» Science Fiction » The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Paulina Sakura

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it be in Tabbi's kingdom? - Star-bur asked.
- We do not know it still - Pe-Shakji-said- the future waits for us, let’s hurry up …
And saying this, he invited the young researchers to prepare their items to see Mercus and the rest of the team of Cratos's investigation, who were waiting for them in Fera's city, in the great lounge of meeting where they had been before … but now, Pe-Shakji would join them …
Chapter. V The Robot. (Fragment I )
The dusk hovers over the mortal persons of Cratos, just in the moment in which Pe-Shakji and the rest of the team travel on returning to Fera's city. In the sky, some point of the universe, an explosion is seen in the distance, in an image of a point that shines for some it is actually a great A Supernova that is formed after the explosion of a star. For Pe-Shakji, who suspects about what it treats itself, the time urges and stops the trip in the middle of the ice of the lagoon Zic-zuu and, extracting his telescope from his rucksack of trip, he observes the sky in the middle of the night that it surrounds them …
The great A Supernova in some point of the galaxy spiral Spura is full of colors, some red, blue and orange tones are estimated to the distance, inside them, points of white light remain in the sky. This makes think over Pe-Shakji on the real origin of the white light …
- The white light cannot be created only from particles of the dark matter, probably in the beginning of the universe it was like that and to find this exact formula it is a task that we owe to us themselves, nevertheless, the universe offers us another opportunity - he said to them.
-What are you talking about Pe-Shakji? - Apollo asked.
- Some particles of the star that explodes and turns in A Supernova remain as points of light in the space, about it I speak, if the mass that forms the star decomposes, it explodes and forms multiple colors, this shows us the interaction of this mass with the dark matter that surrounds the star, more … inside this mass of the star, some particles on having had contact with the dark matter, they originate points of white light or make this points of white light remain after the explosion- he said - and to these particles of mass, this powder of stars, I suspect that we have to come and introduce it in the accelerator of particles to achieve the point of white light … - he concluded Pe-Shakji.
Do you want to say that certain material of remains of stars, added to some particle of dark matter, and certain quantity of dark energy, all that in an accelerator of particles, would give us a point of white light? - Apollo asked.
- This way it is my dear son - Pe-Shakji said in a gesture of deep fondness towards the young researcher of Cratos.
-Ja, ja, ja, ja - moved Pe-Shakji laughed and doing this he took them by the hands and began to dance in circle on the hard ice of the lagoon Zic-zuu.
Some stars were shining in the distance in a part of Cratos's sky, they looked at the sky and they asked how many secrets more the universe was guarding, Kire at the time asked:
-Pe-Shakji, I wonder how it would have to be the robot that carries the worm to be able to come to this point of the universe and capture the elements necessary to introduce them in the worm and to achieve the point of white light … also question how we would realize that we achieve it, since we have not managed to come to any star with the abstraction of the particles Guu, you know that this method of trip beyond that would take us would be to the neighbouring planet and to our three moons, we cannot abstract particles Guu to go to a star that it has just exploited and turned into a Supernova - Kire said.
-To this point, I can only answer you that all the answers are near us, do not lose hope, Cratos's nature will give us the response undoubtedly - Pe-Shakji said.
- When did you begin to love nature Pe-Shakji? - Rax asked.
- It is a long history that goes back to my childhood, at home and with my two brothers, I was in the habit of catching the honey of the stem of the flowers and proving it, was a drop of a sweet liquid that I was charmed with … later, I realized that to nature it is necessary to learn to observe it to find answers, because, quite, practically everything is written in it as a code - Pe-Shakji answered.
-How a code? - amazed Olyn-tir said, one of the twins.
- Yes, like a code that guides us wisely in everything that we want to create, because the systems of life of our nature in Cratos have secrets that we must learn and because I am sure of the fact that everything what we want to design, already nature has won us in the way and has created something similar to our ideas, but something that works, slightly better … let's see … - Pe-Shakji-said inviting to see between the obscurity that was surrounding them in the shore of the frozen lagoon.
Some dry shrubs were differing near a heap of ancient stones that were surrounding them in what had been a building in another time. They were near Ampur's castle.
