» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [first color ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [first color ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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/> Skull's lips tightened, and he unthinkingly reached out and grabbed Kim's arm. She was speechless as he forced her to turn around, and fixed his steady gaze with her shocked one.

"I'm not kidding around here, Kim. Donnie's dangerous-"

"Like you would know!" she muttered vehemently, struggling against his surprisingly firm grip, "Now let me go!"

Skull released her, cringing slightly at her hurt glare. While he was bothersome, he never went so far as to physically assault her.

"What's going on?" inquired a deep, menacing voice. Skull turned around, and swallowed hard when he saw Jason Lee standing behind him. The tall, powerful athlete glared at Skull, his sleeveless shirt only accentuating the tight, firm muscles of his arms. He stood with those mighty arms crossed, and one eyebrow raised.

Skull met the threatening glare with a disarming giggle. "Just saying hello."

"That's not what it looked like to me," Jason stated.

"Hey, whadda you think you're doing, Pin-Head?" growled another voice, as Bulk pushed his large frame between them. His dark blue eyes were narrow with outrage, as he pushed his index finger into Jason's broad chest without the slightest intimidation. "No one messes with Skull here but me, got it?"

The silence that followed was broken when the first bell rang. Everyone looked up, and noticed the crowd of students that had formed around them, watching intently and no doubt hoping for a fight between the two toughest freshmen in the school.

Jason breathed deeply, his gaze remaining on Bulk. "Kim, you ready?"

"Yeah," she breathed, closing her locker. Jason stepped away from Bulk and wrapped his broad arm around her shoulder, escorting her away.

Skull watched her go with a heavy heart. He hadn't intended things to get so out of hand- he was only trying to protect her. It's funny how the best intentions often lead to terrible outcomes.

"Who does he think he is?" Bulk grumbled, staring after the departing red form angrily, "You can hit on any girl you want!"

"Forget it," Skull said somberly, "Let's go."

Bulk glanced at his watch, a surprised expression growing on his face. "I can't remember the last time I was in early enough for homeroom," he stated, "How 'bout we play poker until second period? I don't feel like going to class anyway."

Skull nodded in consent, and dutifully followed his protector down the hall.
Chapter Two

Skull grumbled something under his breath as he strolled down the sidewalk of Beverly Avenue, his mind immersed in deep thought. His face blatantly showed his frustration, and his shoulders were slumped as he kicked a rock that was on the sidewalk, sending it careening into the street.

He was enraged with himself more than anything or anyone else. He couldn't reach Kim for the rest of the day. He saw her at lunch, and in English, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to her. The shame of how he handled the situation that morning still weighed heavily upon him.

She'll never listen to me now,

he reflected grimly, Why would she believe me over Donnie? He's handsome, popular, smart... and I'm just a loser who's been head-over-heels for her since middle school! Of course she'd think I'm trying to sabotage her Valentine's Day. If only she'd take me seriously, just for a moment...

His thoughts dissolved when he reached the spacious property of the Skullovitch family. To his surprise, a small black 1990 BMW sat at the tip of the semicircle driveway with an Arizona license plate hanging in the front.

Skull's grim frown deflated into an excited smile as he sprinted up the cobblestone driveway, and fished for his keys in his stone-washed jeans pocket.

"I left my key in my backpack," he groaned, slapping his forehead with frustration, "and I left my backpack at school." He hadn't been in the mood to do homework... again. So, he opted to just leave it in his locker, and not deal with carrying it home since he had no intention of even looking at it.

He sighed deeply, and rang the doorbell.

After several minutes, the door opened, revealing a tall, slender young man with a neat raven ponytail and deep slate eyes. He grinned broadly when he saw Skull standing there, and immediately engaged him in a fierce hug.

"Gene!" he said, releasing him after a few moments. He held him at arms' length, and took in his punkish appearance with an amused grin. "Hmm... that tiger print polyester shirt is kinda loud, don't you think?"

He then reached out, and ruffled Skull's heavily-gelled hair. "Wow... it barely moves! Those spikes are sure persistent!"

Skull cracked a half-grin, and lightly elbowed the man in the side. "You know me, Eddie: I wanna defy every rule in the book. Even gravity."

The pair walked into the house, both laughing at Skull's defiance. Once inside, Skull cast a quick glance at the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a mess of vegetables, breadcrumbs, and deli meats scattered about the countertop. He rolled his eyes, and fixed Eddie with a knowing glance.

"Ten minutes in the house, and you've already torn it up, Bro," he pointed out.

"Actually, I've been here since lunchtime," Eddie corrected, "Hence the mess."

