» Science Fiction » The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Paulina Sakura

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works …
- Also we need a device that could use dark energy to be able to move up to the point where the nearest Supernova is, because you have said that there is where we need to go to generate the white light - Kire said.
- The dark matter is everywhere, remember it, but we need to go even there to have part of the remains of a star that has become extinct, remains that, interacting with the dark matter continue generating points of white light before it goes out and turns into a black hole … - Pe-Shakji said.
- It is to say - Kire said - that we will use part of the white light that exists in a Supernova to generate more white light …
- Part of the powder of star that generates this white light of the Supernova - Pe-Shakji-answered we need to reproduce the equation that nature of the space reproduces in this powder of star that interacts with dark matter and dark energy that is around, and manages gleams this point of white light …
- But … - Olyn-tir said- before... you said that just by only using the accelerator of particles and to extract certain particles of the dark matter, we might generate a point of vibrant light …
- There are no unquestionable truths while there are not obtained the answers that are wished in an experiment - Pe-Shakji said.
They came to a point in the tour that they were doing around the mountains, arrived at a point in which a beetle was grasped to a kind of tree typical of this region, a tree of big leaf of a pale blue color that was mixed with the pale gray color of the trunk …
- Look there! - Pe-Shakji said- what do you see there? – He questioned the boys.
- I see a beetle that it is too tight itself to the trunk of this tree - rather sarcastic Kire answered.
- This beetle will kill the tree - Pe-Shakji-said, it is not how another beetle that kills another type of tree generating light in its body, of which I obtained the idea for the worm … this beetle kills them hereby: the galleries that its larva do disable the flow of the elements in the stems and in the branches …
- And will it be a part of the robot? - Olyn-tir questioned the twin of Kire.
- Not, - Pe-Shakji said- observe well … what provokes that the beetle kills the tree? - He questioned.
- Its larva - Apollo answered.
- Good - Pe-Shakji-said, very good, then, what do we need?
Nobody answered; they were looking each other, looking for an idea …
- Observe boys! - Pe-Shakji said to the young researchers - we need the sequence that the larva follow, the sequence that stops or disables the flow of the elements in the stems and in the branches … we need to programme our robot, in order that it is capable of stopping the sequence of the nanoparticle of the dark matter, the neutralino-i, and that could be in use inside the worm from a specific point, our program of computer has to be inspired undoubtedly in the sequence of the larva of this beetle … - he ended.
- The vehicle that leads to this robot that we will design has to be able to absorb and process the dark energy of the universe, to be able to be stimulated and come up to the Supernova - Apollo said.
- Yes - Pe-Shakji said- you are right… - and saying this he turned in hundred eighty degrees and indicated something to them in the way, which was seeming to be a kind of cactus in a frozen landscape ...-look - he said – what you see there is a variety of giant cactus in this world of ice, in the top of it there is a flower that is opened one night and dies on having been closed …
- Is this a method of absorption of energy for the cactus? - Apollo asked.
-This way it is - said filled with enthusiasm Pe-Shakji-, which the whole plant does is to absorb energy of the universe and base on this, we will design the system of the spaceship that will have to carry the robot up to the Supernova …
- It must be capable of being fed by dark energy and to sue it not to lose speed, I wonder how much time will be late in coming up to the Supernova and if we will live to see it - Kire said.
-You do badly in asking these things you - he said for any response, Pe-Shakji.
And he was right, because everything that he had indicated, was offering a solution for the problem that they were facing, but they did not have to grow sad so the genius for the creation would diminish for the spirit of the investigators and they needed it now, innovation and genius to create the robot …
- The system of storage of nutrients of the cactus in this hostile way will help us to the design of our spaceship - Pe-Shakji said-, the flower of the cactus as a receiver of dark energy for the engine of the spaceship …
The accelerator of particles in the shape of worm was going to be sent to the nearest Supernova and the spaceship would have to go there to do the experiment …
- The dark matter surrounds us - said Kire-, why we don’t do an experiment with particles of dark matter only around Cratos?
