» Science Fiction » The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Paulina Sakura

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part of the cycle of the universe - she emphasized - the stars interact with these currents of cold dark matter and warm dark matter all the time …
- Do you want to say that a galaxy, as a whirlpool, might originate for the shock of cold dark matter and warm dark matter in the universe? - Apollo asked.
- This way it is, but there corresponds to you now the task of verifying all that, as soon as you become wayfarers of the stars … - the elderly woman answered.
- The dark matter surrounds a zone with few stars and with the course of the time, these stars interact with this matter that surrounds them, until the heat build-up into them changes the sequence of movement of the elementary particles of the dark matter and accelerates them, then the dark matter is warm, It moves more rapid and... do you know what this can cause? - Neclibula asked to the boys who already were observing her with very opened eyes-, it can cause that the stars hit because the enormous mass that one does not see and that keeps them separated is composed of dark matter and dark energy, but if it is warmer, what it means that its particles move more rapid, at the time also makes the stars move more rapid, changing the orbits of the stars and doing that these move even more rapid and approach, they hit, collapse, of this shock they are formed supernovas, later a black hole and later … later more stars are born … the process hastens, in this region of the universe, with a major number of stars, the interaction of more stars that issue heat with this warm dark matter that surrounds them, generates more stars in turn to a more rapid pace, because the new stars move more rapid and collapse and form stars again quite to a more rapid pace …
- Does universe hasten? - Apollo asked.
- Yes, for saying it this way, the universe hastens, this region of the universe hastens … When the dark matter that surrounds the stars is cold, the stars have major stability among them, the orbits remain almost intact in very big spaces of time … it might be said that the change is not perceived in these solar systems … where even laws might manage to be done to measure the attraction of a star on other one, provided that the change in its orbits is almost imperceptible …
- And how does it change this current (tide, blast) of cold dark matter to warm dark matter? -Tenea asked who already had in her hand a mobile device to take note of what the elderly woman was saying …
- As I said it to you previously - answered her the elderly woman- because of the environment in which it is, because of the number of stars and the stars that are interacting with it in the sky and which heat interacts with the currents of dark matter that surround them …
- Whoever is going to make a trip to the stars, needs to know the movement of these currents or tides of cold dark matter and warm dark matter! - Apollo exclaimed with surprise.
- Our ancestors did it - Neclibula said - they constructed immense telescopes to observe the regions of the universe and made calendars with annotations of what they were observing … they detected, for this way saying it, these currents of cold dark matter and warm dark matter in the universe …
- But - Rax asked - the whole universe hastens at the same time or is decelerated at the same time?
- I do not know it - said the elderly woman - there are things for which I do not have response, but is already your turn to verify it … Our ancestors did not manage to know the whole universe in their trips to the stars, only some regions … the universe is so vast that it would be necessary slightly more than the cratense technology to manage to understand everything … - Neclibula said- Nevertheless, very much we have ahead for our good spirit! That we can come to regions where we had not dreamed before …
- Did you see this bank of bioluminescence prawns? - Rax indicated towards out of the submarine that already had submerged again to the depths to evade the storm - they come to full speed and in the middle of the darkness, are seen as a sparkle of stars …
- The violent random does not exist on Cratos's universe - Apollo answered, who was smiling while he was looking at his friend surprised by the sudden arrival of the prawns to the region of the marine abyss where they were- the reality is like the triangle...
And after this, they all laughed to the unison, while they were hoping that the storm was gone to be able to rise to the surface and tread on land again …

Chapter VIII The experiment
- When did you feel that life was like a triangle Neclibula? - Apollo questions while the submarine emerges again.
- You yourself will see it - the elderly cratense answers …
They were surprised by Cratos's afternoon, the sun was seen in the horizon almost close to the line of the sea and a great number of marine bears started jumping in the waves near to the coast. In the distance Cratos's great forest was formed by only some big trees of enormous roots and many shrubs of pale blue color that were growing all over.
Besides them, in another scene, an enormous white shark was catching a marine bear … They came closer the coast to say goodbye:
-Neclibula, you have to know that we want to see the dark matter for us same, not only across the robot Yowac, which uses the lenses inheritance of our ancestors … - Rax said to the old cratense woman to the moment to say goodbye.
