» Science Fiction » The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Paulina Sakura

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all its elementary particles surrounding Cratos and interacting with the living beings of Cratos - Rax said.
- Yes, the elementary particles of the dark matter lie in everything what lives in Cratos and in the planet itself - Tenea said.
Then they began to see across the windows of the submarine, the marine life that surrounds them, Cratos's immense violet ocean had diversity of species …
- Listen cratenses! - said to them Neclibula-, the beings who live in Cratos's sea, as the beings of Cratos's soil, they live in function to the dark matter that comes from the universe and that surrounds the whole planet. The dark energy pushes it constant towards our planet and of it, it is not necessary to be afraid, since the same thing happens with other stars, it is necessary for the life of the stars, to rely on quantities of matter and dark energy in the center of the planet to be kept alive … the center of the planet issues dark energy and that’s why the sea bed is very cold, you could have seen just now creatures in the depths, which constant are loaded with these dark energy and produce bioluminescence in their body … yes, I know that this is opposite to what you believed, that these beings they had evolved and managed to produce the light that they did not have because the sunbeams do not come even there - said Neclibula-, but you Apollo, you have called me in order that I make you see the world as I see and it I will narrate you …
- That is what we wish Neclibula - said Apollo - to see the world for the first time across your eyes …
- It is necessary to leave to all the species of animals do their work – Neclibula continued - they work all the time processing dark matter and energy, the beings realize a function independently of what we think about it - she affirmed-, and only when we think what really they do for the universe, then we will be in tuning in with them and the universe will seem to us to be different … In Cratos and in the universe, there must be formations of baryonic matter, in order that on having interacted they balance the dark matter … The animals nearest to the depths are more loaded with energy, if there is more dark energy in the sea bed, why does it do colder? It is a direct effect of the dark energy, high concentrations of energy and dark matter will do a cold habitat, which means there are elementary particles of dark matter and a great quantity of dark energy that do not move to high speed, because it is saturated, is a cold way.
- Then the opposite thing is when there are no many elementary particles of matter and dark energy in a space, then this environment is warm, and the particles hasten, move more rapid - Tenea said.
- This way it is - Neclibula answered - but … Look there! - Neclibula said indicating an enormous blue whale that emerged from some place of the sea bed and it was going to the surface.
- It is a blue whale! - Apollo said.
-It is a being who feeds essentially of the krill who lives almost 2,000 brestas under the sea bed (approximately 1,000 terrestrial meters), the krill lives in a place where there are high concentrations of dark energy and dark matter - said Neclibula - therefore every unit of krill is equivalent to high quantities of energy that it absorbs and processes of the way around it, necessary to feed to the great blue whale … - she continued-, there are other beings who feed of the molten center of the planet, beings who live in warm openings of the sea bed, openings with eruptions in the darkness, as these - Neclibula said indicating then the great volcanic chain that was spreading on one hand of Cratos's sea bed … A bacterium lives there and many shrimps …-she said-which function is to process this matter and dark energy of the sea bed - she concluded.
- There are more secrets of the dark matter? -Rax asked.
- Yes - Neclibula said -, there is more that you have to know … I brought you hitherto in order that you imagine from here how works this marine environment loaded with energy and dark matter that will filter slowly up to the center of the planet … and also, in order that, isolated from everything as we are, you know now the secret of my ancestors, on how they could obtain a point of white light thousands of years ago …
- Did they manage to obtain it? - Apollo asked.
- Yes - Neclibula answered -, they managed to do it and travelled to the speed of the light …
- How was it? - Tenea asked amazedly.
- They managed to isolate elementary particles of the dark matter and with a type of particles they created a form of worm that was generating a type of light, with another type of particle they created another form of worm that was generating another type of light, they combined these worms or formations of type of light and created a tunnel …
- A tunnel? -Rax asked.
- Yes, a tunnel with form of worm, formed from worms of light combined … - Neclibula answered.
- And why did they do it? -Apollo asked.
- To travel to the stars, to the speed of the light - Neclibula said.

