» Science Fiction » The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Terran Rangers/Final Fantasy VII, Heather Ray [desktop ebook reader txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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sacrifices his robotic body for the benefit of his friends. Later, he returns to the team in a new stuffed body, and continues the fight against Sephiroth. Although he constantly tries to display his loyalty, the fact that he betrayed his friends to Shinra before makes it difficult for them to fully trust him again.


Since Cait Sith is essentially an artificial lifeform, he is less prone to injury as his allies. Also, the strength of the Mog upon which Cait travels is superior to any human, enabling it to deliver powerful blows to any attackers.

Cid Highwind

Cid Highwind is an old pilot from Rocket Town with a dream of going up in space. The self-proclaimed greatest pilot alive, he believes he can fly anything with wings. Cid joins Cloud's crew after he was once again disappointed by Shinra, who he always blamed for abandoning the Space Program that could have given him his chance in space. Cid is a brawler by nature, whose sarcasm and short temper get him into trouble on many occasions.


Cid is a fighter by nature, whether it be with words or weapons. Rather than relying on materia in a fight, he depends on his trusty array of lances and spears. His own limit attack, dubbed the Highwind, is the rare occasion that he does use magical power. He summons small missiles from the earth beneath him, launching an explosive attack on the enemy or enemies.

Yuffie Kisaragi

Yuffie is the daughter of the leader of the city Wutai, a city rich with heritage and famous for being a world center for the martial arts. However, its recent economic struggles brought Yuffie to take on the mantel of materia hunter, hoping that by collecting the small orbs of power, she could amass a fortune to calm the ills of her home town. She initally joins Cloud's teams for selfish reasons, hoping to get her hands on their materia, but later displays a change of heart, and continues to fight for the world. Yuffie, at the age of sixteen, is the youngest member of the group, and is therefore the most prone for youthful rebellion. However, it isn't doubted that she is deadly with her shuriken-style weapons, and her lust for adventure and a good fight make her a valuable asset in a fight.


Yuffie relies on her ninja skills, honed since childhood, in battle. She prefers to attack with sharp-edged throwing weapons, her most powerful being the Conformer, but if she feels her weapon isn't succeeding against the opponent, she is quick to use some of the collection of materia she established during her journeys with Cloud. When angered, Yuffie releases her rage in the form of a wide beam of mighty energy focused from the spirit within her into her Conformer. That attack is known, and feared, as All Creation.

Vincent Valentine

It is ironic that a man named Valentine could have a heart as cold as ice. However, for this bitter warrior, love was the source of his downfall. His past hidden in the shadows, Vincent prefers to be alone, and bury himself in his remorse over the loss of his beloved Lucrecia. Since her apparent death, he had blamed himself for the suffering of her innocence, and felt the need to attone by aiding Cloud and his friends against Sephiroth. Although Vincent is outwardly cold and often obnoxious, it is due to the torment of emotions lurking within, that he refuses to display to his allies. Despite his secrecy, he is still an important member of the team, with surprising knowledge of the Shinra organization and a deadly aim with his handheld pistol.


In battle, Vincent is swift and sure. Most often he fights with one of his guns or rifles, but he also quite skilled at up close and personal combat, using his claw arm as a weapon, and displaying his impressive physical agility and speed. Also, Vincent is known for having strange, arcane abilities that surface when angered. Formost of which is his ability to call upon a beast within. When angered, the spirit of the monster forces its way out, physically transforming Vincent into the mighty bat-like creature known as Chaos.

Mentors and Allies to the Terran Rangers

Billy Cranston

Billy is one of the original five teenagers chosen by Zordon to defend the planet from the forces of Rita Repulsa. As the Blue Ranger, Billy fought well against Putties and Tengas, and saved the Power Rangers on numerous occasions with devices that he created. Billy is the smartest of the Rangers, with a super genius IQ level. Once awkward and shy, Billy has evolved over time into the confident and capable person he is today. To Billy went the Triceratops Power Coin, giving him the power of the Triceratops, and control of the Triceratops Dinozord. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Blue Ranger, Billy gained enhanced strength, speed, and durability as well as limited energy projection. When the Rangers gained the powers of the Zeo Crystal, he was made mentor to the group after Zordon and Alpha left to create another team of Rangers to fight the Machine Empire in another part of the galaxy.

