» Romance » Loving the Enemy, Nevi Bernard [ink ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Loving the Enemy, Nevi Bernard [ink ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Nevi Bernard

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you going to tell me what this is all about waking me at this hour?" Kristal pressed the button for the electronic gate to close and I stalled as best as I could. 

"Can  we please get inside. It's creepy out here."

"Tell me about it." she sniffed, then motion for me to follow up the road. 




Kristal's POV


I opened the front door quietly, ushering Vincent inside. I was a bit upset with him for waking me at this hour, when I needed my beauty sleep. What was so important? We had a History test in the morning and if I didn't sleep I would definitely be sleeping during my test. Tomorrow should be the day to prove that I had really been learning something during the private sessions, but if I didn't sleep, I would most certainly fail.

I sighed and glanced at the boy who would be responsible for the big 'F' that would be written on my paper. His posture was one of pure nonchalance yet the air was filled with tension. His hands were tucked into his pocket, and his head bowed staring at his sneakered feet.

He looked so far away and it was obvious in that moment that all was not as fine as he may have wanted people to believe. We entered my room quietly, and closed the door. I sat on my bed and he stood in the middle of the room, still staring into space.

"Earth to Vincent." I said, and he looked up at me then looked around as if just coming to terms with the fact he was now inside my room. "You can start explaining why you woke me up from my beauty rest." I continued bluntly.

I was not really in the mood for being nice but immediately I was sorry as I watched the emotions changed from one to another. The aggression and hostility that would normally be found whenever we were around each other dissipated in from of my eyes, now creating a new link of friendship and understanding.

"I'm sorry... that was rude to say." A sigh escaped my lips as I listened for him to respond. When he didn't I looked up to find him running his fingers through his hair. He seemed to find whatever it is, that was bothering him difficult to talk about. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said softly.

"No I need to talk to someone." He said finally as he sat next to me.

I found it ironic that of all the persons he chose me. I watched as he rhythmically vibrated his feet, obviously trying to find the courage to say the next word that would bring him some kind of peace, and I had no idea what caused me to do what I did next. Placing a hand on his thigh, I stopped his nervous movements. I then made the mistake to look into his eyes, and what I saw scared me to my wits end. His bright eyes had become darker as he gazed back into mine.

Though his still held a hint of worry it held something else, interest. I looked away then. Why would he be interested in me? We were enemies, weren't we? We hated each other right?

Right, but you loved that kiss, and would do it all over again and you know it. I felt a hint of blush tinting my cheeks as I tried to hide it, allowing my hair to veil my face. Though it was true, I really didn't want to think of him in that way. I didn't want to start thinking that maybe he liked me as much as I had started to like him. I had no idea when it started but it was there and I wished away as best as I could. Too late you're already thinking it, taunts the voice in my head.

"What are you doing?" He asked quizzically

His question brought me from my wondering thoughts and I started to pull away. I didn't get very far, he held my hand in his, caressing my palm with his thumb.

"I wasn't doing anything. I just wanted to know why you woke me up and why you're here." I snapped, trying once again to tug my hand away, but he tightened his grip making it even difficult. His thumb continued its ministration and I blushed at how intimate it looked. I must looked like an over ripe tomato, I thought.

"You look so cute when you blush." He sounded amused. I turned to take a peek, and caught the smirk leaving his face. The proximity between us had decreased and I wondered who moved. His breath fanned my face and I felt another blush warming my skin.

"Unspeakably beautiful." His fingers caressed my cheek stopping all thoughts of moving. His thumb slowly rubbed against my lower lip. I was too mesmerized by his eyes and beating didn't help at all. What was a girl to do?

"Just a taste." He said, more to himself, before closing what small distance between us.

His lips were soft and moved maturely against mine. A tingle ran along my spine like electricity and I gasped. Vincent didn't waste time in slipping his tongue inside, gliding his against my own. I soon lost control and my semi-opened eyes closed and I leaned fully into the kiss.

