» Romance » Call of An Alpha, K Lime [summer reading list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Call of An Alpha, K Lime [summer reading list .TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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“Yes sir?”

“Would you rather the computer be here,” he asks pointing to the side facing the window, “Or here?” He asks pointing to the side facing the class.

“The side facing the window I suppose. Wait computer?”

“Yes. Part of your job will be taking role for me and grading papers from time to time. For the rest of the time you’re free to study or do as you wish.”

“Alright, have a good day I have to go get some food before I go get ready for the game tonight.”

“Good luck. We’ll beat those serpents yet.” He smiles cheerily at her.

She laughs and shakes her head before turning with her friends to walk out of the classroom. That guy had always been a sports nut out of class. The group splits up in the hall way and she rushes to her car and grabs a steak out of the cooler in the trunk. She quickly eats it making sure not to get any blood on her and picks up her gym bag. She closes her trunk and relocks the car before heading back inside and to the gym. Smiling she sees a few of her teammates and friends already practicing. Game, Set, WHAT?!!!

“Hey guys when I get dressed want to scrimmage?” She asks with a smile.

Chloe nods along with Emily and October. The others share their approval except for a few of them so Krissy hurries to go get dressed. In the locker room she runs into Jazzi and they head out together in their game shorts and just practice shirts.

“We ready?” October asks the group

“Wait how many people do we have?”

“Twelve.” Summer says taking a quick head count.

“Who wants to pick teams?”

“I do!” Emily and Jazzi say at the same time.

“I’m good with whoever let’s just play!” Arkeverlyn says happily.

The group splits up into teams and they begin their match. Tabbitha, Arkeverlyn, Jazzi, October, Summer, and Kate are on one team, the Diamonds. Krissy, Chloe, Destiny, Megan, Tori, and Adrianna are on the other, the Cats. The ball starts off with the diamonds and soon begins with the cats taking the lead. The opposing teams come in and the coaches show them to the visitor locker rooms. When they get back they call the girls into their locker room. The girls were gonna play first and then the guys so hopefully they could get done and out of their before 10.

“We aren’t playing the easiest team tonight girls these guys are pretty tough but I’ve heard they don’t correct any mistakes they make. If you see a weak spot, keep pushing it. Alright girls we’ve got Krissy, October, Diamond, Megan, and Jessica starting. Do all of you know the positions? And all of the plays?”

The girls mainly say yes so they coaches go over them one more time really quick. The group calls it up and they head out to warm up.

“Krissy. Jessica. I need to talk to you.” Coach Smith says to them as they head out.

“Yes coach?” Jessica says calmly.

“No fighting among the team tonight. This decides who goes to state and I doubt that it will affect who starts gets varsity next year. Got it?”

“Of course.” Krissy says looking at him.

“Good. Get out there and play hard.”

They head out and the girls rush to join with the others.

“They’re gonna fight you know.” Coach Anna says looking at Smith.

“Yea, but I tried. Krissy is just the more committed player.”

“And Jessica and Krissy’s brother just had a fall out from what I heard. Also, Jessica is
taking the new boy Kristoff to the party this weekend.”

“Lovely. There’s gonna be an all-out brawl. Kitty better keep her claws retracted.”

“That isn’t funny. Remember that game that she flipped out in the middle of?”

“Yea. A time out so we could calm her down. Most of the team locked out of the locker room while she rampaged.”

“She’s getting better.”

“She’ll never get control of it.”

“It will work babe, your family is pretty crazy.”

“She’s the only one that’s had it in a while. It wasn’t our fault Thomas bit her.”

“I don’t think that the werecat bite caused it all.”

“I know you don’t. I don’t either. But if that is what keeps the family sane let them think that. She knows that isn’t what caused it. She could change before the bite. It just got more
violent as her beast fought with the were.”

“Travis will she grow out of it?”

“I doubt it Anna. Thomas is only a were and he isn’t grown out of it and his kids have part were tendencies except for Andy.”

“So she’s blood directly. Her kids may have the same thing?”

“With any luck they won’t”

“Yea.” He takes his wife’s hand kissing her softly before they walk out to watch the girls warm up.

“Come on Krissy get less babying with it!” Jessica shouts teasingly at Krissy as she passes the ball.

Krissy growls and looks up at her uncle before following through with the rest of her move.

“It’s gonna be a bad night.”

