» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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be the one who has got my baby in there crying her heart on . What did you do ?!"

Crying ?

" well , miss , i , it's a long story ."

" well , i got all day ."

She let me come in and sit in the kitchen and i explained everything to her that happened . I told her how i felt when Trinity left me standing alone for Devon , i told her how i wanted to rip off Devon's head when i saw them kissing , i even explained to her the part of how i Used Alexis as my rebound and how i flaunted her in Trinity's face . When i looked up 15 minutes had passed .

" i really like your daughter . I guess i just , screwed up . I let my ego and my pride take over . But seeing her hurt today , nearly broke me to pieces ."

She sighed , i could tell she was wondering if she could trust me or not " I don't know you , what did you say your name was ?"

" Rodney ."

" Rodney , i'm M . Not Ms.M not Lady M , Just M . And that girl in there is my daughter , she's my heart . I only have one child , meaning i only have one person to make happy . This whole week she was floating on air and then , toward the end , she looked so fragile . I've never seen her like that , and i never want to again . If you hurt her again , so help me god , i will - "

" i won't , " i let a smile tug at the corners of my mouth " i won't hurt her , M . All i want to do is make her happy ."

" her room is the first door on the right . Go ahead ."

I grabbed the stuff that i had bought Trinity and made my way to her door , smiling like an idiot . If her mother liked me then all i had to do was get Trinity to forgive me and then . . . . well , i don't know what would happen after that . Maybe she'd be my girlfriend and it'd be her that i'd flaunt off to the world instead of Alexis . I wanted that more than anything .

I knocked and heard shuffling around on the inside , but no voice . I was getting antsy . Hugging her and having her in my arms was the only thing on my mind . She was like , an angel to me and i wanted nothing more than to keep it that way .

No lies , no more games .

The door finally opened , and the look on Trinity's face was the same look on mines . Shock . But we were shocked for different reasons . She was shocked to see me . And i , on the other hand , was shocked at the tear marks and the redness of her eyes , they were so puffy . It looked like she'd been crying non - stop since she'd left the ice cream shop .

She shook her " god , now i'm going crazy . I'm seeing him outside my door ."

" no , your not going crazy . It's -"

She slammed the door in my face before i could finish what i was saying .

Dropping the gifts i had i knocked lightly on the door " Trinity , please , baby , i'm sorry ." I continued to knock until she opened the door back .

" sorry ?! " her voice cracked " you're not sorry ! You did that shit on purpose . What does she have that i don't ?! Huh ? Is it her smile or her looks -"

" no , i swear . You are perfect the way you are . I don't need any one but you ."

" but you left me for her ! "

" you left me for him !"

She shook her head and lowered her voice " that was different ."

" different how ? Do you know how i felt ? I felt the way you feel right now , only i didn't cry . You couldn't even see how bad i wanted you because all you could see was how bad you wanted him ."

" it's not like that . Me and him , we haven't even spoken in 2 days ! I stopped returning his phone calls . I like you . I - I need you . " She whispered the last part , hanging her head low .

I put a finger under her chin to lift her head until she was looking in my eyes " i need you too . "

" but Alexis - "

" forget about her . She can never compare to you . She's nothing to me ." I Bent down and pressed my lips lightly against hers , making sure to express my need for her in a way that i knew Devon couldn't .

From then on it was fuck what anybody had to say , she was mines , and she wasn't going anywhere .



Although my eyes were red , and although my hair was standing all over my head , he still wanted me .

We kissed a little more and after i changed my bed sheets and my clothes that were still damp , we layed down and fell asleep . He had his arms wrapped around me making me feel comfortable and loved . And not once did he try anything .

He didn't want me for sex , or for anything like that , he just wanted me . Hell , it felt good to be wanted by someone that i wanted just as bad .

I woke up the next morning , more refreshed than ever . My mother entered my room a few seconds later .

She had a huge grin on her face and pointed to Rodney who was still behind me sleep " breakfast is ready ." She said , and the exited back out .

I turned around to face Rodney . I studied his features for a moment , he was truly a gorgeous man . Where had he been all my life ?

He must be something special if i had forgiven him already , but that's just how it was . He made my heart thump against my chest making it feel like it would pop out at any moment , he gave me butterflies just by looking at me . He didn't have to try to hard to be the amazing person he was , it was natural .-Trinity-

Finally , Rodney's eyes began to open . I felt like i had been waiting at least 20 minutes but it turned out to only be 5 .

He leaned in and planted a kiss right on my lips , and then he moved back to observe me " you look beautiful , even in the morning ."

" well considering how i looked yesterday when you came , this is nothing ."

He sighed " yeah , well , about that . . . i'm sorry . I was being an ass . It's just when - "

" i'm sorry too . I have never loved Devon , but that was 8 long years that i wasn't ready to admit that i wasted . I'm actually happy you came ."

" aw , " he kissed my lips again , this time a little longer and with a little more pressure "i think somebody likes me ."

" maybe just a little ."

He smirked " yeah , don't forget i heard what you were saying to Tammy the other day in the ice cream shop about me . "

I could feel my face becoming heated from embarrassment . I had forgotten that he'd heard that . He probably remembered every single word i'd said . Goodness , when Tammy kept interrupting me , why couldn't i take a hint and shut up ?!

"er - " i stopped after that . Nothing was going to make him un-hear what he'd heard so there was no point in me trying to convince him i that i hadn't said it .

He laughed and rubbed his thumb over my burning red cheeks " ah , it's okay babe . I won't tell nobody that you love me if you don't tell nobody thatyou got me all sprung and buying gifts for you ."

"Gifts ? You didn't give me any gifts ."

He scrunched up his eyebrows and then a look of realization washed over his face " oh yeah , i was so busy apologizing to you that i forgot to give them to you . I left them in the hall way ."

I slapped his chest playfully " that's not funny , the next time i really do want a gift ."

" uh , i'm serious . Go look ."

I stood up , almost running to the door but before i looked out i turned back to face him . " if i get out there and don't see a gift , Rodney , i will -"

" just look !"

I peeped out the door and sure enough there was a big bag leaning up against a even bigger teddy bear . I gasped and ran over to check it out . The first thing i pulled out of the bag was a baby blue Aeropstale jogging suit , it was so cute . Next was a pair of black and white Converse , i''d been dying to get some ! They'd go with almost anything and since i was the kind of person who absolutely loved gym shoes , i loved Converse . I mean , who doesn't !

I picked up the teddy bear , squeezing it in my arms . Underneath it were a dozen of white roses . They were kind of . . . dead , but it's the thought that counted ! And i knew that if he'd given them to me when he'd first come over then they would have been beautiful .

I put the stuff in my closet and sat the teddy bear in my computer chair . I plopped down on my bed , laying flat on my back . When i turned to look at Rodney , he was already looking at me and grinning big . He was waiting for me to tell him how much i liked the gifts but i wasn't going to do any such thing . I looked the other way trying to hold back the laugh that was just itching to get out .

" well , " he shifted on the bed , pulling my body close to his , his front pressing against my back " i guess you won't like the other gift then either , i'll just go refund them and get my money back ."

Well , don't get mad , but i needed to know what else he got me ! I love gifts , as does every girl , so i had
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