Though I'd kissed before, it was never like this. I could kiss Vincent all day and never care. One hand slipped into my hair, gripping it as the kiss got intense, holding me firm. I did the same, nipping his lower lips in the process. His groan was primal, and he seemed on the verge of losing control when he stopped.

Resting his forehead against mine, he sighed, "Sorry. I didn't mean... um... I uh..." he seemed to have lost his ability to speak straight and now I wondered if maybe he just didn't know how to say he was sorry that he even kissed me at all. What would I do if he thought I was a bad kisser, which had never happened before. Well there's a first for everything, says the voice inside my head.

I started to turn from Vincent, feeling very self-conscious, but he stopped me in time and rested his forehead against mine. "I'm not sorry for kissing you. I love kissing you." His eyes strayed to where his lips had been, and I watched as his tongue sneaked out and ran along his.

I so want to kiss him again, if only he could stop holding back.

"I love kissing you too." I found myself saying, a blush warming my cheeks again. That seemed to happen more often when he was around and I wondered why. But he just smiled, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger.

"I-I-I like you... a lot but my parents..."

I thought my heart stopped. He liked me? But how does his parents affect all this? Did they stop him from saying something before?

I stopped the many questions tumbling into my mind as I realized he'd began to speak once more. "My parents' present relationship has taken its toll and it kinda makes me worry that I would be... just like them."

I frowned, he still didn't make sense. "What do you mean? I'm kinda lost?"

"Well my parents' marriage has been on a rocky path. They only pretend that they are fine and are in love when people are around. They were arguing when I called you. I just couldn't stand it anymore" His hand found his hair and he tugged hard.

Slipping calm fingers against his, I release his hair from his frustrated fingers. Climbing further onto my bed, I pulled him along with me, and then kneeled at his back. I began to massage his scalp, helping to release some of the tension.

"So what were they arguing about?"

"They wanted to get divorced. Mom was screaming at my dad for having an affair again."

"You're dad had an affair?" I said shocked

"Once. Mom hired a PI to investigate and that's how she found out. And since then they were never the same."

"Wow" was all I could say.

"Yeah. Nobody would have known with the way my mom pretended he never did anything while they were in public but at home they hardly spoke to each other and when they did, it was to argue. Tonight was one of those." He sighed

"I don't think you're like your dad." I said softly, continuing my task.

"You don't think so?" he asked

"No. I don't think you ever will." I was being honest, and I thought he needed the truth at this time when he was very vulnerable.

He turned to look over his shoulder and smiled, "Thanks, I needed that."

I continued to running my fingers along his scalp, and I was gifted with another of those groans that seemed to make me lose all concentration. He leaned his head against my breast, and his exposed neck looked more and more inviting.

Without thinking I leaned forward to kiss the spot just below his chin. I gained yet another groan. I continued, feeling a sense of achievement.

"You continue that and I won't be sorry for what I do next."

I smiled as I daringly continued, sucking on the spot before moving to the soft spot below his ears. I was not prepared for the sudden change in position as he now gazed at me from above, the smile on his face mischievous. I returned a bold smiled, raising my hand to run in his soft hair. I loved the way it felt, how the short strands glide between my fingers. His eyes closed and I admired his less tense features, he was the beauty not me. He could have any girl he chose.

Yet he chose you, the thought slipped into my less the conscious thinking. He didn't choose me, I argued with myself. He can't choose me, we're enemies, right?





Vincent's POV

I woke this morning with a grin on my face despite how sorry I felt about my parents finding out that I wasn't home, that I hadn't slept there at all. I could always say I'd snuck out much early, which would have been the truth. But I wasn't in the mood to be sympathetic since it was their fault why I slept at Kristal's house but I didn't regret it especially since I told Kristal how I felt.

The brick building looked brighter today and there was a spring in my step and there was nothing that could mess with this. Kevin and Jason spotted me

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