» Romance » Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Terra, Alyssa Scott [mobile ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Alyssa Scott

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any other siblings or anything, I’ve just always had Megan, and well, you know how that’s been for me. So, it’s nice to be able to be with someone again.”

Since my parents died, I think that this is the happiest I’ve been. Touched, and a little delighted I whispered, “Peter… I don’t know what to say except… Thanks. I feel the exact same” I bear-hugged him and he hugged me back just as tightly. Again, I had that warm feeling of closeness. As we let each other go, I felt a tingle slide down my spine and noticed Parker out of the corner of my eye glaring at the two of us. What’s his problem? “Well Peter, as much as I loved our family moment, I have to go home to my “other” brother, so I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”

He pecked me on the cheek, “Sure thing. See you later gaiter!”

I smiled getting into my car. This day might not have been so bad after all.

Chapter 6

I take it back. This day sucked. As soon as I walked into my house after school I was met with an ugly sight. There, making out on the couch, in broad daylight, was some boy I haven’t met and that weird Barbie chick. What was her name again? Oh, ya, I think it was Megan. I stepped into the room and stated calmly, “Look, I don’t know who you are mister, but I’m guessing one of the other guys I haven’t met yet, and you,” I looked at a shocked Megan, “I already know, so let’s cut to the chase okay? I don’t care what you guys do, but please, get a room and spare the rest of the household?”

Just then the screeching started. “Oh my God! What the HELL are you doing here?” I winced at the shrill of her voice. She looked accusingly at me and pointed her finger in distaste, “Are you stalking me? I’ll call the cops on you, you freak!”

Okay, the surprise? I got that, but nobody calls me a freak. Never again. “Look you washed out, no good, bitch of a fake Barbie doll. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you decided to fly to the moon to have sex with some random aliens, but I am not, nor will I ever stalk you. That’s just disgusting. I mean, who wants to watch your lame ass all day? That’s kinda why I asked you to go to another room, in case you forgot to hear that little bit of info. In other news, I actually live here. So please, before you go calling the cops on a person who has the right to be here, remember that it’s YOU who is a guest, and I say that word with great pain.”

Poor girl just sat there on that guy’s lap too stunned to move. I looked over at the other guy. He had brown hair, caramel eyes and a very flirtatious smile. Player was my immediate first thought. I sighed, “So which one are you? Jordan or Shane?”

He looked at me with interest and said calmly, “Jordan. And I guess you are the new little sister?”

I nodded and started to turn when I bumped into something hard. And I mean rock hard. I almost fell on my ass, but the hard rock somehow made me stable. I looked up after I caught my footing and noticed it was Parker. He grinned and chuckled, “You really need to stop running into me.” I just rolled my eyes.

“And you really need to stop being such a damn ninja,” I looked back over my shoulder, then back at Parker, “Is she always here? Are they together or something?”

“Hmmm. Well she’s not always over here, but I guess she does come over occasionally to help us… with…. Uh…” He started to blush.

I smirked, “Look. I got the picture. But when you guys bring her over, and really, I don’t care that she’s here, can you guys at least have the decency to do stuff in your own bedrooms?” After that, I started to walk up the stairs toward my bedroom. Right as I got to my door I heard another shriek, “She LIVES with you?!” I frowned. It wasn’t my choice. If I had one, I would still choose to be with my parents, even with the stupid bitch bullying me every day. A tear slid down my cheek and I quickly wiped it off, went into my room, and passed out into oblivion.


Suddenly I heard a knock on my door, “Tay! Are you in there?”

I groaned. I felt funny. Tingles were going all up and down my spine and my stomach was doing flip flops. I slumped out of bed and opened my door to a very worried Jake. “Ya I am, what’s up?”

He sighed and said, “I just heard what happened this afternoon, and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I told all the boys that she’s not allowed over here anym-“

I cut him off annoyed, “Why? Why did you do that? I don’t care that she’s over; I only start caring when she’s over and having sex in the living room. Otherwise I really don’t care, as long as they keep that stuff private.” My brother, I swear, was trying to stare a hole into my head. “Honestly,” I stated firmly.

“Well then, all right; I guess. So I know that you met Jordan, he’s really a good guy you know, but you haven’t met Shane yet?” I nodded. “Well they are all here, why don’t we go down and have some dinner?” I must have looked funny because he repeated his statement, “Dinner? Downstairs?”

