» Science Fiction » The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Paulina Sakura

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instructions of movement and sequence of file of information, everything which was carrying in nano cables that were crossing many parts of its body.
It was necessary to construct it similar to a cratense man, because they wanted that it would be able to walk and explore in an almost normal life in Fera and its surroundings, they wanted the robot would be able to observe the dark matter across the lenses.
For the present this was mattering and all the ideas of travelling to the supernova were depending entirely on the achievements of this investigation on the dark matter that was surrounding Cratos. They had to manage to know to depth the dark matter and its elements to be able to carry out what Pe-Shakji had exposed to going to the surroundings of a Supernova to do the experiment to generate a point of white light.
Before, the cratenses had managed already to isolate a particle of the dark matter, an element that they discovered for random inserted in a cratense rock formed by lunar or interstellar powder, they isolated this element and it was mixed with other nano by particles of this lunar powder and with nano particles of baryonic matter and obtained the yilio, with which they constructed their buildings.
Nevertheless, which they were wishing now was to go beyond, to see to detail the dark matter that was abundant all around in Cratos.
- Not only in Cratos the dark matter abounds - said Mercus-, our universe is constituted by the following thing:
73 % of dark energy, 23 % of dark matter, 3.6 % of intergalactic gas and .4 % of stars, etc … - affirmed Mercus to the public-, which means that in the universe there is more dark matter than baryonic matter.
- So that way that these lenses will allow us to see the dark matter that surrounds us in Cratos, from Cratos's surface, across the steps of a robot on our territory, we will record all the images generated by the dark matter lenses, inheritance of our ancestors, which the robot carries … - concluded Mercus.
The lenses loaded with electromagnetic radiation were increasing the micro-vision of the objects … were not a few normal lenses, had been designed by a firm and hard material, which would hurt undoubtedly the eyes of a cratense man.
The day came of proving the robot for which Yo - oho had asked Mercus to start the immense machine with cratense man's form. More than two hundred scientists were following across images projected by a computer what the robot began to observe.
What they saw across the lenses of the robot made them perplex, without speech …
The nano particles of the dark matter were all over, were circulating in the air that was surrounding them and everywhere … they were not understanding completely the reason of all of this but they were been delighted by what they had detected …
They went out to the surroundings of the immense lagoon Zi-zuu that surrounds Fera and that comes up to the sacred mountain. The robot was walking along the frozen surface of the lagoon and was observing everything. Some researchers had remained in the lounge observing on the screen, the images generated by the eyes of the robot, while others had gone with the robot to whom they called Yowav and were following the images that were catching Yowac's eyes, across a mobile device.
It was starting getting dark …
Yowac at the time began to observe thoroughly the flowers of the cactus that grows in the surroundings of the frozen lagoon. The flowers of this cactus only live one night when they are opened and on the following morning they die.
The images on the screen showed the moment in which the nano particles of the dark matter were sticking to the petals of the flowers newly opened, in an effect similar to the effect Casimir, the nano particles to infinitely minor distances to an inch, began then to be attracted towards the petals of the flowers that were filling with them and they were remaining empty again, suing these nano particles of dark matter towards the interior of the cactus, at the time the researchers saw that during the whole night the flower had been used as great receptacle of nano particles of the dark matter, they only were observing without daring to generate theorems or scientific conjectures still, it was too prompt to do it and they preferred continuing astonishing with the scene that they were contemplating …
The flower absorbed millions of nano particles in the whole night and on the following morning it died.
-We believe that the flower dies on the following morning for effects of an overload of matter and dark energy, yes, of both … - Mercus said.
The hands raised to give an opinion were not stopping from the lounge of meetings. Then, a voice from the bottom said something that made all speechless …
- If the flower that we observe last night caught nanoparticles of dark matter, at the time all the trees do it and if the trees are stuck to the land, then this means that in general all the trees are big units of processing of nano particles of dark matter, and white light that they receive from our white star, taking this load of nano particles to Cratos's soil …
- Which would mean that the planet is all the time interacting with the nano particles of dark matter and the white light that receives of our star, in its interior … which keeps it alive … - someone else said.
