» Science Fiction » The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Paulina Sakura

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given when the machinery of processing dark energy and dark matter (that forms a part of the baryonic matter of which they feed), ends …
- Every animal would have a specific programming that would help to support the chemical constant equations in the nature, up to forming everything … - Apollo commented.
- There is something that I want to know - said a young voice at the back of the enclosure, she was a cratense geophysics that had investigated for years Cratos's volcanoes-.
- Yes, we all listen to you - answered her the old man Mercus from the front of the enormous lounge grey - mustard.
-From Cratos's volcanoes lava emerges, if we follow the theory of which in Cratos the trees are big centers of storage and processing of dark energy, dark matter and white light that go towards the land of Cratos, then the planet uses this energy and … - Fiza said without ending …
(Star speaks-bur interrupting Fiza)
- And as any chemical equation, it must have an end … the lava that emerges from the volcanoes would be the quantity of energy and dark matter mixed already with baryonic matter, that our planet does not need …
- The volcanoes contribute that Cratos's subsoil is not overheated - said Fiza at the time-, are the places where it emerges part of what the planet must return in overheating, for the chemical equation that our dwarf planet carries out in a general way …
- Our planet lives to the pace of a melody, for this way saying it - Pe-Shakji said.
- Or to the pace of chemical, mathematical and physical equations that all the beings of Cratos we carry out … - said the old man Mercus while he was supporting the hand of the robot Yowac that was standing up together with him …
- The notes that guide the life in Cratos are like a song of tones unevenness, in some places high tones are listened, in other low tones, everything vibrating while there is processed the dark matter, the dark energy, the light and the baryonic matter extends … - Apollo commented.
- Some plants take part of this dark matter and dark energy of return to the environment of our dwarf planet - Pe-Shakji-said, if there are no sufficient trees in Cratos, the planet will overheat and expel more lava …
Fiza at the time, the young woman researcher of geophysics, lowered the worried head …
- And at the depth of this great mass of water that surrounds us and that now is frozen, also the equation is carried out - said Apollo-, it is because of it that a type of crab has this so hard shell, I suspect that since it lives in the sea bed, it receives more emission of dark energy that the animals that live near the surface - he commented-, because of it its shell is so hard and impenetrable …
- The heat accumulates in Cratos's center - said Fiza-, in the center of our dwarf planet, in the center of the sphere …
- And everything in our nature is done to support the balance of dark matter and dark energy that surrounds us … - Pe-Shakji-said it is a balance that is achieved thanks to the contribution of every animal and vegetable species …
- But the trees are dying almost for the reason that they do not get sufficient solar light in Cratos, our white star is very remote - Mercus said.
- This way it is, somehow they have adapted its chemical equations to Cratos's reality, but the question is … in how much time? - Commented Apollo-, we live in a world that tends to be cooled, the systems of life tend to slow down, to disappearing …
- I ask myself how it would be a world where the opposite was happening - Pe-Shakji-at the time said, how it would be a planet where its star is giving more white light of the normal thing, or is it issuing more heat? - He commented.
- A planet to which is star is warming more, should have a sufficient quantity of trees - said the geophysics Fiza-, to be able to have balance between the energy and dark matter that enter to its soil and the energy and dark matter that goes out of its soil, to prevent its soil being from overheated, because if it was happening, there would be more eruptions of its volcanoes and more earthquakes - Fiza said.
The robot Yowac was already sat together with Mercus in the drawing-room and was looking like one more of them, only that he was not Cratense, was made of metal, nevertheless, was programmed to deal neither to process the information that was generated in this enormous lounge of meetings …
-But - Apollo said going to Fiza - what explanation can you give us of both parts of the surface of our planet Cratos, which are frozen - he commented.
- Of our frozen poles? - Fiza asked him.
- Yes, what paper would they play in the balance between the matter and dark energy that enter to the center of the dwarf planet and the matter and dark energy that goes out of the center of the planet? - Apollo asked once again …
- The frozen poles of our dwarf planet would be places of balance, to prevent the planet being overheated by the quantity of energy and dark matter received from the universe … - Fiza answered.
- In the case of our planet Cratos, it is cooling, our poles help to cool it more - Apollo said.
