» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [first color ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [first color ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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"You don't love her," Eddie said strictly, "You can't love her. You don't even know her!"

"I know her well enough," Skull insisted.

"No, you don't. You have a crush

on her. That's very different. You can forget about a crush easily enough."

"But that's the point! I can't


"You haven't tried


Skull withdrew into the back of his seat, folding his arms angrily. "You don't understand," he muttered, "I'd do anything for her. Anything."

"Really?" Eddie inquired, his eyebrow rising.

"Really. In fact, I'm going to that Valentine's Ball."

Eddie blinked in surprise. "You're kidding!"

Skull shook his head slowly.

"Eugene, you can't go to a Valentine's Ball alone! It's embarrassing! And everyone else will be there with their date. It's a couples dance, not a stag party!"

Skull pursed his lips, a dark shadow over his eyes. "She's going with Donnie Fitzgerald."

Eddie was thunderstruck. He remained silent, his eyes widening with alarm. "My God... I thought he would've been arrested for statutory rape by now."

"He's kept clean since that whole incident with Yasmine when you were still at Angel Grove High," Skull stated, "and even then, nobody knew about it other than a few of his friends... like you. No one at the school now knows what's happened. Especially the freshman. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know about it either. But he does seem to like younger women. And now, he's got his eye on Kimberly."

"You didn't warn her!" Eddie stated incredulously.

"I tried!" he insisted, "But why would she believe me anyway?"

Eddie and Skull both fell into a long, disturbed silence. Finally, Eddie rose to his feet, keeping his gaze locked with his brother's.

"Then you'd better go. Just to be on the safe side."

Chapter Three

The music was an animated dance beat, pulsing through the gym like an earthquake. Still, hundreds of students held conversations over the music, congregating in tight groups at either a round table or near one of the refreshment stands. Even more students swayed to the music on the dance floor, as a live band played on the stage.

One student stood alone, refilling his punch glass at a table. Several others were surprised to see him there, dressed in a neat charcoal suit complete with a bow tie and polished black shoes. For once, his sleek jet-black hair was combed neatly, allowed to fall down naturally rather than stick straight up.

He stood up tall, with one hand behind his back as he hovered his glass just inches from his lips. His narrow gaze sliced through crowds of students, landing on a short, slender form dressed in a glittery blush pink knee-length dress, complete with rhinestone straps and a matching ring just under her bust-line.

While Skull was cold and confident on the outside, he was trembling within. It took a quick sweep of the gym to take note that this dance wasn't quite formal. The guys were wearing shirts and slacks, while the girls simply wore skirts and dresses.

Kimberly was wearing a gown because she was stunning, and liked to make an impression. The tactic worked, for she was literally breath-taking compared to everyone else.

Skull was finely dressed as an accident rather than a strategy. He had never been to a dance, and he assumed it would be a formal engagement, like when he went with his parents to the symphony on New Year's Eve.

He felt vulnerable... not only because he wasn't wearing the forbidding outfits he usually donned at school, but also because he stood out nonetheless.

He felt a thousand eyes on him, staring in wonder and laughing on the inside.

Also, he was disquieted by the fact that Bulk wasn't there. Neither were Jason, Zack, Trini, or Billy. Neither his friend nor Kim's, which meant he was trapped and alone.

He was trapped, for there was no one else there to keep an eye on Kimberly. She was surrounded by a sea of strangers, and surely no one else was going to pay particular attention to her that evening.

He was alone, for he was within that sea of strangers, unable to find a single familiar and amiable face. He saw faces of upperclassmen, of athletes who sneered, and average kids who snickered at the cleaned-up bully.

Never in his life did he feel the need to escape as he did now. He never felt so out of place.

But, looking at him wouldn't give such an impression. His expression was flat and cold as he slowly sipped his punch.

His eyebrow rose slightly as he watched Donnie lean forward, and whisper something into Kim's ear while they swayed to a slow song. She threw her head back slightly, giggling as she let Donnie lead her from the dance floor. Skull's eyes panned the floor, watching intently as Donnie firmly gripped Kimberly's hand, and lead her out of the gym via the outside door.

Skull's brow furrowed as he finished his punch in one long sip, and tossed the empty glass in the trash on his way out. He walked right across the dance floor, cutting in between dancing couples.

He didn't hear the shouts of annoyance from those he pushed passed, nor the smooth rhythm of the dance song that played. He didn't see the pulsing lights of the dance floor.

All he saw was red anger as he hurried outside. As he stepped onto the grass, he loosened his tie, allowing the silk cloth to dangle from his throat.

