» Romance » Call of An Alpha, K Lime [summer reading list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Call of An Alpha, K Lime [summer reading list .TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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things in here. I would really appreciate it if you could help explain to some of the students on how to do some things.”

“Of course Dr. Lendon.”

“Thank you, you may have a seat.”

She walks back to her seat with a red hot face full of embarrassment. That sort of thing was not something she was used to. She absolutely hated being in front of students who would mock her. October grabs her hand and squeezes it gently before continuing back to her work. The class begins the assignment that Dr. Lendon had assigned and he called her to his desk.

“I do apologize if I embarrassed you my dear.”

“It’s alright sir.”

“Good, good. Now about this aide thing, I really just need an extra set of hands in here when
I am explaining after a lecture or something. You could actually consider it more of like a student teacher. Just, you don’t observe.”


“Splendid. Well then, just take this note down to the office for me and then come back when you get done.”

He hands her a note and she leaves the room. Once outside, she looks down at the stick note in her hand. In his scrawl-like handwriting he had written:

‘Please bring me another desk. I have a teacher’s aide that will be in need somewhere to sit and do work instead of the normal student tables. Thank you.
Aaron Lendon’

She looked nervously down at the paper as she walks into the office. Mrs. Wanda is sitting there behind the counter and says hello in her nice grandmotherly voice as Krissy walks in.

“Hello Krissy, what can I do for you?”

“Dr. Lendon sent me to give you this,” she says handing the note to her.

“Oh good so you did accept it. I’ll have some of the football team bring down the desk in just a few minutes.”

Krissy turns and begins her walk back to class. There was still an entire hour left of class and she was not looking forward to the awkwardness afterward. She walked in and told the teacher and returned to her seat. As expected, within just a few minutes the desk was being brought into the room.

She was shocked at it. It was bigger than Dr. Lendon’s and it was deep colored oak. The desk had to weigh a ton. The boys get the desk into the room and Dr. Lendon directs them on moving things around so that the desk will fit against the wall beside the window. Surprisingly Krissy noticed that she could get the perfect view of the fields from the windows.

“Krissy, what do you think?”

“I-It’s, well, um it’s amazing.”

“I thought you would like it. It was sitting at my home and I had no use for it, so I thought why not.”

“Thank you.”

“If you can find any secret drawers good luck on opening them, they all have puzzles to open them. I have only been able to open one of them. The small cabinet on the far side is a little bit bigger than your lockers if you wish to keep your books in it. Oh look at me rattling on go ahead go find it out for your own self. Boys did you get the chair too?”

“Oh yes sir, it’s still in the hall.”

“Well bring it in, bring it in.”

Daniel walked out with Trenton and the two of them come back in carrying a large antique office chair. Krissy stares in disbelieve as they set it down behind the desk.

“Thank you boys, have a good day.”

“Dr. Lendon, don’t you think this should be your desk?”

“No, not my property, not my desk.”

“Sir, you just said it was from your house.”

“It was. It’s yours now.”

Krissy looks at him and stars like he had just slapped her. Murmurs rise up from around the class slowly.

“Quiet back to your work. Yes Krissy, I need to get rid of these things somehow, so what better way than to make it a gift to my aide?”

“You’re very generous. Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome. Yes Jessica?”

“Could you teach me how to do number 5?”

“Yes of course,” he says as he walks away and left her at her own resources.

She sits down carefully in the chair and smiled at the fact that it was nice and strong looking but yet was soft. She ran her hands over the arms of the chair noticing they ended in lion heads. She had to admit, it was a lovely gift alone, it had probably cost a pretty penny as well. She quietly begin to look through the desk.

On the far left side, just as the doctor had said, there was a door that had a lock on the side that would hold her books rather easily. The keys lay just inside the door and she picks them up and looks at the key ring carefully. The large black key was obviously a skeleton key to any lock within the desk, but what about all of the other. She looks at the desk and sees only 4 locks. Some of them must go to these hidden places she thinks to herself. All of the visible drawers are unlocked she notices as she opens them carefully and looking through their contents.

