why couldn't he let me go . I knew he'd eventually find a girl who would love him and give him whatever he wanted but it wouldn't be me .

Now , the look on Devon's face alone scared me .

I'm not one of those stupid black people who wait around to get killed or raped or whatever other bad thing that could happen . I'm the kind of black person who does the smart thing .

I dashed around the benches and tried to make my way from the locker room . Unfortunately for me , right as i reached the door way i was tackled to the ground and flipped to face him . Devon's body straddled my own .

" what do you want , Devon . I'll give you anything you want ."

" what if i want you ?" He asked in a menacing tone . He pinned my hands over my head with one hand , and with his other hand he began to roam my body .

" please , " i begged " let me go ."

He kissed my cheek and ran him tongue across my lips , all i could think about was how i was going to get out of the situation . Rodney should have been there . He was supposed to wait for me after practice but instead he left early when he and Devon got into it . He wasn't even thinking about me . I needed to find a way out , on my own .

Then i decided to play it cool and go along with whatever he said , thinking that would get me out of the locker room that was beginning to close in around me .

" bitch you not going nowhere ! 8 long ass years and you never so much as even touched me ! A kiss here and there but that was it ! Were you cheating on me ?!"

" no , no ! Why would i cheat on you ?! You were my life , you still are . Look , please don't do this . Let me go and i'll go back with you and you can get anything you want . Please , just don't do this ."

Devon pulled back looking me in my eyes . He was searching them for any sign that i was lying , but i showed no signs . My look was the most sincere one that i could muster up for a lie as big as that . But , my innocence depended on it , so i gave him no reason to think anything other than what i was saying .

"what about Rodney ?"

" he's nothing to me , Devon . He threatened me , that's why i'm with him ." Lies ! Those were all fucking lies .

His grip on my arms loosened and i took the opportunity to push him off of me , hop up and run from the locker room . And when i say i ran , i ran all the way out of the gym and down the street . My apartment building was 3 blocks away and i ran the whole 3 blocks , not stopping for anything . And that was risky . All i had on was a little flimsy towel that was rising up with each stride i took but i didn't let that stop me .

I dropped to my knees when i was finally in my apartment . I began to sob as i collapsed right there on the hallway floor .

At least i was safe and sound . I'd have to start being more careful .



We pulled up in front of the hospital and Alexis parked . We all got out and rushed in . I went to the front desk " excuse me , i'm here to see - "

" just a minute sir , you'll have to wait . " The nurse behind the nesk said .

" wait ? Look my mom is -"

" sit down and wait your turn !"

I was ready to jump over the desk and strangle her ass until she turned purple in the face . It wasn't the day to get smart with me . My anger was boiling over and she was really testing me .

" Rodney , " Alexis grabbed my hand " let's just wait . It'll be okay . Promise ."

I was a little hesitant to sit down but i did anyway .

Me and Alexis sat next to eachother and Raven sat across from us in her own chair .

Alexis held onto my hand for dear life , just trying to comfort me .

" you okay Rodney ? You look stressed ."

I sighed " i'm fine . I just need to make sure my mom is okay . That's all . And when i see my dad i - "

" it's okay . Don't do anything you'll regret . He's not worth it ."

On the way to the hospital i'd explained to Alexis what Raven had said and how my mom and dad where always fighting . She listened , she understood , and most of all , she could relate .

" thanks Alexis , you really don't have to be here ."

" no , it's okay . I want to be . We're friends right ?"

I smiled " yeah , friends ."

At that moment it was something about Alexis that just made me want to kiss her , i wanted to hold her and never let go .

It wasn't love . It was lust .

She was just being so supportive and it was making my heart reach out to her .

I leaned forward seeing if she would allow me to kiss her , and when she shook her head yes i went in for the kill .

I pressed my lips against her's making her moan out in pleasure .

The kiss was nothing like wat i experienced with Trinity , but it was enough to make me want her .

She finally pulled away , staring me deep into my eyes " Rodney , i'm -"


I cocked my head to the side and stared at Alexis .

I heard her say something , but I was too caught up to actually process what it was . All I heard her say was "I'm " and then I couldnt make out shit else . What was she ? Pregnant ? Oh hell no !

I couldnt help but pray that that wasn't what she said . I mean , she was a easy lay , meaning she let me have sex right from the beginning . But we were careful , so so careful .

But what if I slipped up and hadn't even noticed ?!

I cleared my throat trying to keep a steady voice " what did you just say ?"

She gave me a funny look like I had just asked the dumbest question on earth !

" I said , I'm p-"

I cut her off , panicking " aww damn ! You can't be pregnant . I swear . We were careful Alexis . This can't be it !"

After staring at me blankly for a few moments , she burst into a hysterical fit of laughter . When she finally calmed down she pinched my cheek " you're so cute when you worry . But if you would have let me finish I was going to say that I'm pleased to be here with you ."

I let out a sigh of relief and hugged Alexis as tight as I could .

I was in no position to be a father , nor was I ready to be one . Shit , I've been around the block a few times , I know what a child can do to soneones life . A child can be a beautiful thing and a joy to have but it can also ruin a person's dreams . I don't want that .

Maybe in a few years when I've got a job and my own place but this was the wrong time for children .

As I hugged her , I peered over Alexis's shoulder and watched as my father came into my line of view and began to take long strides toward me . I was no longer relieved or relaxed . My whole body tensed up and I was thinking of ways to kill my father which was shit that should have never crossed my mind .


I pulled away from Alexis's embrace and stood up . My father was only a few feet away from me and was still coming . I was struggling to keep my anger under control . This was more serious than Devon pissing me off by talking some lil shit : my father , the man i'd trusted my whole life , who i would have killed for , had put his hands on the woman who literally guides me through life . My mother is my rock . She knows me like the back of her hand and she'll do anything for me . We have such a strong connection and seeing anyone hurt her is like some one punching me in my face , and no one puts their hands on me and get's away with it .

I sighed .

It was taking far too long for my father to reach me . Shit was moving in slow motion , my adrenaline was pumping through my veins making my hands shake in anticipation .

If i just punched him once , will anyone care ?I thought to myself .Just one punch .

When he planted his feet about a foot away from me , i balled up my fist , cocked it back , and as bad as i wanted to punched him ,
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