He wandered through the trees and bushes that ringed the gym, being careful not to tear his suit in the naked winter branches. The sound of owls and crickets filled the air, making it difficult for him to follow the sounds of other footsteps.

He deflated, turning full circle and gazing at his surroundings. He had run at least fifty feet from the building, but he didn't see any sign of them. He exhaled deeply with frustration, leaning over to catch his breath.

That's when he heard a high-pitched "Hey!"

Skull perked up, quickly straightening and hurrying in the direction of the faint shout. As he drew closer, he could hear more of their conversation, along with the pulsing beat of his own heart thumping in his ears.

"Relax, Kim... I know what I'm doing."

"Yeah, and I do too!"

"Don't you like me? You were coming on to me since I laid eyes on you!"

"As if! Don't flatter yourself, Bub. Now... take your hand back, or else."

"Or else what?" he inquired, humor in his voice.

Skull stopped in his tracks when he heard a loud, echoing slap. His breath caught in his throat, and his eyes widened.

He... he hit


he marveled, his blood boiling in his veins as he began running again.

"OW!!" screamed a male voice. Skull stopped again, a relieved smile on his face.

"You are such a jerk

!" Kim growled, as a rustling sound emitted from the patch of bushes just in front of Skull. He ducked into the shadow, and watched as Kimberly marched through the bushes. Her chin was high, and the moonlight glimmered off the rivulets of moisture tracking down her cheek. Her hands were balled up fists, and it was clear she was greatly enraged, but she took each step very methodically.

It seemed she was a volcano just waiting to erupt... either with blazing fury or bitter tears.

"Hey, Kim!" said another voice, causing Skull to once again step into the shadows. One quick look assured him that Kim was completely out of sight and earshot. That's when Donnie emerged from the grotto, rubbing his cheek tenderly.

"Leave her alone," Skull ordered, his face blanketed in shadow. Donnie turned sharply, and a humored grin crossed his lips as Skull emerged from the shadows, his arms hanging tensely at his side and a fierce glare pouring from his eyes.

"If it isn't Skullovitch," Donnie mocked, folding his arms, "What're you doing out here? Playing the voyeur?"

"Just making sure you keep your hands to yourself," he answered darkly.

Donnie smirked, looking down at Skull disdainfully. "She's a bit frisky now... but that just makes conquest all the sweeter."

He chuckled as he saw Skull's arms tremble, and turned towards the school. "Now, if you'll excuse me... I've got a dumb little freshman to-"

Donnie's sentence was lost as a furious fist crashed into his face, colliding with his nose with brutal force. Donnie, who was completely unprepared for the assault, fell limply to the ground.

Skull's eyes widened as he lifted his trembling fist to his face. A smear of blood stained his knuckles, causing his throat to close up. Urgently, Skull fell to his knees beside the still body.

Donnie was out cold, and a trickle of blood fell from his swollen nose.

"You deserve worse," Skull muttered, pulling out his handkerchief and wiping the blood from his hand, "I warned you."

With that, Skull rose to his feet. He stuffed the bloodied handkerchief into his back pocket, and tucked in his wayward shirt as he walked back to the gym. He was beaming with pride and relief.

After a brisk walk back to the building, Skull stopped in his tracks when he saw a shadowed figure standing against the wall a few feet from the exit. She leaned her head against the cold brick, and stared up at the stars.

Skull approached so quietly, she didn't notice his presence until he was standing beside her, leaning against the wall and gazing up at the sky himself.

"Skull?" she whispered softly, her voice wavering, "What are you doing here?"

"I just needed some quiet," he answered, "That music is mind-numbing after a while."

"No... I meant the dance."

Skull chuckled softly, which sharply contrasted his famous jubilant giggle. "Ouch!"

"I'm sorry," Kim whispered, turning from him to gaze at the ground, "I didn't mean to insult you."

"For a change."

Kim smiled at his light-hearted humor, but her laughter quaked as sobs threatened to break free from their confinement.

"What are you doing out here?" Skull inquired, inching closer.

"I can't go back in there," she whispered, wiping her eyes with her finger, "I'm a mess. My mascara must've run down my cheek, and my hair's a mess."

She glanced up at him, a glint of worry in her eye. "Donnie and I went for a walk, and these darn allergies of mine acted up. I couldn't stop from tearing."

Skull nodded. He wasn't surprised Kimberly wouldn't tell him the truth. Why would she? After all, she had no reason to trust that Skull wouldn't make fun of her, or respond with the every-dreaded "I told you so."

"So... where's Donnie, anyway?"


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