» Science Fiction » The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗

Book online «The dark matter, Paulina Sakura [best e reader for android .txt] 📗». Author Paulina Sakura

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know till now that says: " I am the dark matter and I shine now for you ", it will not be possible - said the twin Kire in sarcastic tone on having received the boys in the lounge of meetings and to find out about their plans of travelling to the Sea of the Depths.
Several versions of the robot Yowac had been made already in absence of the boys and now at least a dozen of them was available though it was not but a couple of lenses to see the dark matter and this they were in the eyes of the robot Yowac. Yowac's versions were directed to help nevertheless the investigators in the whole process.
- How was it the rock in which you found an element of the dark matter from the one that it was possible to create the yilio, the material with which the buildings are done in Cratos? -Yo- oho, the programmer of Yowac, asked- because he wanted to give this type of rock to the robot in order that he was analyzing it.
- It was a plutonic rock from Cratos's volcano - Pe-Shakji said-the lava of the volcano issues light also, because we suppose it contains concentrations of dark matter that interact with dark energy accumulated in the heart of the planet, goes out for the cracks of the bark, tends to ascend from the center of the planet to the surface … - commented the observer of Cratos's nature.
- We do not know if all the worlds are equal - said Mercus - but this happens in Cratos …
- And if in another planet they have another science? -Apollo asked.
- Maybe they might have another language for the science and call for different name to its things, but I think we are governed by universal laws - commented Mercus.
-If there are remains of an specific elementary particle of dark matter in the lava of a volcano, in the snow, in bioluminescence animals, I do not understand why we have to go to the Sea of the Depths - Tenea said-, it is a solitary place to another side of the planet and there are many whirlpools … she concluded …
-You have to go - Pe-Shakji said- to feel the effects of the dark matter currents, to discover how our ancestors managed to make the tunnel with combined worms of light and across it they travelled to the stars … Neclibula knows what she says - Pe-Shakji said again - she knows that in the waters of that sea our ancestors obtained the key to design the tunnel …
-It will be Yowac who travels on board of the aircraft to do the experiment -Yo – oho, the young programmer of computer science, affirmed- you do not have to traverse unnecessary risks if Yowac or several Yowac's versions can do the experiment, you will accompany them, but up to this remote place you will not go alone - he ended.
Ten enormous robots of cratense man's silhouette accompanied the old man Mercus, Tenea, Rax, Apollo and Kire to this mission. Kire joined the team to annotate everything what will happen in that region of the Mar of the Depths …
-It is necessary that two robots travel on board of the aircraft as soon as you all land on the coast of the Sea of the Depths - Star-bur-said, because the experiment will initiate with the exploration of the area in this zone, later, Yowac will travel only in another smaller aircraft and will have to get in one of the whirlwinds that are formed in the atmosphere of the Sea of the Depths …
-The Sea of the Depths has a geometric form - Tenea said when they were going on board of the aero nave on the verge of landing on the coast …
In the distance there was seen already the band of shallow seas and the clear coast was offering a natural track of landing without problems for the robot Yowac that was in charge of the aero nave …
Yowac's stature was similar to that of an adult cratense, had the same deep eyes and the long ears, but Yowac was made of silver metal, in the days of absence of the young researchers, improvements had been done to the robot and now it was managing to support short conversations on having listened to information, the information was interfering to an internal processor once having been listened and he was capable of issuing answers on having compared concepts in his interior, for which when Apollo said:
- It is time to see with our own eyes the dark matter!
Yowac answered:
- Dark matter cannot be seen
- Eyes cratenses see what can be seen
- Eyes cratenses cannot see what cannot be seen
The internal logic of the robot made the young persons thoughtful and the old man Mercus said:
- It is possible that we could not see the dark matter with our own eyes but yes we can see its effects and feel them, he said … anyway, we have come to the Sea of the Depths looking for a response to be able to create a point of white light and obtain ideas to travel in the space to speed of the light.
Yowac, interacting once again, thought:
- Dark matter enters to the center of the planet
- Effects on surface of the planet, effects in the center of the planet
- Who did programme Yowac? - Apollo said laughing with the rest of the team.
They all laughed together and though Yowac was carrying the lenses that were allowing to see the dark matter, the experiment was based in trying to see the dark matter by natural means, across the eyes of a being from Cratos and to realize annotations on the interaction of the dark matter and its effects in the Sea of the Depths.
