» Romance » Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Alyssa Scott

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Chapter 1


Okay. This seriously sucks. I’m not going to say that I had the perfect life, because let’s face it, I didn’t. I was a normal teenager with normal teenage drama, until a few days ago that is. My parents both died due to a car crash, causing me to move in with a brother that I have never met. He’s 19 and goes to college, but he also works until late in the evening. So that pretty much leaves me to myself most of the time… I wish. For some stupid reason he also lives with his friends.

I can’t fathom why he’d want a whole bunch of lazy asses around his house all day, eating all his food and using all his electricity while he’s gone, but who am I to complain? I was just kinda dumped right on his front step, bags in my hands and all. I guess he never knew I existed until about two days ago. Some brother huh?

Anyway, he lived with my mom and dad until they divorced (I was one at the time, or so I’m told), and I guess Dad took me while my mother took him. Mom died of cancer when my brother was just 18. My dad thought it best that I didn’t know I guess, so I never heard about her, or my brother. Apparently, my mother thought the same thing, because the look on his face when I arrived was priceless.

When I arrived on his doorstep with Ms. Social Worker (I forget her name), he kinda got this shell-shocked look and was zombified for a few minutes. He seemed to bring himself out of his funk with a quick shake of his head and led us into his house; or should I say more like a small mansion. It had three stories. This included a basement and attic, about 10 rooms, 4 bathrooms (not included in most of the rooms already), a huge kitchen and dining area, and a freaking awesome living room. I mean, seriously, all this included a huge backyard complete with a duck pond in the corner. A duck pond guys!

I couldn’t believe that my brother, whom I had no idea that I had, was so rich. The social worker tried to explain what it was that my brother did, but guys, there were too many big words, and to be honest, I didn't really care. My parents and I, we were comfortable in our little three-bedroom house. But here in this house? I felt like a fish out of water. I didn’t even know what to do. But my brother found me a room on the second story, complete with my own bathroom, and told me that if I ever needed anything all I had to do was ask. I wanted to tell him that all I needed were my parents back, but let’s face it; that’s impossible.

So here I am, in a house that’s too big for me and surrounded by people whom I don’t know. I guess that’s it so far. I wonder when I will start a new school. Hopefully not too soon. I really wanted to just be.

Just then I heard a knock at my door. “Come in!”

The door opened and in popped my brother and some of his friends. “Hey Jake,” I whispered to my brother. Confused as to why he was here, I looked at his three friends and made a weak attempt at a smile, “what’s up?”

“Hey, I was just wondering if you were doing alright. You haven’t really been out of this room since you got here and… well I was a little worried.”

I looked back over to my brother and took a good look at him. He was about tall, definitely over six feet, with black hair and startling green eyes just like my father. It made me kinda sad, thinking that in a few years he would look almost exactly like him. He was also well built. Besides our black hair, we looked nothing alike, I realized. While his hair was black and completely straight, mine was wavy. My eyes were blue, not green, and I was also pale in comparison to his tan body. I was also a hell of a lot shorter with my height being a little over five foot. I felt like a dwarf next to him. I sighed, thinking that moving in with my brother was going to be more difficult than I thought. Too many differences. too much distance. “It’s not that I’m not alright, I just don’t really feel like be around people at the moment,” I said. Again, I looked over at his friends and then back at him, “I was also wondering about what’s going to happen next.”

My brother looked confused, “Next?”

“Yea. Like what about school and such. I mean, not going would sure be fun, but I actually do want to graduate. Also, about how I am going to get there. I do have my license, but no car. Are you taking me, or am I taking a bus?”

He looked relieved. Weird. “Oh. You will be going to school here this following week. I got you registered earlier today. The school is called South High and since we’ve got an abundance of vehicles here, you can borrow one of those until you get your own. I also wanted to introduce you to some of my friends here since we’ll all be living under the same roof. Some are gone now, but these three here are pretty cool.”

I looked at the three of them expectantly. As Jake pointed to the first one I noticed that he had curly blond hair with laughing blues eyes. He was about as tall as my brother and was smiling at me. “This is Aaron,” I nodded to him, “He’s a senior in your school and can help you out while you’re new there and all.”