- This would mean that the trees fulfill a function that goes beyond what we had thought - said Mercus - this takes us to the idea of that the trees are actually big recipients of nano particles of dark matter that they catch across its flowers and lead to its interior up to its roots, doing that these nano particles in its interior interact with the white light that they catch of our star … they take this mixture up to the soil that feeds itself -for this way saying it-, of nano particles of dark matter also … - Mercus concluded.
- Wait … - said someone to the front - the trees give fruit and we have eaten it, for which we also would process indirectly part of the nano particles of dark matter …
- What it makes us think, that this nano particle of the dark matter that we have seen to interact with the petals of the flower is actually a part of what forms us all … - Mercus said.
- The dark matter would not be isolated from the baryonic matter as others they have thought - Pe-Shakji-said but some nano particles that form it would be entering constantly into the living beings of Cratos and supporting the cohesion at the molecular level, interacting with white light all the time … - the wise cratense concluded …
- The trees are enormous recipients of dark matter - of a nano particle of it - and channels of this nano particle towards the planet, to keep it alive... This nano particle of dark matter interacts with the white light that comes to us; it is what makes work the matter that composes all of us… - Apollo said while he was looking at the emptiness …

Chapter V. Fragment III. A type of musical note …
- It means that we were mistaken when we thought that the dark matter and the dark energy were enemies of our systems of life, in fact, our systems of life and its mathematical equations are based on them … - said the old man Mercus to the team of researchers, once of return to the lounge where they all were …
They spent a couple of days more with the robot Yowac in the surroundings of Fera's city, doing observations while the scientists were gathering information, soon they realized that it was not possible to speak about a few WIPMS or weakly massive particles that act reciprocally because the dark matter was formed by thousands of them, of different movements, of different characteristics; previously when they had isolated one of these particles to form the yilio, the material with which they had constructed their buildings, it was a question of a type of particle of very slow movement or vibration, which in its moment they suspected that it was the principal element of the dark matter but with the observations done with the lenses, they realized that they were mistaken, the dark matter had thousands of particles …
Soon they realized that every species of tree of the dwarf planet Cratos, it was supporting a chemical different equation with the particles of dark matter that they were absorbing from the environment, the chemical equation of every tree was needing particles of dark matter, a quantity of dark energy and white light of their star, which was interacting with the baryonic matter that was forming them …
- Actually, we believe that every species of insect and of animal fulfill a function in the relation that they have with the trees and plants that are around us, we believe that some insects can manage to guide of fact, with the chemical elements that there issues each of the different species of Trees in Cratos … - Apollo said to the rest of his companions after having initiated one more session of meetings in a day of investigation …
- A type of note, issued by every tree … - Tenea affirmed.
- Yes, a type of musical note, for calling it this way, only that is a precise formula of energy that every tree issues towards the environment, as result of the chemical equation that it carries out with dark matter, dark energy, white light in interaction with its baryonic matter - Pe-Shakji said.
- Cratos's animals would be in constant contact with these elements of dark matter and dark energy because these elements form a part of the baryonic matter of which they feed - Kire commented.
- If the supplies of matter change, if the composition of the supplies changes, transformations take place in the animals, which would explain the evolution … - said Olyn-tir, the twin of Kire.
- The supplies of matter on which the animals would be fed would change throughout the time; due to the modifications in the chemical equations that each of the species of trees in Cratos would carry out - Pe-Shakji said.
- And these modifications would be given like proved in the alterations of the quantities of dark matter, dark energy and light that these trees catch from the environment and from universe, because probably WIMPS's quantities in the dark matter are not constant throughout the time, probably they change, it is something that we have not studied still – said worried Mercus-, we have not studied the changes in the particles of the dark matter, since just two days ago we could see the dark matter and discovered all its elements across the eyes of the robot Yowac.
- There are thousands of WIMPS in the dark matter, thousands of weakly massive particles that act reciprocally … - Star-bur said.
In the lounge of investigations the boys were not speaking but listening attentively and were raising the hand to give an opinion, they all were helping to generate new ideas from the images that they could observe with the robot Yowac.
- The life of Cratos's animals is focused to be providing with energy and matter … - Pe-Shakji-said, and its death is
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