» Science Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [first color ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Heather Ray [first color ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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frowned slightly, glancing back in the direction whence she came. "You know... I don't know."

"You want me to walk you home?" he offered.

Kim cracked a smile. "That's okay. I called my mother already."

Skull nodded slowly, biting his lip. "Need anything? Some punch, maybe?"

She shook her head, rubbing her arms. "No. Go ahead and enjoy the party."

"That's okay," he insisted, pulling off his blazer, "I wasn't enjoying it anyway."

He walked toward her, and draped the jacket over her shoulders.

"You looked cold," he stated simply.

"Thanks," she said, smiling weakly. She then glanced at the label as she pulled it onto her arms. "Stanley Blacker? Wow, you're really dressed up today."

Skull shrugged. "Shows how much I know about Valentine's parties."

Kim giggled quietly, and they stood against the wall together in a comfortable silence. After about ten minutes, a black Camry pulled up through the horseshoe driveway. Kim smiled, pushing off the wall and shedding the jacket.

"That's my ride," she stated, handing Skull the jacket, "Thanks for the blazer... and for waiting with me."

"I was bored anyway," he said.

Kim looked at him in silent confusion for a moment, as if trying to read his thoughts. Skull bit his lip, trying his best not to make eye contact. His heart was beating so powerfully in his chest, it felt like it was trying to break free from his ribcage.

Kim shrugged. "Oh, what the heck."

Skull opened his mouth to ask what she was referring to, but was stunned silent as Kim pressed her soft lips against his cheek.

"See you Monday!" she called, waving as she hurried to her mother's car.

Skull watched in silence as she disappeared into the black automobile, and rode along the street into the dark night. Slowly, his hand crept to his cheek, and brushed the spot where her perfect lips touched his skin.

They were just as soft as he imagined.
Chapter Four

There was a skip in his step as Skull strolled up the stairs into Angel Grove High. The sun was just peaking over the horizon, indicating that there was another hour before homeroom.

Not that the early hour bothered him, for Skull hadn't gotten much sleep that entire weekend. He was practically floating as he walked home after the Valentine's Day party, and the adrenaline kept him awake until three o'clock, which was when Eddie finally got back home. He woke up the entire house, and announced that Lark had agreed to marry him. They'd start planning their wedding after they were both finished with college, so sometime in 1997 was the tentative time.

Skull and Eddie were awake all evening, just talking and laughing about their loves. Skull was so overwhelmed by what happened, he couldn't stop blabbering about how he knocked out that huge, strong athlete with one punch, and how he finally got a kiss from Kimberly.

In his opinion, his entire life was changing. Kimberly finally got to see that he's not just some idiot punk... that he had a soft side. That he could be classy, suave, and sensitive.

Eddie, however, was much more rational. He warned Skull not to make too much out of what happened.

You're right... she'll may never look at you the same way. But that doesn't mean she's ready to start going out with you or something. You've got to take this slowly. Don't expect her to fall all over you.

But Skull didn't care what Edmund had to say. In fact, that following morning, Skull went shopping.

He finally had a reason to buy Kimberly a present. He'd always wanted to... and he had chosen this gift back in seventh grade.

The heels of his combat boots echoed down the empty halls with each step he took. He was careful to take a peek down each intersection, just to make sure there was no one around. Then, after glancing once at the large round clock atop the stairwell, Skull raced to locker 132.

Kimberly's locker.

He stood beside it for a moment, looking both ways rapidly before swirling around, and turning the combination.

He'd known her combination since the second week of school. After all, he was always lurking at her locker, bothering her first thing in the morning. He'd seen her open her locker practically a hundred times.

Sure enough, the locker slid open. While he was curious about the contents, he respected her privacy. He quickly emptied the contents of the plastic bag he carried into the locker.

He carefully arranged his gifts to hang from her coat hanger, for fear if he placed them at the top she wouldn't see them. She was petite, after all.

After he managed to sit them on the hanger, he took a step back. A small smile stretched on his lips, and he nodded contentedly.

"Perfect," he whispered, "Today... I tell her everything. Everything I've been feeling. Everything I've hidden from her..."