“Hey Tay Tay! Can’t wait until we are best buds!” God was this boy enthusiastic.

Jake then pointed to the second guy at the doorway with him, “This here is Dillon.”

The second guy, or Dillon I should say, had bright orange hair and big blue eyes. He was a bit taller than my brother and had freckles everywhere. He gave me a shy smile and said quietly, “Hello.” For some reason I felt calm wash over me. This one seemed normal. Thank God. I smiled slightly and looked right him, nodding my head.

“Dillon already graduated last year with me and we’re both going to the same college.”

Lastly, my brother pointed to a tall guy, again, over six foot. He had dark brown hair with warm brown eyes. Almost like melted chocolate. Wow. “And this is Parker. He’s also a senior with Aaron. If you don’t want to drive to school, either Aaron or Parker can give you one. The other guys that are not here now are Jordan and Shane. They’re twins. They also go to your school and you might see them here later tonight when they get home from practice.”

Aaron gave me a huge grin and Parker just looked kinda bored. For some reason that bothered me. Oh well, I thought, I would be too if I were him.

“Um, thank you? But I think I can drive for now. I don’t want to trouble anyone.” I kinda just want to stay out of everyone else’s way too, I thought.

My brother looked slightly disappointed but then said, “We’re going to have dinner soon. Do you want to go down and eat?”

I was surprised. My brother wanted me around him? “Um… sure. Why not? What are we having?”

“We’re having top ramen!” Aaron shouted happily, shoving his fist in the air like a little kid receiving some big prize.

At this point, caught off guard I laughed and said, “That’s it?” All the boys just stared at me shocked, “W-what?” I asked when they just kept staring. I immediately got nervous. Did I say something wrong? Was it my laugh?

“I’ve never seen you smile before,” my brother Jake said seriously.

I blushed then said quietly, “Not much to smile about these days I guess.” After an awkward silence that lasted about two minutes I said, “So… Can I help with dinner? I mean, I’m no great chef or anything but I can make something better than top ramen if you guys want.”

Aaron rushed over and gave me a huge bear hug, “Seriously?! That would be awesome!”

I was frozen solid. No one had touched me since my parents were still alive. When Aaron let me go he rushed downstairs while still shouting, “Food! Real food!”

My brother laughed a bit hesitantly and said, “Sorry about that. He gets overly excited about food. It’s just kinda his thing.”

I smiled nervously, “N-no problem.”

“Well, we’ll meet you downstairs in a few, after you get ahold of yourself I guess”, Parker snickered while trying to hide his laugh. I was surprised by his comment. Why the sarcasm? I rolled my eyes, playing off my discomfort. God, I changed my mind. His eyes were full of shit; like his personality. He and my brother then left and closed the door.

I sighed out loud, “Great. I’m in big trouble.”

My name is Terra Marie Connelly, and my once normal life turned upside down in the blink of an eye; all thanks to my unknown brother, his mansion, and his stupid friends who live in it. Great.

Chapter 2


Beep! Beep! Beep! “Ugh,” I groaned out loud, shutting off my alarm clock. It was 6:00 a.m., and today is my first day of school. I can’t wait (please note the sarcasm). I slowly get out of my bed, wishing that I could have had at least a few more minutes of blissful nothing. But, seeing as my life is already so completely wrong, I might as well get used to the sensation of everything gone weird.

I sluggishly make my way to my closet and pull out my clothes for the day; a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a hot pink tank top and loose black shirt saying Just Eat It in big white bold letters on the front, and my dark blue converse. After I got my clothes I leisurely made my way to the bathroom, plugged in my straightener, and hastily took my shower.

Once I got out of the shower, I hurriedly dried off and put on my clothes. Once my hair was semi-dry I started to straighten it and to put on a finishing touch I added a cute dark blue flower hair pin. I quickly did my make-up which consisted of some eyeliner, mascara and a little blush. (Thank God I have clear skin).

After this I went to open my door to go downstairs, and that’s when I saw IT. I stood there in my doorway, my mouth hanging open, to a completely naked Parker standing in front of his door. I don’t know how long we stood there staring at each other (or even why he was standing there naked in the first place). Me with my shocked face and mouth

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