Tanya Sloan

When former Yellow Power Ranger Aisha Campbell began her quest for the Yellow Zeo sub-crystal, little did she know that she would not return to her life as Power Ranger. Her quest took her to present day Africa, where she decided to remain to help cure the dying animals of the land. When the Yellow Zeo Shard rejected Tanya, she was asked to step up and assist Billy with helping the Terran Rangers in their quest to protect Earth.


Rocky is like the class clown of the Rangers. Good natured, spirited, and likes to have fun. He may be low on the IQ points, but Rocky's martial arts prowess and stubbornness make him an excellent fighter and asset to the team. He first met the Rangers on a trip to Angel Grove to compete in the Ninja Competition, and helped them save a baby in danger. Proving himself worthy by assisting the Rangers several times, Rocky was given the power of the Red Ranger by the departing Jason. Jason used the Sword of Light to transfer his powers to Rocky. Red Ranger's power weapon is the Power Sword, a powerful weapon with a razor sharp edge. His weapon combined with the others to form the Power Blaster. As Red Ranger, Rocky gained enhanced strength, speed, durability, and limited energy projection. When Rocky lost his powers after Rito Revolto's attack on Angel Grove, he gained new powers with the Ape Power Coin given to him by Ninjor on the Rangers' journey to the Temple of Power. The Ape Power Coin was later destroyed by Zedd and Rita when Master Vile reversed time and reverted the Rangers to children. When Rocky sustained injuries from the Command Center exploding, it was deemed that he would serve the Rangers better if he assisted Billy and Tanya in helping the Terran Rangers in their quest to protect Earth.

Bulk and Skull

Bulk and Skull are Angel Grove High's resident punks, bullying those smaller than them, and always coming up with schemes to get fame or fortune, like finding out the identities of the Power Rangers.


Ernie is the owner of the Angel Grove Youth Center, the most popular hang out spot for the teens of Angel Grove. Ernie is generous and good-natured, often giving out free drinks and food for special occasions, and helping out his customers if they need it.

Ms. Appleby

Ms. Appleby is one of Angel Grove's most dedicated and tolerant teachers. She constantly put up with the wacky antics of Bulk and Skull, and seems to have them in every subject she teaches.

Mr. Caplan

Mr. Caplan believes in three things- detention, wearing a toupee, and detention. A strict disciplinarian, Mr. Caplan never hesitates in issuing detention to those who deserve it. He loves seeing the students do things for the community and for the environment and does his best to encourage them all do it.


Zack attempted to gain the affections of Angela, often to no avail. She would turn him down several times before conceding to go on a date with him. When their date was ruined by a monster attack, Zack's chances with Angela seemed slim. However, he refused to give up and succeeded in making amends with her after several ruined attempts, earning a kiss on a lips for his efforts.

Villains of the Terran Rangers

Lord Zedd

Disgusted at Rita's performance at attempting to conquer Earth, Zedd came to the Moon himself to get rid of Rita and do the job right himself, but would also be unsuccessful. Rita found her way back to the Moon, and placed Zedd under a love spell. The two got married, and continued to fail at world domination.

Rita Repulsa

A feared sorceress, Rita attempts to conquer all in sight. After being released from a dumpster in which Zordon imprisoned her in a final battle, she tried to conquer Earth, with her crew. Rita had no luck however, being defeated by the Rangers time and time again.


Goldar is Rita's top warrior. He frequently accompanies monsters to Angel Grove, and holds his own against the Rangers.

Squatt and Babboo

Rita's two bumbling henchmen do their best to help their mistress in her war against the Rangers, but usually end up screwing up.


Finster was part magician,

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