- You will go to the shallow seas, in the region of the Sea of the Depths - said Neclibula-, it is a remote zone in another side of the planet Cratos, it is necessary to go by aircraft, and there you will discover by yourselves other truths about the dark matter …
Neclibula said goodbye to Rax, Apollo and Tenea, she wanted to spend now a period in Cratos's great forest, with a pair of evolutionary biologists who were studying the evolution of a plant and its relation with a worm that was biting its leaf …
- Why do you want to see the dark matter by yourselves? - The elderly woman asked to the young researchers at the moment to say goodbye.
-Because there exists the danger of which the dark matter changes codes someday and we wouldn’t be able to see it any more, not with the lenses that our ancestors inherited us … - Tenea said.
- This will not occur - the old woman said to them holding her cane and indicating the horizon with her hand - but you will go even there, to the Sea of the Depths, you Rax, Apollo, Tenea, will go in company of the old man Mercus, wise person of Cratos and of the robot Yowac … you will recognize the area because of the submarine bioluminescent mist … in the shallow seas of this region…
- Why only there is it possible to see the dark matter? - Rax questioned.
- It is possible to see it wherever, but in the Sea of the Depths the conditions are more propitious, because of the great formation of whirlpools - answered Neclibula - and do not forget that you have to go the day that initiates a new season …
- Why this day? - Apollo asked.
- The tides of cold and warm dark matter mark the seasons of the year in the planet Cratos - answers the old woman - when from the universe there comes the current of cold dark matter, with particles in little movement, it initiates the winter in Cratos, when there comes the current of warm dark matter, it initiates the spring … our planet is surrounded by tides of cold and warm dark matter, do not forget it - the elderly woman said. The best moment to see the dark matter is when there is a change of season, when both tides are, because then there are more particles in the environment and great movement of them in the atmosphere … - she ended.
Neclibula went afoot towards the cabin that was differing to short distance where a couple of young researchers of evolutionary biology already were waiting for her at the door; to her step she was dragging the cane and was walking on the pasture with her wet feet, squashing the land of Cratos and provoking a sound: shasss, shisss, shasss, shisss …
Apollo, Rax and Tenea rose again to the submarine and went to Fera's city, where Mercus and the rest of the team were waiting for them, it was seen a beautiful dusk on Cratos, the violet sea was surrounding the submarine and though they could not observe the sky directly, in this starry sky there were fluttering also the hopes of all the cratenses, who wished to be able to have this point of white light and new methods of obtaining baryonic matter for Cratos …
-Neclibula said that the dark matter is everywhere in our planet - commented Rax to his companions - and this is logical, because though it is a matter that we cannot see with our eyes, it is clear that if it filters up to the center of the planet and it accumulates and processes there, then is possible to follow its track in other places - he concluded.
- One moment! - Tenea said - if the dark matter at the back of the sea provokes the luminescence in the beings that live in the marine abyss, at the time also it is possible that the luminescence of the lava of a volcano contains dark matter, or the snow that shines or the beams that shine in the storms … - she commented.
-They contain particles of dark matter undoubtedly - said Apollo - which interact with the baryonic matter and provoke this luminescence because of great concentration of a type of elementary particle of the dark matter but still we do not know exactly the formula of this luminescence … - he ended.
- Do you mean that somehow these phenomena are related? -Rax asked.
- This way it is, I believe that if at the back of the sea there is sufficient amount of energy and dark matter that comes and goes to the center of the planet and there are bioluminescences animals that use this energy and dark matter … then the luminescence of the lava of a volcano or of the beams of a storm or the snow that shines in the winter, it might be caused by elementary particles of the dark matter - Apollo concreted, probably aiming at a new theory on dark matter for Cratos …
- After all, if you think about it, if currents of cold and warm dark matter mark Cratos's seasons and filter up to the center of the planet, it is normal that they leave its track somehow on having interacted with the beings of Cratos and with the surface of the planet … - Rax said.
Looking for the dark matter …
- If you expect to see something totally dark and different to what we
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