» Romance » Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Alyssa Scott

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agape, his with his eyes bulging and slight blush, but the next thing I knew I heard a scream. Oh my God, is that me? I can’t believe that came from my own mouth, and it wasn’t one of those “I’m scared out of my mind screams”, it was more like the “Oh my God I’m gonna die of embarrassment “screams.

Realizing that I’m still staring, I slam my door shut and slide down the door, hiding my head in between my knees in complete and utter horror. “Oh my God," I thought to myself, “I just saw his… his… God I can’t even say it to myself.” I sighed out loud heavily and muttered, “Someone… please kill me now.”

Abruptly I heard a knock on the door. My mind went blank, thinking it might be Parker trying to say something, “Terra! Terra are you in there? Are you ok?” It was my brother. Thank God! But then I realized that he wasn’t the only one out there, seeing as I also heard a whole bunch of shuffling feet and a couple of shoves. Just another thing to add to this already horrible day. Now I get an audience to this crazy situation AND an overprotective brother thrown into the mix.

“I’m… I’m fine!” I tried yelling back, but it came out a little hoarse. I cleared my throat and yelled louder, “I’m fine! Don’t worry about me; I’ll just be down in a few minutes!” I shut my eyes in disgust.

Silence on the other end. Maybe they all went away? “Are you sure?” I groaned. Hell no!

“Yes! I’m sure. I just forgot to put something in my bag! I’ll be there in a few, alright?!” I prayed he’d just leave me alone. I’d like to die in peace.

Silence again. “Alright, if you say so…” After the noise of what seemed a million feet disappearing down the hallway ended, I slowly stood up and cracked open the door to see if anyone was out there. Since the coast seemed to be clear I rushed out my door and down the stairs. I made my way into the kitchen, avoided all the stares from the boys, especially Parkers, and rushed over to grab some pop-tarts. “Um, I want to get to school early so that way I know where I’m going,” I gushed out to Jake, “See you later tonight.” I started to make a beeline for the door when I felt a hand grab my wrist gently. Oh man.

“Terra, are you sure you’re alright? You don’t have to go to school early, I’m sure either Dillon or Parker- “

“No!” I screamed suddenly. Immediately all the boys stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I quickly added, “Its ok Jake. I want to be able to take care of things myself. Don’t worry about it alright?” Even to my own ears I sounded desperate. Great.

Jake just looked at me kind of funny, “Alright… Then take care at school today. And remember, if you have any questions, ask the boys; they’ll know what to do.”

I nodded tightly and rushed out of the house towards the car I was now going to drive. Glad that my brother said I could pick out any of the cars last night at dinner, I got into a simple little dark green Honda. I loved it. Not too flashy, but also not a granny car either. As I pulled out of the driveway and made my way to school I sighed and thought, “What a great way to start the day.”

Chapter 3


“So here it is,” I thought aloud, looking at the huge building with horror. I had been sitting in this parking lot for at least ten minutes trying to work up the courage to at least open the freaking door. As I tried one last time I felt my hand shaking uncontrollably.

“Jesus! Get ahold of yourself Terra!” I yelled aloud to myself, “Get a grip! Stop being such a wuss and get your ass out of your own damn car!” Finally, after about another minute I managed to stumble out. I snorted out loud when I saw some of the students’ faces, looking at me like I was some psycho or something.

I slowly made my way toward the hell that was now my school and somehow came across an ugly scene. This poor guy was getting, well I wouldn’t say beat up, but he was definitely getting bullied by this girl. I immediately came to terms that this was probably the school “leader”. What a bitch.

I tried to ignore it and hoped to walk by unnoticed so that I could get my schedule. But as I came closer I heard her saying, “Jesus Peter! Couldn’t you have at least looked where you were going? You are so rude to be bumping into people like that.” She then let out an evil smile, “Especially people that are better than trash like you.”