Next to the locker like compartment, is a section of four drawers. She opens them one by one and reveals that there are many packages of writing tools in the top drawer, mistake correction tools in the second, plain white paper in the third, and loose leaf notebook paper in the fourth. Satisfied with that side of the desk, she turns to look at her right side. Here there was another section of four vertical drawers before the desk turned and ended in its L shape.

Her chair, she found out, would rotate just above the legs of it. She noticed that there was a small drawer underneath the opening for where she supposed a chair could go. Looking at it carefully, she notices small engraving on it in Latin. She reads the words carefully and follows the instructions. With a clicking noise a small piece pops out of the corner of the desk.

Dr. Lendon turns as he hears the clicking noise and watches as she carefully examines the new secret she had discovered. He knew he had made the right choice by giving it to her, she loved puzzles. He was willing to bet that she would find all of the 9 secret places that he could not open and get them open by the end of the month.
She looks at the piece carefully and notices that another had popped out lower. She looks underneath them to see a set of numbers. It was a code. She examines the desk for anything that might hint at what it could be. She spots a small circle with two numbers carved into it on the underside of the empty space under the desk where her chair now sat. Smiling, she returns to the pieces and pushes them back in to the numbers listed underneath. There is another clicking noise and she looks up to see that the tiny drawer had opened. Inside there were old letters, an ink pot, quills, and old coins.

“Dr. Lendon, could you come here?”

He gets up from his own desk and walks over to her. She holds out the money in her hand.

“This was in the desk. Along with the letters.”

“Keep it.”

“But sir, it’s old, it could be very valuable.”

“Keep it.”

He turns and sits back down at his own desk continuing to grade his papers. She carefully grabs a large mailing envelope from the top drawer to the right of her chair and places the coins and letter inside. She closes the envelope and places it inside her bag. The drawer closes and reopens with just a light push on the door and she closes the pieces that had come out of the side. She pushes the drawer again and it still opens. She smiles happily and continues to explore.

In the last four vertical drawers that were on the right side of her chair, she finds many more office things. In the top drawer there are many different types of envelopes and in the second, there is a calculator, a stapler, a pencil sharpener, and tape. She takes all of these, except the calculator, out of the drawer and places them on the side of her desk facing the class. The next drawer contained nothing and the same was said for the final drawer.

She notices that the drawers both have false bottoms and that they both have a puzzle to open them. She ignores it for the time being and grabs her things from where she had sat by October and places the books in the small cabinet inside the desk before grabbing the keys and locking it.

She decides to check to see what the keys go to and notices that there are only 3 that do not have a lock they fit into. She attaches the small key ring to her keys and slips her lanyard back around her neck. The bell rings and the students get up to leave the class.
In the hallway she is cornered by Jessica and her friend Rachel, Jezlyn, Lindy, and Mandy.

“So how does it feel to be the teacher’s pet?”

“Just leave me alone Jessica I didn’t ask for it.”

“Ha! Whatever. Slut.”

She pushed Krissy back against the wall and grabs Kristoff as he walks by.

“Oh hey babe.”

“Hi.” He says looking at her.

She suddenly reaches up and grabs his neck pulling him down closer to kiss his lips. He tenses a little in shock and stares at her as she pulls away. Krissy feels herself becoming angry and balls her hands into fists as she feels the beast move within her. She pushes past the group and leaves going to her locker and continuing to class. She is relieved when she gets there and was extremely happy that it went by quickly.

During her last period class she sits at the table with Emily, Trevor, and Heath. This was the only class that she had all three of them in and she really enjoyed actually being able to talk to them all at once. They work on their assignments and before the end of class she asks if they would help her get her things moved into her desk. When the bell rings they quickly go down the hall and get her things from her locker and take them into Dr. Lendon’s room.

“Ah Krissy, I forgot to mention earlier, one of those keys is the key to my room so that you
can get in here if I am not in here and you need something.”

“Oh, thank you so much Dr. Lendon this means so much.”

“Did you find anything else with the desk?”

“There are two false bottom drawers. I haven’t looked at much else. I also haven’t tried to open the false bottoms yet. If I may, where did you get this desk?”

“It has been in my family for years. The last person who ever used it actually was my great-great-great-great grandmother.”

“Thank you.”

She unlocks the door and they put her things inside before she locks it back.

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