On having landed they began to install the equipment for the investigation and ten robots that were accompanying them, similar to Yowac, they were preparing already cameras and video as well as devices of submarine exploration for the researchers. The experiment would consist of exploring the region and of observing the whirlpools and whirlwinds that were formed in this region, as a result of the wind currents that were bringing some particles of dark and warm matter from the universe which were mixed with the cold dark matter – formed with elementary particles in little movement which were prevailing in the winter over the surface of the planet. There would be necessary to detect any indication of formation of light in these whirlwinds, then to try to deduce the formula of the worms of light that combined were forming the tunnel to travel To the universe.
It was the first day of the spring, the day of the experiment had come …
The robot Olkas began to walk and went to the shallows seas, it was a band of about little more than 380 brestas cratenses ó 3 terrestrial kilometers, the robot at the time lowered his stature and diminished to a robot with squared form with feet, hands and head, he began to walk under the water and to film, he was sending information to a mobile device connected to other devices that the investigators were carrying.
- Look, Olkas is reporting luminescent mist under the slightly deep waters! -Tenea exclaimed.
- Which would mean that really there is concentration dark of energy and dark matter in this region, as Neclibula said it! -Rax exclaimed.
- Wait! - said Kire - if the dark matter in the space remains dark, why would luminescence betray the presence of dark matter in our planet?
- Because the dark matter in order that it could give luminescence as it gives also in the space, it needs that the particles that form her find their opposite, I mean, that the currents of warm dark matter meet those of cold dark matter, according to Neclibula, the shock of these currents in the universe gives place to the galaxies and to the light that one sees in the cosmos and the shock of these currents in the planet would give place to whirlwinds and to whirlpools because of the cold and warm dark matter that is in the sea and that forms them … - Apollo answered.
-Current of warm dark matter has elementary particles with rapid movement -the robot Yowac said - current of cold dark matter has elementary particles with slow movement …
- Thank you Yowac, we know it … - Tenea answered.
Though in a beginning it was handled the idea of exploring a whirlwind simultaneously, they had several small spaceships that they had brought inside the enormous spaceship in which they had made the trip up to the Sea of the Depths …
The spaceships had a long and well designed beak, with two widespread wings backward, were extremely compact and light …
There were prepared the first two spaceships of the experiment, two robots in every spaceship, in one of them Yowac would travel, the robots were wearing a chip that was allowing to trace them in case of loss, up to depths of 13,200 brestas cratenses or something like 3,000 kilometers under the water …
The wind was coming and beginning already the formation of a great tornado on the Sea of the Depths, the investigators had prepared already a camp on the coast, integrated by mobile homes constructed of a material derived from the yilio and in them they were sheltering from the strong winds that already were coming in the horizon …
The spaceships will go out of this point on the coast - said Mercus - indicating the runway to approximately 20 brestas ó approximately 200 meters cratenses … it is time! - he exclaimed.
The robots were accompanied up to the spaceships by the researchers, who helped them to get accommodated in the seats of pilot and co-pilot, Yowac, Olkas, Bd and Pi3, four robots were equipped with devices that were activated automatically on having fallen to certain depth in the sea and to make them emerge towards the surface, were taking video cameras integrated to their visual device and devices to send messages to the researchers.
The spaceships began to rise one of them went towards the sky, where already the currents of cold and warm dark matter were mixed and they were starting forming the enormous whirlwind … the spaceship that Yowac was leading started turning in circle in the sky, following the current of the winds, to avoid spaceship to be turned aside by these … the other spaceship was led by the robot Bd and already was suspended on the waves, to little less than 4 brestas or the equivalent to a meter and a half terrestrial. Robot Bd was hoping that the waves were becoming stronger and were doing its spiral formation to be able to go across the eye of the whirlpool towards the sea bed …
Yowac at the time from the air started the machine that was scanning the rocky formations in the sea and wrote to the researchers:
- Sea of the Depths with three points that block the surge, triangular formation detected under the waves …
- But, What is the correlation of the triangular formation detected with the dark matter? -Kire asked.
- It is possible that there is a blockade of the current of dark matter and energy under the sea and because of that it accumulates in the Sea of the Depths, which provokes the luminescent mist under the slightly deep
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