- It is a beautiful testimony of our ancestors - Apollo said. Now I love more their memories because I know that always they did everything in order that Cratos had a better life, in order that to our planet was not lacking anything.
- Always - Pe-Shakji-said remember it, always we have fought against the dark matter, and against the dark energy also that it seems to propitiate events in the universe, things that we do not understand completely. Our dwarf planet for fortune or misfortune is like that, stimulates us to the science day after day and takes us to an extreme way of life …
- How which? - Kire asked.
- An extreme is to live the way in we do, in cities with domes that recycle the energy towards the soil, to walk with our barefooted feet along the cities to absorb energy from the land, ours plants and vegetables develop increasingly enormous and complicated roots, in an effort for catching most of nutrients and energy from the land, that the stems of the vines are extremely thin and strain in establishing to the trees to come to the highest part and to catch more white light, that our clothes are gnawed at because we could not produce any more since we don’t possess so many baryonic matter not even sources to do more …
- In it you are reason Pe-Shakji - Kire said - since till now our interaction with the dark matter has been good but not sufficient, we have managed to create from the mixture of a particle of the dark matter and of a particle of the powder that comes to us from the sky - do not know exactly its origin-, have managed to produce the yilio, without which we would not have our buildings and cities …
- Yes Kire - said Apollo - but still we do not know what nanoparticle of the dark matter is necessary to accelerate not to what speed and with what quantity of energy, to manage to do the white light, at least a point of light.
- Patience - Pe-Shakji-said- I have told you that nature has all the answers, patience …
- How it will be the robot that takes the worm up to a point of the space that still we have not defined, to create a point of light? - Rax questioned.
- What programming will take the worm to manage to isolate a nanoparticle of the dark matter and to channel its displacement to certain speed? - Star-bur debated.
- In the morning and while we travel to Fera's city, I will show you some things that I wish to observe in the way, probably with it we´ll have a minute of inspiration - Pe-Shakji-said because only a minute of good inspiration is necessary for the big discoveries … and it is enough … -he concluded.
Doing this, Pe-Shakji at the time detained on the mound of stones and invited them to rest, not because they could not travel more rapid on the ice, thanks to the abstraction of the particles Guu, but because he was saying: to rest benefits a young mind, as those of the investigators, anxious to create …
They all sat down in circle and Pe-Shakji extracted of the purse of his tunic an instrument to generate heat, it was based on an animal of the sacred mountains that is capable of generating heat in its body in spite of just touching the ice, as response to this one … It was a minuscule device of compact metal in the shape of two water drops that are joined, he put it in the middle of the circle that they were forming and the device touched the snow of the floor, then it put on violet color and issued heat around them.
- I start believing that nature has all the answers - said Kire, who had not seen this method that Pe-Shakji had developed in the mountains to be protected from the cold that was surrounding them.
- There is nothing secret in it - Pe-Shakji-said, up to the most minimal of its details, it is inspired in what already exists in nature, and everything is programmed in agreement to the code …
They slept a placid night with the violet light that was invading them completely and on the following morning they prepared themselves to continue their trip …
- Listen!- Pe-Shakji-said- listen attentively!, the sound of the wind that wakes us up brings a melody that our ancestors knew very well because it was sung by a small bird that already has disappeared because of the changes in our planet …
The melody was diffuse but yes it had certain pace and was quite provoked by the wind of the mountain …
- The bird that was singing it was a small one -Pe-shakji-said-, of long and curved beak and it was in the habit of puncturing the flowers …
-Pe-Shakji - said Apollo - we must hurry up since we have to come to Fera …
- Wait Apollo - Pe-Shakji answered- perhaps do you think that we lose the time on having observed nature? Yesterday I have said to you that today we would have answers on how designing the robot that will carry the worm or portable accelerator of particles towards certain point of our universe …
- What is the relation with the long and curved beak bird? - Kire questioned rather impatient.
- We need the long and curved, thin and closed beak of the bird - Pe-Shakji-answered, we need a device like that as part of the robot, because only in a beak as that of the bird of silver tail that was singing the paces of Cratos's wind, only with a beak as this, the robot will be able to select a negligible quantity of dark matter and of powder of stars, the necessary thing in order that the first part of our experiment
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