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Immortals? Zombies? Werewolves? The world is full of nonhuman creatures but is unknown to the human race until the zombies break the barrier between the two worlds. Quill Huntington, an immortal bounty hunter who must keep the two worlds from clashing must gather a team of other non-human species to stop the zombie invasion but will it be too late? Can Quill and her team work together to save the human race from the animal like creatures?

This is a story about a girl named Raven and her journey to save her sister's and her own life. On their mission to survive in the cold hearted world they live in they meet new people, both good and bad.

"Two days ago, I was rescued from a merciless metropolis by a man looking for strong leaders. He said I'd be ready by the time... Now that city is gone."

It's our deep future--New Year's Eve, 1347, to be precise. And boy, talk about surprise parties. For thinking readers only.

In Sam's world, only one neighborhood is known to him and everyone else: their own. Here, people are given no answers. No science is taught, no history is taught, and everyone, except Sam, is perfectly content with their existence. what is beyond his community, and what is the ultimate truth?

This is like Bakugaun,and every other thing like that.When an 11 year old boy go exploring with his friends.They discover a batteling race of robots the world changes.

"UNFINISHED" I was born fifteen years after the Perfections started to appear. Perfections have an genetic mutation that cause them to be super human. They took all of the humans, and locked them away like we were some kind of animal. They told us that they didn't want us to get in their way. We didn't get what they were saying at first. We thought they came to save our dying world. They made it better, but not for us but for them. It's been sixteen years now, and my family's dead. I

Chloee and Cierra are thirteen and have problems.On the day they turnred 13,they found out they were Time Travelers!Read this exciting book in The Time Saga!