Skull then fixed his brother with an authoritative glare, and wagged his index finger in his face sternly. "Edmund Arthur Skullovitch! You are grounded for the entire weekend. And you will clean up this mess now


Skull's paternal command was greeted with a deep laughter, as Eddie strolled back into the kitchen. "Yes, Dad," he said meekly, sweeping the crumbs with palm. He then glanced up, and saw his younger brother sit down heavily at the kitchen table. "You know, Dad hasn't talked like that since we moved here."

"Yeah, six years ago," Skull said, a sigh in his voice as he cupped his chin in his hands, his elbows leaning on the edge of the table. "After he made executive, he carted us all to Angel Grove, and dropped out of our lives."

"He didn't 'drop out,'

Gene. He's just busy."

"Whatever," he groaned, dropping one hand to drum his fingers on the embroidered tablecloth, "Both him and Ma... they just stopped being parents and started trying to be 'friends.'


"At least they're trying," Eddie said, stacking some ham and turkey slices on a piece of French bread.

Skull scoffed. "This New Age parenting is a load of crap," he growled, "No discipline... just let the kid run wild. Don't correct him, try and identify with him. I swear, if they show up to one more Parent's Day dressed as punks, I'm going to put a bullet in my cranium."

"Don't joke about that, Eugene," Eddie said sternly, walking around the counter to the table. He dropped a paper plate in front of his brother, and headed back to the refrigerator. "What do you want to drink?"

"I'm not really hungry or thirsty," Skull stated quietly, "Thanks, though."

"Shut up and eat," Eddie stated, pulling a Coke from the fridge, "You look like a skeleton."

"You're not much bulkier," Skull commented, as he pulled the plate toward him. He carefully examined the contents of the sandwich, lifting layers of meats and cheeses.

"What are you doing?" Eddie sighed, sitting the can on the table and taking a seat across from his brother.

"Looking for tomatoes," Skull responded matter-of-factly, "I'm allergic to tomatoes."

"You are not allergic to tomatoes," Eddie sighed, a grin tugging at his lips. He leaned back in his seat, and watched his younger brother amusedly.

"Yes I am," Skull insisted, "They trigger my involuntary upchuck reflex!"

Eddie stifled a chuckle. "Well, don't worry. I didn't put any tomatoes in there."

"I'll take your word for it," Skull said, lifting the sandwich to his mouth. He took a big bite, and slowly chewed as his eyes rose to the ceiling thoughtfully.

"Well?" Eddie inquired.

"You forgot the Genoa," he stated, his mouth full, "It's pretty good, but a sub's not complete without the Genoa."

"It's not my fault there's no Genoa in the fridge," Eddie pointed out. He grabbed the bag of potato chips from the counter behind him, and sat it in the center of the table. He grabbed a handful, and shoved several in his mouth.

"So, what're you doing here?" Skull asked, once he had swallowed his first bite, "I haven't seen you since Thanksgiving."

"You know I was in France and Italy this Christmas," Eddie said, folding his arms over his chest. "Don't pull that guilt-trip on me for leaving you alone with the 'rents for the holidays."

"I'm not," he said firmly.

"I'm in for Valentine's," Eddie answered, "I haven't seen Lark since Thanksgiving either."

Skull sunk his teeth into the sandwich again, and shook his head. "I can't believe you're still with her," he said, his words drowned by the food in his mouth, "You've been dating her since junior year of high school!"

"What can I say? I... love her."

Skull gasped, causing the food in his mouth to be inhaled into his throat. He coughed heavily, dropping the sandwich into the plate and taking a long sip of soda.

"You're kidding!" Skull wheezed.

"No, I'm serious. In fact, I bought her this


Eddie reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small jewelry box. He flipped it open, and Skull gaped at the impressive arrangement of diamonds on the golden band.

"Oh wow," Skull breathed, "That must've cost you a few limbs."

"Well, it definitely cost me my privacy. I had to get a roommate this year. I couldn't afford the rent alone."

Skull shook his head in disbelief, a smile forming on his face. "That's so incredible!"

Eddie grinned proudly, putting the ring into his pocket again. "I'm going to see her tonight... and then I'm gonna do it."

"Oh wow," Skull repeated in awe.

"So, how're you doing in the female department?" Eddie inquired, leaning forward and reaching for more chips, "Got a date for the Valentine Ball?"

Skull dropped his gaze to the table. Eddie frowned, shaking his head sadly.

"Don't tell me you're still hung up on Miss Priss."

Skull lifted his gaze, and threw his brother a withering glare. "She's not prissy," he affirmed.

"If you say so," Eddie sighed, "Still, I really don't think I need to go into that 'other fish in the sea' stuff. You must realize by now that she's not interested."

"I know," Skull said weakly, sitting the sandwich down.

"Then why do you insist on ruining your romantic life by pursuing what you can't have?"

"Dammit, Ed, it's not like I can just turn it off!" Skull shouted, "I know it's fruitless. I know it's hopeless... but I can't help it. I love her!"

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