Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗

- Author: Alyssa Scott
Book online «Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Alyssa Scott
He laughed and then stepped up in front of me, “Tay-Tay! I wanted to eat lunch with you and…” He looked over at Peter then back at me, “um… your new friend?”
I sighed and sat next to Peter, “This is Peter.” I looked over at Peter, who was nervous but still smiling, “Peter, this is Aaron. He’s my brother’s friend.”
Peter relaxed and shook Aarons hand, “Hey.” He then looked at me and asked, “So how was your first day of school so far?”
Surprised that he sounded genuine, I answered, “It was soooo uneventful. All my classes are super easy. At my last school I was in all the advanced classes, and they were ahead of where we are now,”
Peter laughed and then said sarcastically, “So you’re not only a super hero, but you’re a smart super hero?”
I smiled slightly and said sarcastically back, “Oh yea!”
Aaron chuckled, “So about this morning… I couldn’t help but notice a certain someone telling off miss queen bee.”
Peter and I both busted up laughing over this, and soon Aaron joined in. While we were laughing and eating our food I also noticed that Parker was heading over to our table. Oh. My. God. This morning! As he sat down all I could see was what happened this morning, and I didn’t even dare to look at him for fear that I would bust up in some hysterical nervous laughter.
“Hey guys. What’s up?” Parker asked.
Aaron quipped, “Nothing too much. Just laughing over this morning.”
Parker tensed up and quickly said, “This morning? What about it?”
I knew straightaway that he was thinking about what happened between us this morning and was going to save him the trouble of getting upset when Peter, surprisingly, joined in the conversation, “Yea. You know, between Terra and Megan?”
So that was Miss Barbie’s name. Megan. I noticed that Parker visibly relaxed, “Oh yea. That. It was pretty funny. I was trying so hard not to laugh. I’ve never seen a face get that red before.”
While the boys laughed at this, I was trying my hardest not to think about this morning. Thank God Peter looked over at me smiling and asked, “So Terra, what are your afternoon classes?”
Saved by my new best friend. Thank you. “Let’s see…” I got out my schedule, “I have Choir, Calculus, and then a free period for my last class of the day.”
“Sweet! I also have that last free period. We should definitely hang out then!” Peter grinned with enthusiasm.
“Hey, I also noticed that we all have calculus together!” Aaron exclaimed excitedly. “You’ll probably sit next to Parker in that class. He’s the only one with a free seat.”
I quickly glanced over at Parker and then back at Aaron, “Why is that?”
Aaron laughed and whispered loudly, “All the girls are afraid of him because he’s so blunt, and all the guys don’t want to get on his bad side. He kicks ass in lacrosse.”
I smirked, “All the girls? Seriously? But he’s… he’s just so…” I almost snorted… almost, “Nice.”
Aaron and Peter instantly fell over laughing, Parker glaring at us the whole time. “That’s not very cute guys, ha ha ha.”
Just then the bell rang, and everyone started to file out of the cafeteria heading toward their own classes. I got up and turned to wave at the boys, “See you later Aaron. By Peter!” I started to walk away when I heard a mutter from Parker, “But what about me?”
I glanced back, remembering this morning, blushed, and stuttered, “Y- you too P- Parker!” I then rushed out of the cafeteria, getting lost in the crowd.
Chapter 5
The rest of the day pretty much passed in a blur. Before I knew it, it was already my last period and I rushed over toward the doors leading outside of the school to meet Peter. As I pushed open the doors I slammed into something rock hard… and warm? I shut my eyes and braced myself for the hard bump I expected; but somehow it didn’t come.
I opened my eyes to see a surprised Parker. I noticed that he held me by the shoulders and as I looked into his eyes, I was going to ask him to let me go but I was lost. Those Chocolate eyes. So warm. I don’t remember how long we were like that, staring into each other’s eyes, but suddenly he seemed to realize that he held me, and he quickly set me down and stammered, “U-um. Sorry about that. I just didn’t want you to fall… you know?”
I just nodded my head, trying to ignore the slight tingle in my body. I stared down at the concrete, wishing that he would just go away, and that Peter would hurry his ass up when I heard Parker say quietly, “Look, about this morning- “
I knew it. I so didn’t need this conversation. Hell no. I cut him off, “You don’t need to worry about it. I’m sure you just forgot that I was in the house and all. No hard feelings. Let’s just forget it ever happened okay?” Again, I avoided his gaze; there was no way I was looking at him with complete and utter horror in my eyes.
“So, it never happened?” He said unsure.
I nodded. “Never.”
