» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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/> Love ? She didn't know shit about love . I did feel kind of bad for playing her like i did but it happened and she just couldn't move on . She looked so broken , and when i first met her she was so strong and independent . But in just a week and a half's time , she was no longer that girl . I could see hurt and pain behind her eyes that she probably wouldn't even have admitted was there .

" after school , stop by my house , aight ? We need to talk ." and i walked past her toward Trinity . Maybe me and her would be able to work something out , as friends ! That's it . I didn't want to lose Trinity , and that's what Alexis wanted .

Trinity held her books closer to her chest as i stopped in front of her "Rodney ." she said in a voice that had a hint of attitude .

" wassupp , babe ." I tried to kiss her but she just side stepped me leaving me confused . " wassupp? Did i do something wrong ?"

" why did you tell Alexis to come to your house after school ?"

Damn , it was just one problem after the next .

Ivory and Tammy , who were both standing behind Trinity , turned their noses up at me like i had actually done something wrong . I'd have to explain , and even then she wouldn't believe me .

" because , me and her just need to talk .. I want to make it clear to her that we're just friend , and try to be friends with her . I'm not cheating , babe , if that's what you thinking ."

" cheating ? I didn't think you were cheating ." She said . But by the embarrassment on her face i could tell that was exactly what she was thinking . " stop looking at me like that ."

" why ? I think your beautiful , i want to look at you all day long ."

She had softened up by that time and believed what i said , hell , i'm glad she did because it was the truth . But Ivory and Tammy didn't believe shit i had to say .

" we know you fucked her , " Ivory started " you think you just going to play our girl ? Nope , you got another think coming - "

Tammy cut her off " yeah , if i have to i'll beat your ass myself ."

" yeah , i know what kind of person you are ."

" and don't think we not gon' have a eye on you because i'm going to watching you ."

Ivory grunted in agreement and pulled Tammy away so me and Trinity could talk .

I gave a strained laugh and pulled Trinity into my arms and whispered into her ear " i missed you ."

I could feel her smile where her face was buried in my chest " i missed you too ." she mumbled . Then she pulled back with a thoughtful look on her face " Rodney , did Alexis -"

The bell rang cutting her off . Yes , thank you Jesus . I could tell what she was about to ask would be something i didn't want to answer , and if i did answer she wouldn't like it at all . I just knew things like that .

First bell we had American history , or English literature. . . or something . Sal sat to my left , Michael to my right , and for once Trinity sat in front of me .

" today class we'll be learning about the slave trade ."

The slave trade ?! What the hell ? Didn't i learn that in like 9th grade , what were we going back to that shit for . I just zoned her out . I'd get the notes from somebody later in the day . I put both my hands on Trinity's sides and rubbed up and down . She stiffened under my touch a little but relax after a minute or two and went back to doing her work .

I couldn't help but to touch her , i didn't want to keep my hands off off her . I could do without sex , but i couldn't do without touching her .

How could i like a girl so much in only a week and a half , that was just crazy . I couldn't explain my feelings for her because they were unexplainable , i couldn't deny my feelings for her because they were undeniable . All i could do was follow my heart which was pulling directly to her . When i hadn't seen her for those 2 days i literally felt like i was suffocating , or drowning , or maybe something worse . But you get the idea . It was painful , almost felt like when i lost my grandmother , and believe me , when i lost her i lost my damn mind .

" what's wrong ?" Trinity asked over her shoulder .

I hadn't even realized i had sighed loud and heavy " um , nothing babe . I'm fine ."

She just rolled her eyes .

Sal gave me a confused look , pointing to Trinity and then to my hands that still rubbed gently up and down on her sides . He raised his eyebrows as if to ask if we were together and i just gave a nod .

" you shittin' me right ?!" he screamed . And since the class was dead quiet for the first time , everybody turned their head to look at us .

The teacher took a glance at Sal " Samuel please keep quiet , and you , Rodney , remove your hands from her ."

I sighed and placed my hands flat on my desk , very irritated .



As soon as his hands left my side i instantly felt cold . I wanted his hands back on me but i didn't want to beg and i didn't want to seem like a slut or something . I continued copying my notes hearing Sal and Rodney whisper back and forth .

" so you two are like , a couple ?" Sal asked .

" something like that ."

" psssstt , " Michael said from the other side of Rodney " how come you always get the cute smart ones and i get the hoes ?"
" because i actually want a relationship and you two want fuck buddies ." I felt Rodney's lips press lightly against my neck making me giggle .

" true that . If a girl give head i'm all for it ." Sal said laughing .

I just shook my head , happy that i wanted some one who wanted me back . And he was so perfect to me . Now , of course Alexis was going to be a problem , i felt kind of insecure when it came to her but . . . it was going to be fine . I wasn't going to let her get to me and i wasn't going to let Rodney go without a fight , believe that .


School was good , but i was glad when that last bell rang signaling the end of the day . Did i want to be away from Rodney ? No . But i had cheer leading practice . It would be the first i'd attend in a few days and i was overly joyed . You must not get it ! Cheer leading is in my blood and i love it just as much as i love life it's self . That should tell you something . I didn't cheer for attention , but for fun .

" where you think you going ?"

I was standing at my locker talking to Ivory about her boy problems when i felt Rodney wrapping his arms around me from behind . I stopped mid sentence and felt my cheeks begin to hurt from the smile that spread so far across my face . Yes , he could do that just by one small gesture .

" to cheerleading preactice ." i turned to face him , still standing in his arms .

The look on his face was on his face made me catch my breath .

He was looking at me with nothing but love and compassion written on his face . I mean , i know we weren't in love yet but . . . that doesn't mean anything . His eyes were bursting with emotions and he was open , i could tell . And i was actually the same damn way . Devon , was barely even a thought in my mind .

" so , i get to see you jumping around in that little outfit ? I'm in !"

I playfully punched him in his chest but shyly giggled .

How did he even notice my outfit ?!

He pecked my lips " i'm just playin' . But , ay , i'll see you in the gym . I've gotta go get ready for basketball practice . "

I shook my head and turned back to Ivory .

Ivory was just staring at me with her mouth hung open .

I laughed " close your mouth before a dick fly in it !"

She rolled her eyes " I just didn't think you'd really forgive that cheating bastard ."

" cheating ?"

" yes , cheating ! I know you heard him tell Alexis to be over his house after school -"

" yeah , so they could talk !"

" you know what , " she slammed my locker closed out of anger " do what the hell you want ! But , don't come crying to me when he tears yo' ass apart !"

She stormed away from me , switching her hips hard back and forth and throwing her weave over each shoulder like the hair was real .

What the hell was her problem ?

If i didn't know any better i would have thought she wanted him for herself .



After i changed into my basketball shorts and pair of Air Max i jogged into the middle of the basketball court where the rest of the people who made the cut were .

I sat on the floor like everybody else and began to do the stretches .

" okay team , listen up , " Mr . Stephon , the basketball coach started " we've got up coming games . This Friday we play Rixon High . I need you ready for that , which means practice everyday this week . . . "

He kept talking but i blanked him out as i watched Trinity across the gym in her cheer leading outfit kicking her legs up . Hell , i didn't know what to call that move but it was damn sexy . I had to get my mind off of that ! I didn't want Trinity for her beauty or her body . She was smart , loving , amazing and i was sure there was so much
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