» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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them . But , there isn't time to think about that so i pushed that the furthest to the back of my mind as it would go .

" today class we''ll be learning -" I couldn't help myself , i took a peak back at Rodney only to find he was already looking at me . He flashed me a smile that i returned with a weak one and turned back to face the bored . You don't like him , i kept telling myself .

Why would i like some one so - so . . . dreamy ? No ! God . He's not dreamy , humph , who am i kidding ? Yes he is ! His smile , it's heart stopping . I promise you , at least for me it is . I scribbled his name in cursive in the corner of my paper , but it did't look right alone , so i scribbled my name up under it and smiled . Now , it looked better . But it shouldn't .

After school was cheer leading practice , i wasn't too thrilled about it because my stomach was giving me horrible problems . But i stuck it out , put my uniform on in the girl's locker room and made my way to the gym . When i entered the gym i was surprised to see that basketball try-outs were also going on , and guess who i saw running up and down the gym in only basketball shorts and a pair of fresh Jordan's . Rodney . I swear i almost fainted . I had already known his body was fit but getting to actually see it so soon was crazy . I was able to tear my eyes away from him long enough to see Devon jogging toward me .

" hey , babe ."

He hugged me " was supp ? "

" nothing . Cheer leading practice ."

" oh hell no . Not in this little bitty ass thing in front of all these dude ! Nah ."

" excuse you ?"

" babe ,"he kissed my forehead " it's bad enough you sexy . But now you gon' be jumping up and down in the little ass skirt , i'm telling you , i don't want these dudes eyes on you . "

" no ones looking at me . And besides , i'm all yours ." I pecked him on his lips and walked to where all the other girls were standing , on the side lines . " hey ."

Alexis was the first to turn to me and everybody else followed suit " we heard you go out with Rodney , is it true ?" She had her hands folded over her chest glaring at me .

I screwed my face up " me and Rodney are just friend . And who would say something like that anyway ."

" don't worry about it ."

A girl named Tammy walked up beside me , she's one of my closest friends " girl you okay ? " she asked .

" i'm fine , just ready to go ." I flipped my hair over my shoulder and me and Tammy began to walk back to the dressing room .

Girls are crazy ! For one , who would even sit up there and say me and Rodney are together ?! He'd only been going to this school for a day , like damn . A girl is aloud to talk to a boy without automatically being called a slut or something right ? Because if i know Alexis correctly , she's a trouble starter . And if she heard i went with him she'd instantly label me as a slut even though she knows i'm not . She just seeks for attention . And not only is the whole cheer leading team weak and a bunch of followers but they're also fake . I have friends , i don't have time for that shit .

" so what happened ?" Tammy asked as i changed back into my street clothes .

"girls being ignorant . They think i go with Rodney . They know i've been dating Devon since we were like ten but they still make up these rumors ! Just stupid ."

" really . You would think they weren't so dumb . They follow up under Alexis like she's a fucking god ."

" yeah , have you seen Ivory ?"

" she went home . She said she'd call you though ."

" okay ."

" sleepover ?"

" duh , be at my house by 8 ."

" okay ." We both changed , packed up our bags and went our separate ways . ______________________________________________


I caught the ball and made a layup . As i landed on my feet i saw Trinity storming from the gym with her book bag swung over her back looking so so sexy . She looks even better when she's mad . I tried to push myself to run back down the court but something was pulling me in the direction of Trinity .

" coach , i got an emergency . Be back !"

I jogged from the gym and Trinity wasn't far from the doors . " yo ." i caught up to her and began to walk with her " how are you ?"

" pissed off ."

" why ?"

" because . . . . just because , alright ? People think me and you are together ."

I chuckled " is that a bad thing ?"

" no , it wouldn't be if i wasn't in love with my boyfriend ."

" in love ? If you were in love then you wouldn't give a damn about what anybody says about me and you . So be real , are you in love ?"


" in love ? If you were in love then you wouldn't give a damn about what anybody says about me and you . So be real , are you in love ?"

I heard the words coming from Rodney's mouth but i tried to act like they hadn't . He wanted to know if i was in love with Devon , great ! I already lied and told Devon that i love him , now i'll have to lie to Rodney too , although it's the last thing i want to do .

As we exited the school building and the warm night air brushed against my legs , i turned to Rodney and prepared to act my way out of this one " yeas , i'm in love with Devon ."

Rodney shook his head , even cracked a little smile " bullshit ."

" excuse you ?"

" you heard me , " he took a few steps closer making my breath get caught in my throat " that's bullshit . You're not in love with him , i can see it in your face . You might can fool him with that shit but it don't work on me . Trinity , i grew up being lied to , i can see right through that shit . "

" if i'm not in love with him after 8 years then - "

He cut me off as he grabbed me by my waist pulling my body close to his " if you are not in love with him after 8 years then you never will be . "

I sighed , not only was his cologne filling my nose and weakening my knees , and not only was his chest pressed against mines with his arms wrapped securely around my waist , and not only were his eyes looking down at me lovingly but he was right . I couldn't accept it though , i refused to believe that .

Me and Devon were made for each other , meant to be together . There is no other way . I didn't waste 8 years of my life for nothing . Devon is going to be the man of my life when we're older , and there is nothing anyone can do about it .

" Rodney let me go ."

" no . " He buried his face in my neck where he kissed it lightly . " i'm not letting you go . I just met you but you've already got me going crazy . You must not understand ."

" you're right , i don't , so explain . "

He moved his head from my neck so he could stare into my eyes . He brushed a string of hair from my face " when i saw you in the gym , sitting up there watching me as i watched you , there was something about you . And you had me open from that very moment . Then you turned away trying to act uninterested and from that moment , i challenged myself to be good enough to get you . You're beautiful , in class you're smart , i love your smile . . . . long story short , i need you , Trinity . Think i'm lying if you want to . I don't know what's happening to me ."

He kissed along my jaw line softly , not trying to turn me on but doing it any way . I jut thought for a moment about all the things he'd said . He said i was beautiful , Devon only called me sexy but i always told myself it was good enough because i didn't want to lose him . But now that Rodney's here , he's confusing all of that . Why did he even have to come to this school ? Why did we have to meet ? If we hadn't of met then i'd still be happy wit Devon and wouldn't even think about another boy . But Rodney has got me thinking , he's smart , cute and extremely sweet . He has turned me on more in the past 2 minutes than Devon has in our whole 8 year relationship .

" please don't make this harder than it is , okay ? We can't be together ." i tried to pull away but his grip on my waist wasn't loosining and i couldn't say that i really wanted it to . It felt good , but is so wrong .

" if you think i'm giving up that easy then you out your damn mind ." he smiled at me and loosened his hold , i'm sure my disappointment showed because as soon as he studied my face he tightened his grip again " see , you don't even want me to let you go . Why fight it ?"

What do i say ? That i'm afraid to break up with Devon because me and Rodney might not work out ? Is this the part where i explain how much i'm afraid to be alone ? Am i supposed to admit that maybe i did waste 8 years of my precious life ?

Confused . I don't need Rodney knowing how confused i get sometimes just thinking about things .

" i love him ." is all i said . He winced slightly at those words . I tried to make them sound more believable but it was obvious he still wasn't buying it , he let me go anyways though
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