"Hey! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"

Skull froze, and turned his head slowly to the source of the yelling. He saw Zack Taylor standing atop the staircase, his bookbag dangling from his shoulder. Skull swallowed hard as the popular teen raced down the stairs, and met him eye to eye.

"What... are you dong here?" Skull inquired, his body shaking in panic.

"I'm here for extra help," he responded, his eyes narrow, "The question is... what are you doing here? This is Kimberly's locker."

"I... I know..." Skull stuttered, too overwhelmed to speak.

"If you took something..."

"I... I... didn't," he whispered, trembling with embarrassment. Zack duly noted the flush that rose on his pale cheeks. He blinked in confusion, and glanced into Kim's locker. He approached, and scanned until his dark gaze fell upon the coat hanger.

His eyes widened, and a grin crossed his face. "You're kidding."

Skull was beet red by now, pursing his lips tightly and averting his gaze.

"Well, Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!"

Skull's lips trembled, and he unthinkingly grabbed Zack's shoulder before he could depart. Zack gazed at him quizzically.


don't say anything," Skull pleaded, "Not to Kim... not to anyone. It's a surprise!"

Zack's grin returned, and he squeezed Skull's shoulder securely. "I won't breathe a word."

Chapter Five

"So, how was the dance, Kim?"

Kim's face curled into an annoyed frown, and she shrugged her shoulders at her friend. "Not as well as I would've wanted."

Trini's brow creased. "Uh oh... what happened?"

"Eh, Donnie and I just didn't have any chemistry," she stated with a smirk, "I guess I'll just keep looking for Mr. Right."

Trini laughed. "Don't try to find him at this school!"

Kim giggled as Trini opened her locker, and hung her jacket on the hook. "So, what were you up to this weekend?"

"Nothing special," she answered, "My grandmother came on Friday night, and spent the weekend."

Kim smiled widely. "Your Nanna is the sweetest woman alive!" she cooed.

Trini nodded in consent. "She really is terrific."

"Hey gals!" called a voice, as Zack emerged from the passing traffic, "What's up?"

"Nothing in particular," Kim responded.

"You're not gonna believe this," Zack said excitedly, "Rumor has it that Donnie Fitzgerald was in the hospital Saturday night!"

Kim gasped audibly, her hand rising to her lips. "For what?"

"A broken nose!"

Trini frowned, glancing at Kimberly. "What happened?"

Kim shook her head slowly in amazement. "I... I don't know. I mean, he was fine when I saw him last. That's so awful!"

She then stepped away from her friends. "I've gotta go to my locker. See you in English!"

After waving, she wove her way through the traffic to her locker. Sure enough, Skull was leaning against it.

"Morning, Babe."

She cracked a small smile, shaking her head as she gently pushed him out of her way. "Hi, Skull."

"So... how 'bout I pick you up tonight? We can catch a movie..."

"Dream on, Skull," she interrupted.

Skull's smile collapsed, and he gazed down at her. She was holding in a giggle as she turned her combination. When she saw him gaze at her, she smirked.

"What?" she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

A smile stretched on Skull's lips. "You don't know what you're missing, Babe."

With that, he pushed off the locker, and strode through the hallway. He swallowed hard, ducking into the men's bathroom and leaning against the wall heavily. Fortunately, no one was there.

"Ed was right," he sighed, slowly moving to the sink. He leaned on the sink's edge, and stared at the clouded mirror. "What... did I really expect her to just fall in love with me?"

Nothing had really changed. Not really. She may have a droplet more respect for him... but that was all. She wasn't overcome by his charm and charisma. He didn't race to her rescue, and carry her away on his white horse.

He just offered her a blazer, and a few minutes of his time. That didn't really mean anything. It was more an act of friendship than love.

She was vulnerable that night... so shaken by what Donnie had tried. It wouldn't have been right for Skull to take advantage of what happened anyway.

But, he still felt he had let the perfect opportunity slip through his fingers.

As far as Kimberly Hart was concerned, Saturday night wasn't anything special. She probably passed off Donnie's behavior as him just being a jerk, and Skull's as just being nice... or perhaps pitying her. Nothing happened that would change her life.

Or his, apparently.

He bit his lip, glancing at the bathroom door.

She'd be opening her locker at any second. But it didn't really matter, after all.

If she knew it was from him, she'd probably think it was some kind of joke.

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