“You can say that again. Do you have iced towels in the locker room?”

“Yes in the bucket of ice water in the back shower.”


They continue to watch and Krissy catches a ball and passes it a little too hard at Jessica. They quarrel shortly again and then the timer gets down to show that the other team now has full court. The team gets off the court putting the balls back on the racks or passing them to the other team.

“Alright girls I want a clean game. Keep that in mind two of you,” Anna says nodding to Krissy and Jessica, “First thing we’re gonna do is run play 4. We’ll work from there.”

“I’m still guard right?” Krissy asks looking at her aunt.

“Yea. Krissy and Jessica guards here and you’re wings on offense. Remember that Krissy you
take the ball down the court. You’re our strongest runner so if they get the ball and take off, get them.”

“Not a problem.” Krissy says flashing her teeth with a smile.

Jessica looks at Meg.

‘That’s what she thinks.’

The buzzer goes off and the girls head out onto the court into positions to play. The tip goes towards the other team and Diamond catches the ball and passes it back to Meg. Meg passes it off to October who runs it a little ways before shooting it. The ball misses and
Diamond catches the rebound shooting a goal.

The other team gets the ball and the girls run down into position on the court. Jessica runs up and stops the ball while Krissy blocks the pass to the closest person. This leaves the only open person in a partial block by October.

“Tober! Behind you!” Krissy yells setting off their fake.

October swings around to block and Diamond switches with Meg just in time to intercept the ball and they take off down the court. Just as the shot is being taken, they lose the ball and the other team has it running. Krissy spins and goes to run after it but Jessica sticks out a leg and Krissy falls rolling over it. She growls in anger as her arm is kicked out from under her by Megan and the other team gets the shot.


“NO!” Krissy shouts at their coach.

“SUB!” Travis yells down the line.

“Kiva go in for Jessica.” Coach Anna says

Kiva goes in to replace Jessica and the game starts up again.

“What the hell was that shit? You tripped Krissy and Meg kicked her arm out from under her.”
Coach T yells at Jessica.

“Somebody else should have gotten the ball. We can’t rely on Krissy to do everything.”

“She shouldn’t have to worry about her own team. When you go back in play right or you’re done.”

“Hun, Diamond signaled for a sub.”

“Send in Tabby.”

Tabby runs to the sub spot and after the shot the ref allows subs. She takes her place and nods at Krissy and October.

“Krissy you alright?”

“Fine.” She answers tightly.

October looks at the oncoming players and takes her mind off of Krissy as they start moving
to stop the ball. They steal it and Krissy takes off like a rocket with the ball and shoots an easy three at their goal.

“Hun she’s pissed if you send Jessica back in she’ll flip.”

“Send Emily and Jazzi in with her, they’ll calm Krissy down. They won’t let Jessica do anything.”

“Kiva! Tabby! Meg! Subs!”

The girls swap out and the game takes off again. They get the ball and they shoot. The ball gets back into their control pretty soon and they are in the lead by 10 points. Suddenly October and Jazzi both call for subs. The coaches are left no choice but to send in Meg and Summer.

This put them in a dangerous position of three to two. Krissy and Emily against Megan, Jessica, and Summer. The game hopefully wouldn’t get affected too bad.

“Diamond are you ready to go in?”

“Yes just let me get a drink.”

“Alright you’ll go in at the end of this quarter.”

“Coach are you nuts? You’ve got Krissy with three people who don’t like her.” Kate says while
Chloe nods in agreement.

“I know but you only play Krissy’s spot.”

“You can still place me in instead of Jessica.”

“But then when Krissy’s in need of a break?”

“Kiva or Jessica.”

“You two get ready along with Diamond. I’ll send you guys in and call Krissy, Emily, and Summer.”

On the court, Krissy gets blocked from a shot by her own team and growls angrily again. She feels her teeth shift inside her mouth so she tries to ignore her anger and passes the ball. Jessica misses the pass and the other team gets the ball. She takes off along with everyone else on the court after the ball. She catches the rebound and passes it to Summer. Summer goes a ways with it before passing it on to Meg who shoots. The ball swishes and they head down the court. When the drivers get the ball to the half point line, the buzzer sounds off the end of the first quarter. The subs go in and the game starts up again.

“Krissy get a drink.”

She shakes her head no grabbing a towel. Dark hairs had become to be thicker on her arms and hands as she wiped

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