» Romance » Call of An Alpha, K Lime [summer reading list .TXT] 📗

Book online «Call of An Alpha, K Lime [summer reading list .TXT] 📗». Author K Lime

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brown eyes looking back at him.

He runs a hair through his spikey blonde hair and punches the wall. She was his and he was going to prove it. He paces for a little while before coming up with the perfect plan. If Slade was dead she would move on hopefully, but if he took her by force then  she was bound to him.

He smiles as he looks at the mirror. He knew that they hadn't completely mated because of how they acted around each other. Full mates were often like they were except were a bit more like a married couple. Also, full mates had a blood red lining around the letter of their mates name. Neither of those two had that.

Soon that S on the back of her hand would be replaced with a K. Wether she liked it or not.

The Plan

Kristoff sits there in his truck parked behind the library. It was late but he knew she would be coming down the alley in a little while. She did it every thursday night. He waits patently thinking out his plan.

If catching her went well, he would have no problem once he got her home. He planned on stepping out and trying to appologize. She would accept and then he would hug her and surprise her by hand cuffing her. If that didn't work because she didnt accept then he would tackle her and hand cuff her that way.

He smirks as he looks in the rearview mirror. A small figure had just walked around the corner and was walking his way. He grabs his cuffs and slips them into his pocket before stepping out of the vehicle.

"Hey Krissy?"

She looks up at him slightly surprised.

"What is it Kristoff?" She asks.

"I wanted to say im sorry for how i acted."

"It's alright."

"Hey do you want to come hang out with me tonight?"

'What where did that come from? NO you're supposed to catch her hurt her make her yours not ask her to hang out!'

"Uh no thanks im meeting Slade at his house."

She turns and starts to walk off. His Cat growled at him. Not only had she turned her back on her current superior, but she also had the guts to walk away. He lunges after her pinning her down and hand cuffs her. She screams out and he slaps her causing her to scream louder. He punches her hard knocking her unconcious as he throws her into his truck.

He looks around before hopping in himself and driving to his house. He pulls into his driveway and carefully removes her from the car and carries her inside. He had a raging hard on but knew he wanted to wait.

She groans softly and moves in his arms. He carefully removes the cuffs and attaches them to the bed. He slips them back around her wrists leaving her so that her arms were forced up above her head. He leaves her legs free for now.

He walks off and grabs a drink for himself and a glass of water. He comes back after finishing his drink to find her still semi conscious. He tosses the water on her face and smirks as she gasps and tries to get up. She struggles against the cuffs looking at him angrily before he walks away again.

She sits there glaring at the door when he walks back in with a large bucket full of ice. He pours half of it into the bed ontop of her and she whimpers at the cold. He reaches down and takes a knife out of his pocket before stepping closer to her.

"Kristoff please let me go, Slade will find you and kill you." She begs him.

"He wont find us."

She pouts looking around as if trying to find a way of escape. He knew she wouldn't be able to shift in her panic and disoreintation so he slowly reached up to rub her leg softly.

She jerks back quickly causing some of the ice to slide under her. He smirks and grabs her ankle. She kicks at him weakly and he cuffs that leg to the corner of the bed before catching her other one. She jerks frantically in his grasp and he struggles a little to bind her ankle. After a few breif moments however, he has her tied with her arms above her head and her legs tied to opposite sides of the bed.

"Kristoff please let me go." She pleads once more.

Her pleas fall on deaf ears as he reaches up to unbutton her pants. She cries out and struggles against her bonds. He smirks and pulls them down reavealing her white and black lace thong. She whimpers in humiliation at what he is doing to her and he uses his knife to cut the jeans free from her legs. He reaches up and removes her shirt in the same fashion leaving her in just her undergarments.

He had to admit she had one heck of a body. It could definately use some pain. He smirks to himself as he thinks about the time he had spent googling ways to make her pay. BDSM was one of the best ways he could think of, especially if he was into it himself.

He walks away and digs around in his closet before finding the box of things he had accquired over the past week. He pulls out a small vibrator, some nipple clamps, and a paddle leaving the rest for later.