- Some particles of the dark matter on having combined with certain quantity of dark energy in the accelerator of particles Pe-Shakji-said they would give us first dark matter, later, on having done the second experiment across thirteen spheres of the worm, they would give us the point of white light … but, I have thought that it is more feasible to go towards the remains of the Supernova and to take part of the powder that provokes the white light in it and to combine it with a particle of the dark matter and dark energy … If our experiment fails we have not lost anything since the spaceship will collect remains of powder of stars and it will bring to Cratos to follow our experiment - concluded.
- I thought that we would have more scientific elements to design the robot - Kire said.
- The spaceship and the robot that will go to the Supernova will be totally technical, it will be a pure science, nothing of what I have said to you is opposed to this idea, the only thing that I have wished is to make you observe nature in order that you should see that in it, always there has been the source of inspiration to fulfill all our dreams of creating … - Pe-Shakji commented.
- The robot will have the form of a beetle of long pliers, with a worm of thirteen spheres in its stomach and a long and curved beak of bird - Apollo said.
- Inspired by this form it will be - said Pe-Shakji, made of golden. It is the processor of particles in a major scale than the real one (beetle) and whose spaceship will move with the dark energy of the universe.
- Why do not we travel in the spaceship up to the Supernova? - Olyn-tir questioned.
Pe-Shakji at the time, he knew what they were talking about, he smiled lightly, remembering that his ancestors already had had a similar idea and knew that still there was hope for Cratos because its inhabitants still were not giving up themselves before the dark matter and the fatal destination of the dwarf planet …
Chapter V. Part II. The lenses
- The lenses loaded with electromagnetic radiation will be proved in the robot that my work team has designed specially it, since to prove them on an cratense eye would be dangerous - he said Yo- oho, one of the scientists in the panel of investigation.
Returning to the city of Fera, Pe-Shakji and the investigators met their colleagues (companions) in the great lounge of gray color and mustard …
- I know that you have proved these lenses before Pe-Shakji -Yo - oho said to the elder cratense-, but still, they have not taken the whole electromagnetic load for that they were created, because of it you had not hurt yourself, this is extremely dangerous for a sight cratense normal, because it can hurt the pupil - Yo-oho affirmed.
The enormous robot of almost 5 brestas cratenses or something like 2 terrestrial meters of height was raised and walked among them.
The researchers had come from the sacred mountain abundances of new ideas that raised their companions. Now they had to hope that there was coming the moment to prove them in the scientific environment, for which they began to work hard at small equipments of 20 cratenses, little more than two hundred scientists assembled there, with Mercus in the presidium helped by Tenea. They divided the priorities and decided to concentrate their efforts in constructing first the robot that would carry the lenses which were called lenses for dark matter.
The robot had been designed specially to prove the lenses that Pe-Shakji had discovered there in the mountains, an inheritance of their ancestors.
The robot was imitating the figure of a cratense man, was made completely of metal and raised, with long hands and long ears, deep eyes and color silver, was designed exclusively to prove the lenses that were allowing to see in detail the dark matter between the normal landscape composed by baryonic matter, with “normal” they were referring to the landscape that the eye of a cratense normally was spying, composed up to where they knew, by baryonic matter.
The eye of the robot was connected by means of nano cables to a chip that was storing the images and was allowing seeing them in a kind of computer of normal size.
Yo - oho, expert in robotics and programming had been in charge of this project that they initiated as soon as Pe-Shakji came with the team of researchers.
- I wish that everything what you wish makes real - said Pe-Shakji to Yo - oho to wish luck to him in the project.
These words were a custom in the elder cratense that though he was questioned by some and debated by others, in general was respected by his contributions and much appreciated.
Yo - oho was a cratense young researcher, creator of robots of urban applications in Cratos's cities, he had black hair in a cue, black as his eyes. He was measuring approximately 3.5 brestas cratenses, which was a considerable height. He had the skin yellow greenish very pale as the rest of his team and when they were employed at the production of the robot they were feeding themselves principally of a type of alga that it was delicious to the palate.
For this mission, little more than two hundred young cratenses had divided the task of elaborating the parts of the robot designed by Yo - oho and his team, already almost two cratenses weeks had gone or little more than 10 days since Pe-Shakji was arriving … this was the time of production to see the robot concluded.
Yo - oho was in charge of the general project and he was supervising all of the advances. The robot was following precise
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