» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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and kissed me on the lips slowly . Making sure i felt the passion pouring out of him . I started to kiss him back and he pulled away and walked back in the school .

I wanted him more than ever , i needed him more than ever . My body was beginning to grow cold even though the air outside was warm . There's something about his body , his hands , and his kisses that makes me warm on the inside . They shouldn't though ! I'll just some how or another try to convince myself that i love Devon . I need to believe that now .



For the rest of practice i felt so happy , i swear if i wanted to i could have levitated , that's just how happy i was . It didn't feel like there was any pressure on my shoulders . When i kissed Trinity i had no idea what the hell was on my mind but i do know that i'm glad i did it .

Trinity wasn't in love with Devon at all , i could tell . I just don't get it though , why is she with him if she knows she doesn't love him . Maybe he's forcing her ?

I unlocked the front door to my house and even before i entered my mood was crushed because all the way down the hall i could hear my parents arguing .

" well then go be with that bitch Marilyn then !" my mom screamed " if she does things so much different from the way i do 'em !"

" you always saying shit like that . You want me to leave ? You'll just be on wellfare ."

" on , no the fuck you didn't go there -"

I passed by my mother and father's bedroom door which was closed and shouts continued to come from under the door .

I closed my bedroom door , put my book bag down and changed into my pajama pants . I plopped down onto my bed onto something lumpy that groaned . I stood back up and noticed it was my baby sister , Raven .

She sat up " i sowwy Ro-ney . But , mom and dad won't leh me come in to go to sheep ." i loved the way she pronounced some of her words . She's so innocent . And even though i knew she wouldn't , at that moment i prayed that she'd stay that way .

" it's okay , Raven . Scoot over ."

She did as i said and i got into the bed and wrapped my arm around her in a protective way . I could feel her body shaking , she must be scared out of her mind . I know i hate when my parents argue , i always have , but now it doesn't even really effect me anymore . It used to when i was younger though . I'd rather my parents be split up and happy than together and scaring the crap out of Raven .

" Marcus leff ."

" when ?"

" a long long long time ago . Before night came ."

I kissed her forehead " go to sleep now ."

She did as i said and within minutes i heard her light snoring .

It figures that Marcus isn't around , he never is when it comes to shit like this . He couldn't give two fucks whether Raven is alright . That's all i care about . If it wasn't for Raven , i'd probably have a job and be saving up to leave right about now , but i don't want to leave her by herself . Who knows what'll happen .

I felt myself slowly drifting into sleep as i thought about Marcus and how extremely selfish he is , only pissing me off more . If i see him , there's no telling what i'm going to do .

I woke up the next morning still feeling bothered and as i heard Marcus's voices floating from the kitchen anger flooded my body all over again but i tried to ignore it . I let Raven sleep peacefully as i took a shower and got myself together . I put on a pair of black jean shorts , a plain white v neck t-shirt and white and black polo's on my feet . I put in both earrings today , grabbed my book bag and was ready to head out to school .

I bumped into Marcus on the way out the bedroom room door and can you believe this nigga had the nerve to smile at me . " let me borrow a earring again ."

I screwed up my face " you can't borrow shit from me ."

" what ?"

" nigga you heard me , " i raised my voice slightly , adding more venom to my words " i''m speaking loud and clear , ain't i ?!"

" yo' , i don't know what the fuck is up with you but - "

" i'ma tell you was supp . You left Raven here by here damn self while ma' and pops was arguin' , that's what up . Do you know how scared she was ? Or do you even care ?!"

" i had a date ."

" and ?! FUCK THAT BITCH ! You only got one fucking sister , that bitch you dating is just like all the others , she's easy ."

I saw Marcus swing his fist toward my face , as it began to move in slow motion . It was just slow enough for me to dodge and throw a punch of my own that landed square on his jaw . But it wouldn't stop there , it never did .



The day was progressing really slow . I hadn't even seen a sign from Rodney , no one had actually . It's not only nerve racking but it was worrying me to death . I admit , i had to be feeling something for him to even think about worrying about him . When the bell rang for lunch i wasn't that excited . True , my stomach was growling but i don't think my body was in any state to try and consume food .

Me and Ivory stood in the lunch line .

Ivory searched the cafeteria with her eyes and turned back to me " so , where is your little boyfriend ."

" i don't know where Devon is ."

" not Devon ." She gave me a mischievous smile " Rodney ."

" he is not my boyfriend ! Just a friend . I'm in lov -"

Ivory rolled her eyes and cut me off " don't try that line with me . I've known you for forever ! You don't even love Devon ."

I mumbled a whatever and moved up in line . If Ivory could tell that i wonder if everyone else could too . No , because if they could then Devon would know .

I glanced over my shoulder at the cafeteria doors and in walked Rodney , with a bandage over top of his left eyes . But i couldn't help but think that he's still sexy .

" i'll be right back " i told Ivory as i rushed over to him . " good to finally see you Rodney ! I was worried sick about you !"

He smirked " glad to know you care ."

" i don't -"

He didn't let me finish my sentence . He pulled me close to him just as he had done the night before and he planted a kiss on my lips right in front of everyone . I didn't pull away and it wasn't quick either . It was passionate though , without tongues . And i kid you not , the whole room went silent .

Rodney finally pulled away looking deep into my eyes "i'm not the secretive type . I want everyone to know how i feel about you , including him ." Rodney gestured over my shoulder and i was guessing he was talking about Devon .

He'd just kissed me , and i wasn't ashamed , nor afraid of what Devon would say . I actually wanted him to do it again and again and -

" the fuck is going on , Trinity ? " Devon's voice floated over my shoulder and i tried to take a deep breath to compose myself before i turned to face him .

" nothing , " i said looking him into his eyes with a straight face .

" so you kissing him is nothing ? Bitch -"

Rodney pulled me behind him " yo' i don't appreciate you talking to the lady like that , you know ? I'd hate to have to kick two asses in one day but , i don't really mind ."


" I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one " Jay-Z

Me and Devon stood face to face , toe to toe , nose to nose .

I think he thought i was going to back down , but why would i do that ? I was stilled pissed off from my fight with Marcus early in th day and i wasn't in any mood to be challenged . If Trinity wanted Devon then she'd be with him and she wouldn't let me continuously let me flirt with her . I'm starting to think that she doesn't even have real feelings for him . But either way i knew she was feeling me , and i was going to stand up for what i wanted .

The cafeteria was almost dead silent aside from a couple "oohs" and " aahhs " and a snicker here and there .

Devon's friends were in the background talking shit as usual . I wasn't scared though , especially because i heard Sal and Michael behind me talking shit .

Sal laughed " son , they must think they fucking hard or something . I'ma whoop that one in the red jacket ."

" word man , " i heard them slap hands " i been waiting to get at Devon's boys for a minute now . Perfect timing . "

Devon scrunched his face up at me " why don't you just let Trinity go so we can call this a day ."

" she ain't going no where homeboy and i really don't like just standing around talking . So if you feeling a little tired of that too then swing or step . You don't look like you too cut out for this shit ."

" i don't look like i'm cut out ?! I'll beat yo' ass pretty boy !"

" that's all talk right now . Like i said , swing or step ."

Trinity pulled on the back of my shirt as she stepped from behind me " Rodney , let's not do this . I told you -"

" you told me what ? Some lie about being in love with this punk ass ? Look , cut the shit . Me and you both know was supp . And right now , if i walk out of this lunch room without you then it'll be
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