» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

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to know right then and there .

I turned to face him " what is it ?!"

" i'm not telling ."

" oh come on ! Please ." i put on my best innocent face , pleading with him through my eyes .

He groaned and shifted his eyes from my face " i'm not looking at that sexy face that you making , so i'm not telling you . "

" why noooooot ! Tell me ." I kissed him lightly on his lips just trying to tease him a little , but i ended up teasing myself more than him . He placed his hand on the back of my neck bringing me closer for another one , but hell i wasn't going to argue with that . His lips were so soft , i could kiss them all night if i wanted to .

I let out a soft moan trying to pull back but knowing my body was too weak to do so . He was putting me in a state of temporary paralysis where the only thing that moved was my lips . His teeth lightly gripped my body lip and ran across it . I didn't know why it felt good , too good . It make my whole body shake in a way i never thought possible .

I wanted more of him , so much more of him , but i shouldn't have . It was wrong but i couldn't find the strength to pull away .

Rodney must have sensed my needing for more because he pulled back , his breathing a little faster than usual . " Trinity ." He said my name in a hushed voice . It sounded so sexy coming from his mouth . I couldn't help myself , i leaned over to kiss him again but he only gave me a peck .

I rolled my eyes " what , is something wrong ?"

" nah , i just , i'm not trying to rush you . I want you to do this at yo' own pace ."

" but you're not - "

" it doesn't matter . You might think you want this but you really don't . It's just your body talking ."

" well , my body knows exactly what i want then ."

He shook his head but that didn't stop him from trailing hot kisses along my neck and collar bone , each one only raised my desire that much more . He was right , i wanted to have sex with him but not at that moment , but the way he was making me feel was making me thing otherwise .

He began to suck on a little section of my neck causing me to arch my back in pleasure .

He sighed as he once again pulled away from me " i want you so bad right now ." he mumbled turning his head the other way . When he said that , i knew that the kissing was getting to him so i just let it go because i really wasn't ready for the whole sex part , at least not with a boy i'd known a week !

" my mom made breakfast , want to go get some ?"

" sure . "

We climbed from my bed and went to the kitchen .



We got up from her bed and even the way she was walking was turning me on , dammit . And it didn't help any that the shorts she had on barely even covered her plump behind .

I sighed , once again , it wasn't like i was starving for sex or anything but , she started with the kiss and i just really didn't want to stop . And my man down stairs didn't want me to stop either , if you know what i mean .

Before we could make it to the kitchen i pinned Trinity on the wall , with her arms pinned above her head and her back to my front . She let out a light gasp of shock but didn't say anything to stop me .

Damn , Damn , Damn , i had to get out of there . But i wasn't leaving without a kiss .

She turned her head to the side and i leaned in pressing my lips to hers . They were so little and sensual . She ground her butt into my . . . you know . I pulled back letting her go .

" um , Trinity , i , uh , forgot that i got this thing i've got to do before school tomorrow . So , um , i'll call you ."

She looked disappointed but relieved at the same time , from the looks of it she was battling with her good and her bad side on whether or not she should let me leave . I didn't let her finish battling , i just refused to take her when i knew she wasn't ready .

I pulled the box that had the diamond stud earrings in it from my pocket and placed it in her hand . Then i quickly slipped on my shoes and made a fast exit . From the other side of the apartment door i could hear her scream in excitement .

I gave a half ass laugh , glad that i could make her happy at all .



Monday came and went like any other day , i didn't see Trinity at school because she had a doctors appointment . Tuesday was a quick pass too , i was in detention for the whole day because early that morning i had cussed out some teacher who spilled her coffee on my shoes . It was accidental , some peoples reflexes would have been to punch her but mines where to just cuss her out . And then , Tuesday after school i had basketball practice . So , i was booked up and missing Trinity bad .

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling a little bit shitty that i hadn't seen the only girl who could make my day brighter . The sun was nowhere in sight as the rain poured down non stop , pelting the ground making music of it's own kind . I slapped my hand on the off button of my alarm clock that was beeping annoyingly .

I looked over to Marcus's bed and saw that the covers were pulled back and the bed was empty . Ever since he and i had gotten into that fight , he'd started to come home less and less and i couldn't say that i minded . I got the room to myself and plus the house was a lot quieter . . usually . But on this morning , i could hear my parents going at it , once again .

" your cheating ass !" my mama yelled at the top of her lungs " i don't even know why i keep you around ."

" because i pay the bills !"

WHAMP ! My mother must have smacked him kinda hard if i could hear it .

I tried to zone out the rest of their argument as i got ready for school . I decided i'd wear a pair of baggy faded blue jeans , a pain blue v neck shirt and my wheat colored Timberland boots . I peeped in the living room and Raven was sleep on the couch . I carried her to my room and tucked her under the covers before slipping on my jacket , book bag , and getting the umbrella ready so i wouldn't get soaked from head to toe when i walked out the door .

I caught the tail end of something my mother was creaming before i slammed the door behind me " . . . that's why your sons don't love you anyway ! . . . "

My mother , was a very wise and sweet woman . But when she got mad she'd spin any story back on you to make you feel bad . She'd do just about anything to get you to shut up . My dad's kids were his soft spot , she knew that , and she used it against him . Sneaky and conniving . Sometimes i'd hope i didn't have those traits .

" ass and titties , ass and titties , " those were the first few things from Sal's mouth when i walked into the already bustling main hallway of the school bulding .

I laughed out laughed , trying to hide the fact that i knew he was talking about most of the girls that were in the hallway . Even though it was raining outside i could see that that didn't mean a thing to most girls because they still wore their short skirts and low cut tops like it didn't bother them . And on top of that , they were all wet , it was just a cry for attention .

My eye caught Trinity in the distance . She was dressed well for the weather . She had on a pair of black Polo boots , a pink and black stripped collar shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans . At least she had enough sense to know what to put on ! She didn't care about standing out from the crowd , she wanted to be a individual .

I was about to make my way over to her and her friends but Alexis stepped in front of me causing me to stop .

" i know you not just going to walk past me like you don't see me .

Dammit , here we go .


I sighed , like what the hell . Why couldn't Alexis just leave me alone . I knew it was wrong playing with her feelings but hell , i couldn't help it . It was all a mistake . I didn't want anything to do with her , although she was looking really pretty standing in from of me , she just wasn't Trinity .

" Alexis , wassupp , whats the problem ?"

" you !" She practically screamed " i thought you were coming to my house last night ."

" listen , me and you aren't anything anymore . Okay ? It was a mistake , a fling ."

" no , no , no , it wasn't . You don't know what you're saying . I gave you some of the best mind blowing sex ever !"

I looked up and spotted Trinity looking at me skeptically " yeah , Alexis , you're right . The sex was great . But it's over . O-v-e-r , what do you not get ."

She was quiet , the hallway was a lot quieter than it had been but people were trying to mind their own business but i could tell they were listened . I let out a frustrated sigh , i didn't want any confrontation , i just wanted to get to my girl that i had missed so much the past few days . Why couldn't everything go smoothly .

She grabbed my arm as i tried to brush past her " Don't walk away from me Rodney . Look , i love you you ."

I snatched my arm away .
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