I couldn’t believe she just said this. Suddenly I wasn’t seeing this scene anymore. I was thrown back into my old life. Instead of that poor boy on the floor it was me laying there looking like I was about to cry. Samantha, the bitch from hell in my last school, was standing over me making all this happen. I shook my head to rid myself of the nightmare, her evil laugh echoing in my head. I looked all around me to see that everyone else was just standing there. Doing nothing. What the fuck. Why doesn’t anyone ever do anything? I suddenly couldn’t just stand by anymore. There was no reason not to. My parents were dead, and my father no longer worked for her family. There was nothing to lose.

As she was in mid swing getting ready to slap his face I suddenly yelled, “Hey Barbie!” All students instantly stopped what they were doing and they all turned their heads toward me. Miss Barbie looked at me shocked, her mouth hanging slightly open. “Yea you. The girl with the fake blond hair and the more than likely prosthetic chest. You stink.” I stated, scrunching my nose in disgust.

She let out a large gasp and I snorted. She was such a joke. I went over to help up the poor boy on the floor and asked him, “Are you alright?” He nodded, his eyes wide, then smiled at me. He had a decent smile. “Why don’t we get on out of here so that way we don’t have to smell her bullshit anymore huh?” He looked at me in awe at first, then with a realization he busted up laughing.

"Sure thing! My name is Peter by the way. What’s yours?” He asked while holding out his hand for me to shake it.

I grabbed it happily and said, “Terra. But everyone calls me Tay.” I smiled at him and then looked over at the still shocked Barbie, “Gosh Barbie.” I exaggerated with an innocent voice, my eyes going wide in fake horror, “You don’t look good. Maybe you should go take a shower and clean up or something.”

She gasped again and stuttered, “W-well! I nev- “

“Yea, yea,” I interrupted, “You chicks always never. Why don’t you change it to something like, ‘Well! I always!’, because seriously, you always do.” After this I heard laughing. I looked over to where it was coming from and saw Aaron laughing his head off with a bunch of other guys and Parker trying to hold it in. Oh well, guess I gave everyone their entertainment for the day. Now I’ll never live it down.

As Peter and I headed for the office I heard Barbie shouting, “You’ll live to regret this Terra! Just you wait. I’ll make you wish you were never even born!”

I looked over my shoulder smiling and yelled back, “Yea? Well then bring it!” She then huffed dramatically and rushed the other way. I looked over at Peter, who was making a worried face, “Don’t worry about her. I can take her any day. And you, my good man, should step up and stop taking her shit. I mean seriously, why?”

He blushed a little, “She wasn’t always like that you know. We were best friends all the way through middle school. She was a super cool girl. I don’t know when it happened, but she just suddenly changed when she got into this high school… Anyway. You’re new right? Why did you save me back there? I mean, no one else cared.”

As we reached the office I took in a deep breath, “When I was back in my old school, my father worked for a large company. His daughter went to my school and she thought it was fun to ‘play’ with me. I stood there and took it, just like you, because I didn’t want my father to lose his job. But it doesn’t matter anymore, because now I’m here and she’s not. I can be my true self now.”

“Your true self?” he asked, confused.

“Yeah,” I answered, “One who doesn’t take crap from others, or just walk on by when others get crap handed to them too. That’s just not who I am. I like loyalty and honesty.”

Before I stepped into the office he asked me quietly, “Then what stopped you before?”

I opened the door and looked over at him sadly, “My parents were still alive.”


Chapter 4

  “Well, at least class is easy,” I thought wearily. My first two classes were science (Adv. Biology) and Adv. Lit. I was now in Adv. History and am now extremely bored. In my old school all I had were my grades really to make my parents proud, so I always did my best and studied continuously. Obviously, this school was extremely easy (totally a plus!). At least the rest of this year was going to go by smoothly and seeing that this was my last year at a high school anyway, this seemed perfect.

The rest of the class went by without any incident (incredible), and as the bell rung I slowly made my way to the lunch room. I scanned the area and soon saw Peter sitting by himself. I made my way through the crowd (avoiding all the stares) but as I was close to Peter’s table I felt arms go around my shoulders and a booming voice in my ear, “Tay!!!!!”

I released the tension in my shoulders from his touch and groaned out loud, wishing that I would just die, “Aaron. What are you doing?” I looked around the

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