» Romance » Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Color Us Crazy, brea isomee [most interesting books to read txt] 📗». Author brea isomee

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that's all that'd make me happy . I'm guessing that Devon wants me to cook , clean , and have the babies which wouldn't happen . Since Rodney came around there are a lot of things that wouldn't happen : i would no longer keep hanging around Devon like i was made for him , i wouldn't keep holding back my feelings , and i would get what i truly deserved .

After i showered and put on a pair of black skinny jeans , a white wife beater that shows just enough cleavage , and white flip flops , i dialed Tammy's number on my cell phone . Me and her had plans to meet at a ice cream shop around the block from where i lived . Seeing as how i loved ice cream , we went almost every Saturday .

She answered in a pretty up beat voice " hello ." she sang into the phone .

" some one is Happy this morning . " i laughed " are we still going to get ice cream ?"

" duh . I'm on my way now ."

" okay ."

I hung up and just stared at my phone wishing i had Rodney's number . I really wanted to see him worst than anything . I wasn't sure why he had that effect on me but he did . And having him ignore me and act so cold toward me wasn't exactly what i wanted .

When i made it to the ice cream shop Tammy was already there . We ordered and sat at a table by the window .

I licked my ice cream , which was my favorite : chocolate mint , and sighed " girl , this Rodney thing is killing me ."

" i know , i can tell . Why don't you two just talk ?"

" because . . . i don't know ! But i know i regret denying my feelings for him . That was a huge mistake . I think . . . i could love him ."

Tammy's mouth dropped and she squealed " love ?!"

" yeah i know , it's so soon , it's only been a week but , "

" Trinity -"

" no , let me finish ." i sighed ." he's so darn cute . And the effect he has on me is crazy . The first time he kissed me i could have sworn i fell in love right then and there but , i'm so stupid ."

" Trinity -"

" why do you keep interrupting me ?!"

" because - "

A deep voice cut her off " because i'm behind you ."

I swallowed hard . It was Rodney . How much had he actually heard .

I turned around and god , was he hot ! It was like he was teasing me , licking his lips and staring down at me . I didn't know what to do . " h-hi ."

" was sup . Can you do me a favor ?"

" s-sure . Anything . What is it ?" He could have asked me to make cat noises and i would have done it right there on the spot .

He handed me his cell phone " can you take a picture of me and my girlfriend ?" He walked a few feet away to Alexis who i was just noticing . He wrapped his arms around her , that should have been around me , and they smiled , waiting for me to take the picture .

I started to destroy his cell phone , maybe break it into little itty bitty pieces then beat Alexis's ass . But , that would have been childish . And even though what he was doing was beyond childish i refused to go there . I mean , there were at least 15 other people in the shop and he decided to hand me the camera phone , that wasn't a coincidence .

I snapped the picture , handed him back his phone and turned back around to my ice cream . I all of a sudden didn't want the shit anymore . I smacked it off the table and shifted my eyes down ward . How could he , was the only question coming to mind .

My eyes were beginning to water but i wouldn't even give Rodney the satisfaction of seeing me cry . I stood up and began to walk swiftly from the ice cream shop . Tammy was yelling after me but i didn't stop for her , or for anything . I hadn't even noticed that rain was pouring down in buckets , soaking me from head to toe . I just walked until i was at my apartment building .

I entered the apartment and trudged to my room leaving big puddles of water in my path . I slammed my door closed , and not caring that my clothes were wet i got under the covers in my bed and then . . . i finally released the tears i'd been holding back .

" sweetie ." my mother banged on my door " open up . Are you okay ?"

I didn't answer . I mean , what the hell could i tell her . I wasn't in the mood for her Q&A . I just needed to be alone for awhile . She banged for a few more minute until she gave up , leaving me to the peace and quiet of my room .



You ever wanted some one to hurt like you did , feel what you felt? Feel neglected and not worth anything ? Yeah , that's how i wanted Trinity to feel because that's how she made me feel .

But seeing her walk out into the rain created a certain pain in my chest . Maybe it was time to stop all the bullshit and quit playing games , because if we continued on like we were the situation could only get worse .

But how was i going to appologize for that shit .


I sighed as i stood in line at the ice cream shop with Alexis in my ear nagging me to death about how she thought that Trinity liked me . If she would just shut up for two damn second she would have seen the annoyed expression on my face .

" Did you see her ?! I'm telling you , the bitch like you . And it's not going down like that ! "

Blah , blah , blah , blah , blah .

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around , it was Trinity's friend Tammy . She had her hands on her hips and i could just see the anger pouring from her eyes . She opened her mouth and i was ready to get cussed out , because i deserve it .

" who the fuck , do you think you are ?! You come in here with this little ugly ass bitch on your arm thinking shit is just about to be sweet . Well i'm here to tell you that it's not . You a dirty ass dog ! That's all you are . You lead her on and then drop her - "

" i didn't - "

She put her hand up to stop me " yes , you did . Trinity might be wrong in a lot of ways but you - you are just . . . . stupid ! "

" listen , you think i feel good about what i did ? It was stupid . I like Trinity so much , i knew from the first time i laid my eyes on her that she would be mines . But then she dissed me for that Devon character . She left me standing there looking dumb . So , what was i supposed to do . I got with he closest bitch to me ."

Alexis cut in " excuse you ? So you like that trick , over me ? I look better than her ."

I laughed " no you don't ."

" i'm smarter than her ."

" no you're not ."

She stomped her foot and yelled " i fuck better than her !"

I felt like strangling her . I just knew for sure that Tammy was about to tear into me some more but instead she focused her rage on Alexis .

" you , ain't nothing but a easy hoe . Trinity is much more classier than you which is exactly why she hasn't had sex with him . " she pointed to me making a disgusted face . " you want whatever she has and you know it . And you , " she turned back to me " i wasn't surprised you fucked this bitch . I don't blame you . But just know that if you don't make this right then me and you are going to have serious problems . "

I didn't doubt that . Tammy was about 180 pounds and 5 foot 8 . She carried her self well and was actually very cute and curvaceous but she looked like she could go toe to toe with a lot of men .

Tammy put Trinity's phone number and address in my phone and left . I was beyond ecstatic . Alexis just looked on like she was getting the most important thing snatched away her , and she wasn't happy about it . She was more sad than anything . Her face resembled one of a 5 year old the way her bottom lip was poked out ..

" so that's it ? You're choosing her over me ?"

" Lex it was never a competition , it was always her ."

I left her standing there . By that time the rain had stopped and the sun was poking through the clouds . I had a lot of shit to do if i wanted to get Trinity back .

First i stopped by the mall . I got her a pair of diamond stud earrings , a Aeropostale jogging set and a pair of black and white converse . Then i got her a huge teddy bear that had 'i'm sorry' written on it's stomach . And finally i stopped by the flower shop and got her a dozen white roses .

She had to like it , she had to forgive me , if she didn't , i was't exactly sure what my next move would be .

When i made it to Trinity's apartment and knocked on the door my hands were full . I was ready to apologize , kiss her and apologize some more , get down on my knees and say i'm sorry a few more times too .

When the door opened it wasn't Trinty though . Although they looked similar so i guessed it was her mom . The lady was white with long wavy hair and brown eyes , she didn't look at all like she should be living in the hood . She looked more like the suburbs type .

" yes ?"

" um , " i paused , not sure what to say " is Trinity here ?"

She frowned " you have a teddy bear saying sorry so you must
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