» Science Fiction » Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers In Space/Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Heather Ray [best novels ever TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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my teammates.


My hands shake around the handle, my will forcing the intrinsic power of the Saber to build. Finally, with a cry of exertion, I swing my arms downward, the mystic metal cleaving through its target.

The clang of metal on metal screeches in my ear as the Quasar Saber penetrates the Savage Sword. Suddenly, like a supernova, a wave of blinding white light blankets me and my surroundings. A tinge of fire spews from the severed sword like a volcanic eruption.

And then...there is nothing at all...
Part Two: The Morning After

Chapter Two


I'm warm.

Not clammy, but utterly comfortable. A gentle breeze massages my skin, and the distinct taste of the ocean tickles my throat when I inhale.

Alarmed, my eyes shutter open...and gaze into darkness. Though it's not completely obscure, as the shroud of night gradually gives way to the orange tinge of sunrise. I lift my chin to watch the soft radiance creep along the floor, suddenly realizing I'm lying in bed.

The mattress is sinfully luxurious, and the sheets smooth against my exposed skin. I'm obviously not in my standard issue bunk bed on Terra Venture.

But then...where am I?

"What's going on?" I demand aloud while emerging from the hug of the sheets. My arm reaches out to better balance my weight, and accidentally brush something firm...and warm.

My touch produces a soft grumble beside me, and the sound of sheets ruffling.

I'm shocked my heart skips a beat as I turn see a man in bed with me.

My hand flies to my mouth to smother a scream and I crawl from the bed. I do my best not to wake my...bedmate

, and find myself staring at him in curiosity. However, his face is sandwiched behind his muscled arm and the fluffy pillow he rests upon.

I shiver, my head swimming in confusion as I turn away from the bed toward the source of the dawn. The large window is ajar, giving passage to the sea breezes. Outside, I can make out the rippling ocean, reflecting the deep blue and red-streaked sky at dawn. I pace toward the door beside the window, and tentatively open it.

I'm thrown to see there is no lock on the knob. The door swings open, revealing a modest wooden patio that stretches the full length of the bedroom. I pass the twin lounge chairs, and descend the steps to the sand.

The sand is damp from the night, but regardless it's the most beautiful shore I can imagine...white sands, dusted with tiny pink specks of coral, and shimmering sea foam crawling up from the pristine water. I'm drawn to the water, a childlike thrill climbing my spine as thoughts of my grandparents' home in Florida come to mind. I dip a timid toe into the shallow water, for the first time looking down at my legs.

My bare


I gape at the totally uncharacteristic silk shift, hanging from my shoulders by too-thin straps with a hem just barely covering anything. I have never

worn such a thing in my entire life, as I've always preferred full flannel pajamas that wrap the body in a warm hug.

Why is everything so wrong

...but at the same time so right? I know I should be afraid...or at least uncomfortable in this inexplicable environment. I can't remember how I got here at all...I can't remember any

recent event very clearly. Just...sensations. I feel the whisper of physical and emotional pain tearing through me, causing me to tremble with...with something


I swathe my arms around my body in a pathetic attempt to ward off the inner chill, and turn my head to the sun painting bands of orange along the calm waters. The cool breeze weaves through my loose hair, and the direct currents of dry air and solar radiance brings a tear to my eye. The growing light warms me, and the brilliant reflection crawling along the ocean keeps persistently moving, right to my feet at the edge of the water.

It's the most beautiful sunrise I've ever experienced. The sting in my eyes becomes so insistent I lift my hands to rub away the discomfort. my fingers come in contact with soft lashes rather than scratch-resistant plastic, my confusion builds anew.

I don't have my glasses on, but...I can see perfectly

! Nothing is blurry...not even the disk of the sun in the distance! Granted, my glasses aren't quite Coke bottle in breadth, but I've needed them for as long as I can remember. And contact lenses have always been out of the eyes can't handle the harsh chemicals and oxygen deprivation.

How is this possible?

"Keni?" a voice calls from behind me. "What are you doing up so early?"