Chapter VII The triangle
The singing of the whales was listened in the distance while the submarine was submerging slowly, an enormous whale cachalot was seen in the distance … by a moment it seemed to get confused with the sound of the submarine and undertook a turn in its route towards the abyss … probably in another moment, which Neclibula and her accompanists will not attend, the whale gives another return to its trip and undertakes the search of females whales in hotter waters of Cratos's sea …
- I confuse the sound of the waves with the singings of the whales in the distance - Rax says to Neclibula.
The elderly cratense keeps silence and observes the marine landscape, water unloads in boiling emerge of some place of the marine environment and they observe them … There near these unloads there is also the flora and the fauna that is kept with the energy of the thermal outbreaks …
- We are in the place of the eternal submarine glooms - Apollo said to Tenea.
- If you want to understand the structure of the stars, look at the sea bed - Neclibula answers.
- What do you mean, Neclibula? - Apollo asks.
- As long as the time goes, its world changes … - Neclibula answers.
- The time has changed Cratos - says Apollo - as to the stars and to Cratos's sea bed, now we have a little time to fight to preserve the life in our planet that receives few solar light …
In this moment the whale cachalot poses opposite to the window of the submarine, probably trying to see the occupants who already observe him (the cachalot) from inside …
- For the cachalot, the pulsations of the sonar are blinding sparkles of light and confuse it - Rax says.
The waters of the sea seem to boil of noises from the diverse species that live there …
(Apollo speaks, who goes to Neclibula who remains with Rax and Tenea observing a species of giant squid).
-Neclibula - says Apollo - Is it true that when our ancestors managed to travel to the speed of the light, could see the worlds in war that surround the constellation of Crater?
- Yes, it is - Neclibula answers.
- What is in these worlds in war? - Apollo asked again.
- They are secret worlds for Cratos - answers the elderly one…
- And if some day this happened in Cratos, would this be the end for the planet? - question Rax in turn.
- Do not think any more about it - answers Neclibula- that our stronger thoughts channel the lines of the time …
- What does happen in the worlds in war? - Apollo asked again.
- In the worlds in war that surround Cratos's constellation the dark matter it is not known … there is great confusion and … - Neclibula answered without ending for Tenea's interruption-
- And what can they do in order that it ends? - Tenea questioned.
- They - answered the elderly one - need to construct a new world …
Then, giving the return and leaving them alone, she went to another window of the submarine and there she remained thoughtful, observing in the distance the marine snow that already was falling down on the abyss, remains of fish and plankton that was coming from the surface were forming it … suddenly she recovered value and going to them again she said to them:
- On the trips to the stars … it is necessary to know what to do there … since the abyss takes to itself all those who approach him too much … - said the elderly woman with sweet and melodious voice-, while she was raising the hand up indicating Cratos's sky that was hiding itself for them far from the depth in which they were … the suit of a traveler of the stars, it should have at least these two qualities - Neclibula said while she was breathing depth and was looking hopefully at Tenea, Apollo and Rax.
- Which are these two qualities? - Apollo asked.
- The suit of a traveler to the stars should be able to absorb the heat as the skin of an iguana and be a banker as the skin of a chameleon that one adapts to the way in that one is … - the elderly woman says.
The trip was continuing and they were ascending towards the surface where they were feeling the currents of the sea that was shaking them strongly …
- A storm comes closer, I can see a whirlpool in the distance … an enormous whirlpool...Look! - Rax exclaimed distressed while he was indicating with the finger towards the horizon.
An enormous whirlpool composed on the surface of the sea had been formed, was of white and violet color …
- Look! -Apollo exclaimed, it is a whirlpool and has form of galaxy in spiral, what a coincidence!
- The violent random does not exist - the old woman says to them in severe tone-, not in the universe that Cratos surrounds, not on Cratos's aspect … boys listen well, the reality is like two angles of a triangle, if you measure angles in an equilateral triangle, one down and other one in the top, inverted, which is above is equal to what is below …Why has the whirlpool been formed? Because the cold and warm currents of the ocean were face to face … there above, in the sky - the elderly woman said to them indicating towards the stars that they were appreciating in Cratos's dusk - also there are currents of cold dark matter and warm dark matter … The cold dark matter has elementary particles with little movement and is in some regions of the universe, the warm dark matter has elementary particles with more rapid movement and it is in regions where the stars abound - she said-, is a
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