- For this way saying it - Fiza said to him - but not always it has been like that, in fact, in a planet with a nearby star that is providing it with sufficient white light, the poles would do a better role, would contribute to a perfect balance or maybe they wouldn’t exist and in case of a planet that is overheated, the poles would have an indispensable role, in order that this energy and dark matter that comes up to the center of the planet have a force that reduces the overheating …
- And many trees in a planet that is overheated, would do the role of valves of leak of the energy and dark matter towards the exterior - Apollo said.
-Valves of leak, we do not know it exactly - Pe-Shakji-answered, it can be that the trees issue energy and dark matter towards the exterior, or it can be that they issue a substance that helps to balance the energy and dark matter that surrounds the planet - Pe-Shakji said.
- Some animals of the sea bed store more baryonic matter - and maybe with it more quantity of dark matter and dark energy-, more than its body might process, they do it to feed its babies and then they die … - said Ellen, the laboratory companion of Rax and Apollo.
- We all play the same melody - Pe-Shakji-said, the melody of the life …

Chapter VI. The secret.
(Apollo speaks, who has separated from the rest of the group and has come up to the mound of stones where there lies sat on the soil the old woman Neclibula).
- I request My Neclibula - says to her the young researcher - do not leave us alone to our luck, because the sons of Cratos need you.
- To what have you come up to my mansion Apollo? - Neclibula questioned.
-To asking you to accompany us in the research that we do to be able to generate the point of white light from the worm and …
- And has your science the time to listen to this old woman who only counts legends? - Neclibula answered in turn.
- Our world is in danger, is dying little by little … if we do not do anything, the beings of Cratos will become extinct so our white star does not give us sufficient light … looks around you, the trees that exist in Cratos are standing up because nobody has touched them, almost we cannot use the baryonic matter that exists in our planet, because it reproduces itself to a very slow pace … we need to find the way for creating a point of white light - answered Apollo - you know what means this achievement to have the energy that the beings of Cratos need to live.
- My eyes see the world different, not for what exists in them, but for what I have listened - Neclibula answers.
- The dark matter surrounds everything, the dark energy also … - Apollo says.
- There is nothing that you could do against the forces of the universe, anything against them, yes with them - Neclibula says to him.
- I know that the dark matter is a part of Cratos's life - says Apollo-, I do not say that it should be an enemy of Cratos - he affirmed.
- It is not necessary to have enemies in the world to have big challenges, the universe itself is a great challenge - Neclibula answered him.
Then the old woman Neclibula approached Apollo and mumbled him to his ear:
- When the tide goes down, when I achieve to tread three brestas more of land on the coast of this island, then we will depart, called Tenea, the Mercus’ assistant, Rax your best friend and you, all of you will come with me – she affirmed.
On an old boat they departed from the coast up to coming to an average point of the sea in the surroundings of the island where Neclibula was living, Apollo, Rax and Tenea were there with the old descendant from the lineage Klibula. Then they approached a submarine ship and began the decrease up to the sea bed.
- Will the robot Yowac come to reach us in this trip? - Tenea asked.
- Not still - says Neclibula - there are things that the brain of a cratense must understand still without being able to see them.
(There speaks the old woman Neclibula, narrating the world that she sees, as her ancestors saw it thousands of years ago)
-The dark matter, what it is and how it behaves, this we, the cratenses, must understand - she said-, the dark matter has different properties in the water or in the land, but it is not necessary to be afraid, it is necessary to study and know how it works … The dark matter in the water it is slower, has a different pace from the dark matter that filters directly towards the land – she affirmed-, it does not go with the same speed … what you call nano particles of the dark matter they are actually elementary particles of the dark matter and are a fundamental ingredient of the dark matter. In the baryonic matter there are baryons and leptons and some type of neutrino, as you know the baryonic matter forms a part of everything what we are, though it is only 4 % of the universe … because the dark matter complements it, the dark matter also has a structure only that you cratenses still do not know it, not completely well … - the old woman affirmed.
- It is probably because we could not have seen its isolated elements, one to one and to study them, only across the eyes of the robot Yowac we could see for the first time
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