I freeze like a scared doe caught in headlights, self-consciously tugging the hem of my shirt to maintain some modesty. I hear the creak of footsteps against the wooden steps, and then the faint crushing of sand underfoot.

"You and those sunrises," he murmurs, amusement touching his voice. "I just don't get how something that happens every day can be so spectacular to you."

Hands reach around my waist from behind, and his chin tucks itself in the small hollow between my neck and if it belongs there.

I swallow, so flabbergasted by the familiar ring in that subdued voice. My jaw slack, I glance down at the all-too familiar arms that hold me so snugly. I notice a modest gold band on his left ring finger...and a matching

one on my own hand, that instinctively moves to cover his.

I'm wearing a wedding ring. Why didn't I notice it before?


His body rocks as he chuckles softly. "Wow, I sure hope that wasn't a question!"

There is something about his mischievous humor that makes me smile. Perhaps it's the fact that it's so genuine's a part of who he is. And though I doubt he realizes it, he just glows with warmth.

My heart quickens as I dawns on me that Leo is standing behind me, holding me in an intimate embrace, wearing a wedding band

that matches my own.

He's...he's mine


I suppose instinct just took over. Suddenly, I can't resist his magnetism, leaning into his strong chest and angling my head just enough to feel his cheek better against mine. I flush, my hypersensitive skin duly feeling the warmth of his bare chest tingling my back, his steady heart beating behind mine.

I've never felt

to him; and I don't mean merely physically. Usually, whenever we are alone together, I always bat away his boyish charm like a peeved-but-amused babysitter. I slap him when he tries to sneak a taste of Damon's birthday cake. I scold him when he schemes his way out of washing the dishes.

I'm not sure precisely why...but there has always been a distance between us. I don't know if it's my doing, or Leo's; but our interactions were always...silly

. It bordered on flirtation, but I can't be sure. Perhaps Leo just wasn't interested in something more. Or...perhaps I wasn't ready to take that chance.

But now, things are different. I am no longer so apprehensive. He's mine...I know I'm not risking our friendship, or heartbreak, or the chemistry of the team, or anything else. I'm free to... touch him like this. Skin to skin, beyond just our hands brushing against each other accidentally. My initial discomfiture melts away completely, leaving my mind at peace as we enjoy the daily miracle of dawn.

The moment is if it were out of a dream.

Is all this a dream? Can a dream feel so real

? Can a dream be so perfect?

Dreams usually have a base in actual wishes or desires, but in my experience they are also littered with fantastic elements, like flying mice or something.

This can't be a dream. It doesn't feel like a dream. Which leads to another frightening question...

Am I...dead


Vaguely, that burning, painful sensation touches me again. Visions of fire, white light, and the screams of my friends haunt me. That

seems surreal...more like a dream than reality.

I'm...having difficulty distinguishing the two.

"You're very quiet, Keni," Leo murmurs. His hands shift gently, turning me around so I can face him.

I get my first good look at him...dark hair disheveled by slumber, morning stubble darkening his cheek, pale green eyes sparkling as they reflect the warm morning light.

I smile shyly at his small, inquisitive grin, and turn my eyes away from his. I can feel my cheek burning, once again made quite conscious of our intimacy.

"Something on your mind?"

My scientific brain generates a thousand questions, but I realize to utter them would certainly throw Leo off guard. Still, I can't resist.

"How long have we been here?"

He glances upwards as he calculates. "About five minutes; but who knows how long you've been out here by yourself."

"No, I meant...Neo-Earth," I clarify.

I expect a frown of puzzlement to mar that perfect face. Instead, his smile widens. "Every day feels like a new beginning."

It was certainly a bizarre answer, and it screamed against all logic, but it...felt right. Why does everything feel so timeless?

Why am I questioning it, anyway?

"So, ready for breakfast?" he invites.

I smile. As Leo tosses his arm about my shoulders, I force my natural inquisitiveness to rest.

Why should

I demand answers? After all, I'm in my personal paradise, married to the man I adore, living in a wonderful house where the sun greets us every morning. What more can I possibly want?

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