He sighed and said, “Okay then. So… you’re meeting Peter?”
Was it just me or did he sound a little annoyed? “Um… yes. We were going to hang out because we both have this last period free.” And then it dawned on me, “Wait. What are you doing out here? I thought that Aaron said you guys had class?” I finally dared to look up and what do I see? His smirking face. For some reason it kind of bugged me. I just wanted to smack it off. Calm down girl, no reason to be upset… is there?
“I do have class actually. I was going there when someone ran full throttle into me.” He snickered after this. So, he thought it was amusing? Running people over is not amusing. At all. Ass.
“Well,” I stated, a little peeved, “I’m soooo sorry that someone was standing in the doorway like a fool waiting to be smashed. Maybe next time he’ll learn to be a little more cautious toward others when standing in the middle of a doorway.” He looked ticked off now. Good.
“Now hold on a sec- “
“Tay! I thought we were gonna meet by your car? Why are you still way the hell over here?” Peter interrupted. Thank God for small favors.
“Sorry Peter. Parker and I just got to… talking.” I smiled at Parker, “Well then, see you later Parker.” I hurried over toward Peter, leaving Parker standing there, simmering with irritation.
As we were heading toward the park, I could almost hear Peter thinking. I sighed aloud, “Go ahead. Ask.”
“So… What were you two talking about?” Peter asked while trying not to laugh.
I blushed, thinking of this morning and said, “Promise not to tell?”
Peter, definitely interested, said more seriously, “Promise. And if I should tell, you have the one opportunity to kick my ass thoroughly.”
I laughed and said, “Okay. So, this morning started off alright. You know, normal everyday stuff, right?” He nodded eagerly, “So, I’m getting my bag ready and was going to head downstairs, but when I opened my door I saw Parker… I saw Parker… n-naked.” By now I was blushing furiously.
Suddenly, I heard Peter bust up laughing. I looked over at him, and he was laughing so hard, he was holding his sides and crying at the same time. I sighed, “You know Peter, it’s not that funny. I thought I would die from mortification.”
He reduced his hysterical laughter to a slight chuckle and said, “I- I know. But, it’s just that I can’t believe that you saw… you saw…” he erupted in laughter again.
Now I was a little irritated, “You know, if you saw me naked, I don’t think you would be laughing, would you?”’
At this, he shut up. It was a comfortable silence. I don’t know why, but for some reason I felt a kinship with this boy. He just felt so… brotherly. I wonder why?
Soon we were in the park near my house when I heard a car go by, “Hey Tay! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in school right now?” I looked over at the car and saw my real brother. My real brother? Is he really though? It didn’t feel like it.
“Hey Jake.” I quickly shook off those strange thoughts. Of course he was my real brother… right? “My last period is a free one so I’m hanging out with my new friend Peter. He also has a free one. What are you doing? I thought you had work?”
He looked thoughtfully at us for a moment, then quickly smiled, “Tonight I thought I’d take the day off. Want me to drive you guys back to school so that you can get your car Tay?”
I looked over at Peter and he just shrugged, “Sure.” I say. We both hopped into his car and by the time we got to the school it was over and the students were piling out. I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned toward my brother, “Thanks for driving us back. You didn’t have to you know.”
He smiled again, although I noticed it seemed a little tight, “Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t there for you for a long time Terra. I want to be there for you now. Also, you looked a little off this morning, so I wanted to make sure you were actually all right.” Peter snorted, and I bumped him in the ribs.
“I’m fine Jake. But thanks anyway.”
As Peter and I made our way over to our cars, he laughed out loud, “I can’t believe that you haven’t told your brother about what happened this morning! Are you telling me that Parker didn’t tell him?”
I smiled slightly, amused that Parker was also embarrassed, “I guess not.” I poked Peter in the ribs, “And next time, try not to give away things that could make my brother suspicious you traitor.”
He put his hands out in front of him in defense, “Hey now! I was trying to hold it in.” He chuckled but then he suddenly got serious, “What did he mean when he said that he was never there for you?”
I sighed, I knew this was coming. “Just exactly what he said. Our parents divorced soon after I was born I guess and they each took one of us. Dad got me, while I guess my mother got him. We never knew the other existed until… after… well until just recently anyway.” I smiled sadly at him, “But it is nice to have some family again.”
He looked kind of sad, but then he smiled, “And with your new addition to family is me, right?” His question surprised me. Was he thinking the same thing as I was earlier? “You know, I think of you as not just a new best friend, but sort of as a sister too. It’s weird… I know. I’ve never had
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