She struggles against the cuffs only succeeding in making herself in more pain. He slides ontop of her ignoring the wetness soaking into his pants from the ice he had dumped on her. She struggles harder.

"Now now pet, don't do that, look you're hurting those pretty wrist of yours."

He was right, both her wrists and ankles were  being rubbed raw and would bleed if she kept it up.

"Fuck you!" She screams as she spits in his face.

He looks at her in distaste before grabbing a gag and forcing it into her mouth.

"You wanna spit on me huh? Well how about i spit on you."

He looks at her response of her eyebrows raising and anger in her eyes mixing with the fear. He smiles and pulls his knife out and slices her bra so that he can remove it. She screams through the gag and he reaches out to rub her nipples softly. She whimpers in fear as she begins to cry and struggle again. He reaches into the bucket and pulls out a small handfull of ice. He divides it between his hands and rubs it on her breasts and nipples. She moans softly and he smirks as horror forms on her face. She continues to struggle and eventually calms down.

He runs his hand down her body and stops just above her thong. She pleads with him through the gag and he smirks at her before grabbing it and ripping it free from her body. She lays before him completely unable to do anything but whimper and cry through her gag. He grabs a piece of ice and runs it down her stomach and across her thighs teasingly. She continues to whimper and he grabs another piece, a much large one. He slides it down her stomach in the same manner but slides it over her mound and onto the most sensitive part of her body. He smirks as she gasps at how cold it is before he moves it down a little lower and forces the cold torture device inside of her. 

She thrashes wildly against the bonds but she cant move much and it has no avail. FInally, she stops struggling and lays still. He grabs the rest of the ice and pours it over her with most of it piled between her thighs. She whimpers at the cold and he smirks. 

He walks back out of the room and to the freezer. He had bought a dildo that strapped into place that filled with ice so that it would burn their insides slightly with pain from the cold. He returns and roughly shoves it inside her and straps it into place. She screams in pain and struggles for a few moments before he helps to calm her down. He smirks knowing the amount of pain he had put her in. She was a virgin that just got a 10 inch freezing cold dildo forced inside her in one stroke, of course she would hurt.

He carefully uncuffs her after putting a collar around her neck that would shock her if she went more than 10 feet from her. He guides her over his lap and picks up the paddle. He begins spanking her hard making her cry out through the gag once more.

He finishes noticing how hard it had made him and reaches between her legs. She was dripping wet around the large object inside of her and he smirks realizing her mind didn't want it, but oh her body did.

She whimpers as he unstraps the monster inside her and moves it slowly in and out of her. She slowly starts to push back and he slaps her ass hard.

She stops and he throws her down on the bed removing the toy before slamming himself forcefully inside her. He growls s he feels his cat yelling in triumph. A large black K shows up on the back of his hand with red around it while a orange and black K appears on her with red around it.

She cries out and he continues with having his way with her. He smirks as she begins to moan louder knowing that now it was even worse, her mind called for Slade, but her body called for him. She wanted it so badly yet she didn't. He groans as he feels her clench up around him as she falls into an orgasm. He smiles as he burries himself inside of her and falls into one of his own. 

At that moment, Slade walks through the door with most of his pack and tackles him off of her. Kristoff smirks knowing it is too Late for Slade to do anything to stop him.

Slade growls and his pack grabs Kristoff and holds him. He doesn't fight back, he lets them hold him rather easily as Slade frees Krissy from her bonds. She quickly jumps up to hold him and he picks her up into his arms before leaving the room.

They both knew she wasn't his now. She had been stolen from him but yet some part of her still was his because the k didn't leave his hand.

"Slade please take me home please."


"Why not?"

"Cause, you're mine not his, and we're gonna fix this."

She looks at him in realization and he forces her down on the couch and quickly has himself inside of her. Krissy cries out in pain as Slade is lots bigger than Kristoff and hold him tightly. He kisses her softly as he holds her before pain screams through both of them.

They both start to glow softly and Krissy knows just what it is. The queen half of her was mated to one while her normal half was mated to another. Her wings errupt from behind her and a large white S lined in red appears on her right hand.

Slades K gets outlined and they both

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