I nodded, “I’ll be down in a minute, okay?” He nodded and shut my door. I went over, sat on my bed, and sighed. I had that dream again. Something was calling me. But what? And why was it night in my dream? I’ve had this dream now since the night my parents died. It just won’t go away! I couldn’t tell if I was running from the voice… or heading toward it. The voice… the voice… where have I heard it before? I sighed again and started heading downstairs when I got ambushed buy some grizzly; or should I say Aaron?

“Tay-Tay!! I’ve missed you! Where were you earlier?”

I kept walking through towards the dining room, his arms never ending that stupid hug. “I fell asleep. Guess I was tired.” As we arrived in the dining room, I noticed one new person. He had straight blond hair, green eyes, glasses. He seemed so normal. Huh.

“Terra,” Jake said pointing toward this person, “This is Shane. I know I said that him and Jordan were twins, but they’re fraternal. Shane, this is Terra.”

He put up a hand and said with a slight smile, “Hey.”

I smiled in return but didn’t put too much into it. He made me feel nervous for some reason. Then I noticed that boy from earlier, Jordan, staring at me. Again, that same feeling I got from his brother was coming over me. What the hell? After the introductions were over we all sat down to eat. Somehow I ate and made it through another night. “Well, I think I’m off to bed. Goodnight everyone.”

“Goodnight!” They all shouted.

After I had gotten ready for bed, I quickly got under my covers. Thinking over the day, I would pretty much say it was a disaster, but I guess it… wasn’t… half… bad…





It was night, and I was running again. Faster this time, I seemed to be running from something, but heading toward something? What? Who?

“Terra… Terra…” There it was again. That voice. Was it male? Female? “Terra…” Male. It had to be. I don’t really know why I’m heading toward this unknown voice, but I feel as if it could help me. I wanted to turn around and see what I was running from, but like always, I’m too afraid too. I can only hear as whatever it is gets closer… closer

“Ah!” I woke up with a start. My heart pounding, my body sweating. I was breathing heavy from the dream, like I had actually ran that distance. I closed my eyes, and sighed. Again, I felt funny. The tingles seemed to be worse, sending goosebumps all up and down my arms. I was feeling a little light-headed and was beginning to feel warm. For some reason though, I could still hear that voice… that sweet voice…

“Terra… Terra…” It sounded so real. Like it was right next to me. Was that even possible? “Terra… What are you doing in my room?” Huh? This was never in my dream. I opened my eyes, and there I was, in the middle of the bed next to Parker?

“Wha- what? What are you doing in my room?” It was then I realized that this was not the position of my bed, and the window was on the wrong side of the room. Oh God.

“Terra, this is my room. One minute I’m sleeping, and the next I hear a scream that, by the way, scared the hell out of me. You must have been having one hell of a dream… or nightmare. Then, after you woke up, it was like you were still in that dream trance or something. You didn’t even notice me calling your name.” He stared at me hard, and finally asked, “Are you ok?”

I just sat there looking into is warm brown eyes, shocked. He was the voice in my head? He was the one helping me? But why? “I was running… I’m always running…” Wait. Why was I talking? Shut up me! “It’s night, and I’m scared of what’s behind me, so I run.” This can’t be happening, why couldn’t I stop? “Then, all of a sudden I hear another voice calling my name, and somehow I know that this person can help me. So I run toward it.” I felt like I was banging on the walls of my brain. Stop! I don’t want anyone to know! Stop!  “I keep running, but whatever is behind me is getting closer, and just as it reaches me, I always wake up.” Oh God! It’s like this wasn’t even my voice anymore. I had no more control. Why?! It was like… something else was controlling me.

“Terra,” Parker said softly, slowly putting his hands on my shoulders, “I think you need to calm down. Everything is going to be alright.”

Suddenly, I felt angry. Really angry. What did he know about me? It was like my heart had shattered. But I still didn’t understand! What is happening to me?! My anger somehow let me get a grip. “Calm down?” I snarled. Wait, snarled?! “Who the fuck are you to tell me to calm down! Ever since I got here I have been having the strange sensations, these strange dreams keep getting worse… and you’re telling me to calm down?!”

Parker tensed, “Terra, please, you need to calm down. I can help you. You need to trust me. Can you do that?”

Wait. Help me? I was so confused. Yes! My mind was screaming. Please help! “…Please help. I am… so confused.” I shook my head, trying to make out all these weirs sensations my body

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