» Romance » Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗

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was suddenly having around him, and only him; trying to get rid of the feeling of someone controlling me.

Parker smiled. Wow. I had never noticed. He had such a nice smile. “Thank you Terra. Hopefully, we can have this matter resolved soon okay?” He put his hand on my cheek, and then, my world went black.

Chapter 7

I woke up with a killer headache. It was as if someone was pounding on the walls inside my head and wouldn’t stop. I slowly rose from my bed, one hand on my aching head and the other supporting my sluggish body. As my eyes finally adjusted to the searing light in the room, I noticed that I was back in my bedroom. Was last night just a weird dream? I mean, I’ve had some doosies in my life, most recently the one I keep having every damn night, but last night was the first I’ve ever had where I had another man in it.

As I slowly rose from the bed I immediately felt bile rise toward my throat as a wave of nausea overwhelmed me. Trying to choke it down, I ran to my bathroom and when I reached the toilet, I couldn’t keep it down anymore. God I felt like shit. Honestly, I couldn’t remember the last time I had been sick. I’ve always had pretty decent health, and I’ve never thrown up in my entire life.

After I threw up what felt like my soul, I couldn’t move. So I just stayed there on the floor of my bathroom; relishing the cool tile on my hot flushed skin. I was dazed and couldn’t really understand why I was feeling this sick. What was wrong with me?

All of a sudden, I heard my bedroom door swing open (was there even knocking?) and then someone was shouting at me. I was so out of it that I couldn’t even see who it was, least of all make out what the hell they were saying. Then there was some more shouting, and then some more people running about in my room. I wanted to get up and shout at them to get the hell out and let me wallow in my sickened misery by myself, but I couldn’t even open my eyes, much less move off of the floor.

Someone put their hands around my waist and started to gently lift me off the floor. I tried to open my eyes wider, wanting to focus so bad to see who all was in here with me. As my eyes slowly came into focus, the only thing I noticed was amazing, chocolate brown eyes. They were warm, shiny, and held quite a bit of concern. They were the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. It was like they were staring straight into my soul.

As soon as I was able to focus on those eyes, my head began to slowly clear. All at once I realized that I felt hot, my body scorching and I knew that I needed…. needed something. I tried to speak, to tell these amazing eyes that I needed to go back onto the cool floor so that my flushed body could once again feel cool. My mouth opened, but all that came out was a small whimper, “…help…”

The intensity grew in those beautiful eyes and somehow, I not only heard this amazing voice, I felt it to my bones, “Terra, everything will be ok. Believe. Trust me.” It was the voice from my dream. It was velvet, silk, and warm sunshine wrapped in sin all at once. My flushed skin, already ablaze, became more alive; goosebumps ran along my body and I felt a need that ran deep in my core. What that need was, I couldn’t be certain, but I knew that I needed it. Bad

“ Please... I need-“ Moving without my own violation, my hips thrust forward and my breathing started to become labored. I was panting, and I felt my breasts swell, my nipples harden. “Please… help… I don’t-“ Again, my hips thrust forward and my flushed skin now had a thin sheen of sweat on it. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. Why was my body reacting like this?

“I don’t know what’s caused it Jake, but it’s come earlier than we all planned. It was supposed to happen on her birthday.” Wait. Jake was in the room too? And what was supposed to happen? Oh God.

“I’m not really sure about the finer point in the lore of her species, but most of the accounts that I have heard all tell about a certain age…”

“Well we can’t leave her like this. Look at her Jake! If she doesn’t get help soon…”

“By all accounts, this is a normal part of her change. All I can be certain about at this point is that we cannot let her… you know… until after the full moon.”

“What the fuck! That’s another week away Jake!”

“I know! It was supposed to happen closer to her birthday next week, but it’s important that she remain the way she is until that time. Otherwise things could go wrong… seriously wrong.”

All I could see was the worry in those eyes. As they again looked at me, I felt a pull in my core. My hips raised and again I pleaded, “Please…”

He closed his eyes tight and then the voice, that sweet voice said the words that I couldn’t bear to hear, “ I’m sorry.”

Chapter 8

*** Hey everyone, sorry for not getting this chapter done a lot sooner. I have been busy with many things. It's kinda short, but I hope you like it! ***



This was hell. I’m not sure if anyone else has ever felt like the sickest, hottest, craziest person alive, but if you have, it’s the worst. I don’t know how long it’s been going on for… the days and nights have been blending one into another and the torture never ceases. My body feels constantly on fire, and the ropes that restrain me to my bed have worn deep into my skin. Everything burns. All I want is the torture to stop. God, please just make it stop!

“Jake, I don’t think she can take much more of this. We have to-“

“No! We cannot! Not until she reaches maturity. She must bear the ripest fruit, do you understand? Taking away the purity will make her…”

God, all these voices that I’m hearing are just blending into one another… I need to concentrate.

“I know… I know it’s just that, god damn it’s not fair! To see her like this, and there is nothing I can do is just… Fuck!”

“You must remember that when the time comes for the ceremony, she will not be… herself.”

“…I understand. But in order for her to, well, you know, I will help her. After all, it seems that she chose me.”

“You are the only one on our side who can. If the others have discovered her, or her change, it could mean the end. Thank god they didn’t reach her before HIM.”

Him? Who was this Him? And what do they mean change? Maturity? And what the hell is up with the ripe fruit bullshit? Oh god… are they going to kill me? For my organs or something? Oh god, I’m in this torturing inferno, and they want my organs. Funny, that wasn’t how I pictured I’d die. Die? Am I really going to die?

“….die…?” God it was hard to speak. My chest’s burning and my throat is so dry... Suddenly, I feel a cool hand on my skin. But even that makes my body burn. “Ah!” Again, like every time I’m touched, my hips thrust forward and my core burns.

 “You are not going to die. I will not let you, do you understand? Please…  Please look at me Terra. I know that you are in pain, but it will be over soon, and then we can talk all about what needs to happen okay? Just please look at me. Let me know that you are still in there… somewhere.”

Oh… I know this voice. The man with the chocolate eyes.  I’m trying though, don’t you understand? But my body, it just wants… I don’t even know. But I do know that it needs you… for some reason. It needs the person with the honey voice and the chocolate eyes. Will he help me? Oh please, body, work damn it! As I slowly open my eyes for the first time in… well forever it seems, I am bombarded with the same eyes that held me when I was first sick.

God they were beautiful. If I could stare into them forever and… and just cool down for a second, I-

“Thank god!” The eyes whispered harshly. “Thank god you’re still there. Listen to me. You have to hang in there. Things are going to get… worse for a while longer. But you need to stay focused. Do you understand? You need to still be in there, and whatever happens… know that it’s not you okay? When you change, when anyone changes, they become… not themselves. Just try to remember that okay? I will be there for you the entire time, and I will also… not really be myself. But soon, this will all be over for you alright?”

I had no clue what he was talking about. All I knew was that his touch, his voice, even his eyes were beckoning me like some wild creature. I need him. For what I don’t know, but I need him. None of the other voices make skin scald. None of the other voices make my body twitch and ache. He was the one in my dreams. He was the one… the one what though? God it’s hard to concentrate. I can already feel him go out of focus. Again, I could feel the blackness start to overtake me. Concentrate, Concentrate.

“…help…?” Damn, my voice sounded weak.

“Yes. Yes I am here to help you. But only when the time is right… don’t you see…” Oh no. His voice. It’s fading. Gotta. Hold. On.

“…trust…” I whispered before again, the blackness consumed me.

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