» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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my back , some people just don't care .
A few other people caught my interest too : females especially . But i guess we'll get to them later .

" ma' ? I'm home !" I yelled when i entered the house that evening .

I didn't get an answer but i wasn't too worried . I know every day around this time , 4 o'clock , she'd be in the kitchen trying to get the dinner together . My mother isn't like most mothers around these parts . She's never been on drugs or anything like that , she's actually a stay at home mom . My dad has a job at a record company even though he's in his early forties . But he brings home enough money to support the family : Me , my 18 year old brother Marcus , My 3 year old sister Raven , and my mom . Yeah , that many of us live in a 2 bedroom apartment . Me and Marcus share a room , my mom and dad and Raven share a room too . It might sound like it works out but in reality we're not a big happy family .

Raven jumped into my arms making me drop my book bag " Ro-neeeyy ." That's just how she's pronounces my name .
" how are you , baby girl ."
" good ." She gave me a big smile showing her missing tooth in the front .
I fake gasped " you lost a tooth ?"
" no ," She covered her mouth , jumped from my arms and ran to her room .
My mother laughed as she sat plates on the small kitchen table " yeah , she lost a tooth today . She won't show me though ."
I shrugged picking up my stuff off the ground that spilled from my book bag . A piece of paper in particular caught my attention , and made me sigh . I always keep the obituary from my granma's funeral . I could feel something stirring within me so i stuffed it back into my bookbag and began to walk to my room .
My mother just whispered " you know , we all miss her ."
I plopped down on my bed and watched Devon explore my room like he does every time he comes in here . First he looks at the pictures on my dresser : There's one of me and him earlier this year at the beach , there's one of me and my mom when i was a baby , then there is one of me and there is one of me and Ivory at the mall from like last week . And in the same frame as the one of me and my mom is one of me when i was 5 but it's hidden .
Then he looks at the carving of me and his name in the wall , runs his hand over it like it's all new to him .
I sighed " god , Devon , sit down . You just saw all the same stuff last week !"
He smiled sitting down on my bed next to me " i know , i just can't believe i still got you ."
I rolled my eyes " whatever Devon ."
He just stared at me , pouring out all his emotions and love without opening his mouth . His dark brown eyes telling me everything like how he didn't want to live without me , how much i meant to him , - " i love you " he whispered and pecked my lips .
I smiled but didn't respond . I knew Devon was important to me , i knew he was almost always on my mind but . . . could i say it was love ?
He just continued to stare at me and pretty soon the love in his eyes completely dried up and basically turned into anger . He was still waiting on me to respond . What was i supposed to do ? Lie to him ? No , that's not even me . The truth hurts , and i rather he find out that i don't love him now than later .
" i like you too ."
" like ? I just told you i love you ! After 8 years you still can't say it back ?! Seriously ?"
I kissed him and decided to lie , i didn't want to lose him because he had everything that i was looking for in a guy . I could see us getting married and loving each other crazy . So , i decided to tell one lie because i knew i'd love him in the future " i love you too ."
" up , up , up ." My mother shook my body and to be honest i wasn't feeling it . My body really wasn't used to the school shit yet so it was like trying to wake me from a coma .
I groaned and put the covers over my head " nooo ."
I thought she left , well she did , and then my dad came in " Rodney , wake yo ass up !" He snatched the covers from my body and exited the room with them in his hands .
Dammit .
I took a shower and did all that good stuff , and dressed in a pair of black jeans and a a red t shirt with a pair of red and black Griffey's on my feet . Fresh . I took my doo-rag off and brushed my hair the right way . I sometimes debate on weather or not to grow my hair but then i always think against it because i'll never have the patience to get it braided .
" ay ," Marcus poked his head from under the covers on his bed that sat on the other side of the room " let me borrow yo earring ."
I sucked my teeth but left one earring from the pair on the dresser and put the other one it my right ear . " nigga , you always want something !" I grabbed my bookbag from the floor and snatched the covers from Marcus's body like my dad did to me and ran in the living room with them " get that ass up !"
I dropped them on the floor and ran out the front door with a smirk on my face . Hey , if it was me sleeping he would have done the same damn thing .
I made it to school in record time , 20 minutes before class even started . The halls were completely empty . At least i got time to figure out where my first class was without looking stupid if i walked into the wrong room .
" lost ?"
I turned around and was face to face with Trinity , i smiled ,happy that she was the first person i saw . I doubt if i wanted to see anyone else on this day .
Trinity is rocking a pair of blue jean shorts , and a white and blue stripped collar shirt that fit her shape perfectly , and blue flip flops . Her wavy hair was pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head .
" not anymore . I found exactly where i'm supposed to be . Next to you ."
She shook her head and dropped her eyes to the floor " right ."
" why do you always do that ?"
" do what ?"
I walked closer to her and placed a finger under her chin , lifting her head until she was staring up at me " every time i say something nice about you , you look the other way ."
She shrugged and stepped out of my reach reluctantly . The way she moved i could tell she didn't really want to but i wasn't about to make her feel uncomfortable . " it's just a habit ."
" aight . Well , show me to my first class ?"
She shook her head , peeped at my schedule and began to walk the other way so i fell into step behind her . " here you are ."
It was the first door as soon as you enter the school building " you mean to tell me i been walking the wrong way this whole time ?"
She smirked sending chills up my arms " basically ."
And then she walked away . I shrugged and took my seat inside the empty class room . It was time for another long ass day .

Sal was the first one to come in the class room , loud of course " damn , yo' ass early i see ."

I told you , every other word out his mouth is a cuss word .

" early bird get's the worm ."

He gave me an amused look and sat in the empty desk next to me " what the hell does that mean ?"

I sighed and put my head down "nothing ."

" ay man , look ."

I put me head up just in time to see the head cheer leader Alexis walking into the room in her cheer uniform .

Alexis is about 5"4 , athletic build but curvaceous , her hair is cut short in a Rhianna style and she's sassy too . I can tell by her walk .

" man , she bad !"

Sal smiled " i know man . She smart too , but she untouchable ."

" ain't no girl untouchable . Watch me work ."

I was confident in myself as i swaggered to the front of the classroom where she stood writing something on the white board . It's not what you say to a girl , it's how you say it ." how are you today ?"

She didn't even stop writing " not interested ."

" really ?" I chuckled " i'm just tryna be nice , that's all . "

" yeah right , do you know how many times i've heard that line ."

" no , but i'm not throwin' you no line though . Just tryna talk ."

She put the marker down and turned to me with an amused look on her face " really ?"


" yes really . I'm Rodney ."

" Alexis ."

" that's what's up . So , i see you on the cheer leading team . You like what you do ?"

" very much so . I've been cheer leading since i was little . And ? What do you do ?"

"i'm more of a basketball kind of person . Jumping up and down in in a skirt isn't for me ."

She giggled " your kinda funny , you know that ?"

" i do my best . But look , maybe i'll catch you later ?"

" sure ." I flashed her one of my award winning smiles and went back to my seat . Sal shook his head and sighed as the bell rang and people started to pour into the class room .



I sat down in the front of the class trying to keep my distance from Rodney . I could still feel Rodney's fingers lifting my chin so i was looking him into his eyes : those eyes that had my mind spinning out of control anytime i looked into
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