» Self-Help » Aliens Have Invaded the Earth, They Hate All of Us, Regardless of Our Race, and They Want to Subjugate and Enslave Us, Jason Miller, LaMont Mitchell [top e book reader txt] 📗

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all of these types of spirits to strongly interact with the chemistry of the brain and body. The brain transmits messages across neurons with electrical impulses. Any disruption or manipulation of these electrical charges is bound to affect the messages that different parts of the brain receive. Thus, if the electricity of the brain can be affected, the thoughts that a person with that brain has will be affected and changed. It is my belief that aliens and possibly humans have developed certain technology and weapons that also affect the operation of the electrical impulses of the brain. This technology can change or inhibit thought functioning, memory functioning, and brain functioning in general.

That is why schizophrenics have memory and cognition problems. The voice spirits that they hear alter the brain’s wiring. They make it more difficult for thoughts and memories to cross over into useful consciousness. That is also why people who may be targeted by electromagnetic weapons (called targeted individuals) can have symptoms that mimic schizophrenia. Their brain functioning is similarly affected.

For both targeted individuals and schizophrenics, being careful to take acts to maintain proper brain function is key to living productive, normal lives. I think I will settle the question pretty well for targeted individuals, when I tell them that it is definitely aliens and sometimes the government that is causing the their pains, disturbances, and torments.


On the extraterrestrial aliens


Extraterrestrial aliens exist. What is more, they exist in the present day, on Earth. I say that because I have seen them. The ones that I saw were not little green men. They were hovering, transparent orbs and floating creatures that waved and undulated in the air, as if in the deep sea. These creatures could not be conventionally physically touched, and I ran my hand through them and felt nothing but warmth and an electrical charge. The reason for this, I believe, is that they operate mostly in another dimension. We can pass by them without noticing them, and it is only when they choose to that they even make themselves seen. I was able to telepathically communicate with the ones that I saw, and I have this to say about their motives—they were normally not malevolent.

Mostly, the creatures were curious. They are highly intelligent, like mankind, and they craved conversation with another intelligent being. My own intelligence and humor piqued their interest, and they came down to visit to get a closer look at their new friend and associate. I will not say too much more about our conversation at the time, because they do not want everything about them to be known, but I will say that they are wise and mature in many ways, but queer and childish at times in their sense of humor. Often, I have to direct the conversation myself toward more serious matters, because they would rather shoot the breeze about trivialities, or, failing that, see what little things they can do to test my patience and irk me.


What is true in this book:


Though many of the things that I think are true, some of the things that are told to me by the voices are indeed not true, and they cause me to be paranoid, and to have delusions. I am trying to eliminate my thoughts that are delusions and to only deal with that which is truth. I can say that aliens are real and on Earth and be very certain that that is true. I can also say that spirits communicate with me and other mediums in understandable language and be sure that that is true. When I say that humans have the technology to access, control, and read your mind, that may not be true. Aliens definitely have that technology, but humans may or may not. It is my belief that humans do have this technology, and that requires further investigation on our part. You, however, simply have to make up your own mind what to believe about that. I believe that powerful humans, who were members of groups such as the Illuminati, have known of and have had contact with aliens for many years. I believe that technology has been shared with certain powerful humans such as these ones, and I think that it has made its way into the American and other governments. That is my belief. It would require substantiation, but I have had extensive American English conversations with beings that spoke it, including slang and little used terms and words, with such ease that is a quite difficult to think that it was anything other than a human with some sort of machine that was able to quickly read my thoughts and translate them into English words so that the person operating the machine and I could have a real-time easy-flowing conversation, complete with slight pauses and timing for humor and effect. These machines controlled my body and made me walk around while not conscious, and they also allowed me to laugh it up perhaps with members of the police and intelligence agencies in such a touching and easy manner that I almost feel bad for reporting their names just now. I think that the FBI, CIA, NSA, and certain privileged police members all have access to these mind and memory reading, mind manipulation, mind control machines.

On vampires and zombies:

Many human myths have their basis in fact, even though it may be unbelievable. Most ghost stories have a basis in fact. I believe that people’s encounters with ghosts are encounters with lost spirits, reaching out to communicate with them. Someone with whom I exchanged e-mails once asked me if I had any thoughts about vampires. I do not know how true stories of vampires are. I think that there is a way for a human or someone that used to be a human to live for a very long time…longer than other humans. I do not think that a human has to drink blood to do this though. Instead, that human would achieve long life through the accumulation of knowledge and enlightenment and contact with spirits of the spirit world. I also think that that human can be killed out of the material world by conventional means, although that human would probably be resistant to sunlight. That human would also appear in mirrors and would not be able to change into a bat or another animal. That “vampire” human’s power would be to resist the natural process of aging and perhaps diseases to achieve a very long life. I have to say that I have not had any obsessive strange thoughts about vampires. It seems that the vampire craze hit the public consciousness a couple of years ago. The Twilight movies were released, and people thought that it was "cool" again to be a vampire. Today, people's obsession seems to be "end of the world" scenarios and zombies. I do not think about zombies. I did have some paranoid thoughts given to me by the voices about zombies, and I thought I heard a zombie-like scream, but when I think of what a zombie is, it does not seem that possible for it to exist in real life. It is a dead person that is resurrected, and that dead person is alive in a way, but it is still rotting and falling apart. I do somewhat believe in resurrection of spirits, but they are resurrected as complete beings. They do not have broken bodies and they do not chase after humans trying to eat their brains. I wonder how zombies even tell humans apart from other zombies. They do not seem to be that intelligent. Why do they not just attack and eat each other? How can they even find human survivors when the survivors hide? I wonder these questions when I watch zombie television shows and zombie movies. I do not watch them much, though, because I find them to be sort of gross and stupid. I am sorry if anyone likes zombie television shows and movies. I was just venting my frustration with them. If the world is going to end, it is going to be because of a nuclear war, a natural disaster, the intervention of aliens, or the intervention of gods or God. That is what I think.

I used to think the end of the world was quickly approaching, but I do not necessarily know if it is anymore. Things have calmed down a lot. Life could go on for many years, I feel now. But to return to how I started this whole tangent of a conversation, I do not have unusual thoughts about vampires.

As for chips being placed inside of people to allow others to access their minds, I do not think that chips are necessary and I do not think that is how they do it. I did one time wake up with a nosebleed around the time that I started hearing voices, and I know a lot of surgeries that involve the brain entail going in through the nose to reach it, but I think that implanting a chip would involve actually opening the head and making sure that the chip stuck and it would take a long time to do. When I woke up with the nosebleed, I did not live alone, and I felt no pain when I woke up, but I also felt no numbness that would be associated with anesthesia.

I think that the brain can be accessed by other humans and aliens through the use of technology: focused electromagnetic energy weapons that read the electric activity of the brain and translate it into speech. That would explain why forces have acted not just on me and my brain, but objects around me, such as a bottle that I was trying to move with my mind. Before I could even get a chance to move the bottle, a force took hold of the bottle without me touching it and made the bottle begin to vibrate. This has happened on many occasions. Electricity could move a plastic bottle, so I think this could be an answer. I also think some weapons use focused microwaves. I do not understand enough about microwaves to determine this, but it was told to me in my mind and there are also theories on the internet that espouse this.

I, too, thought that the American government, through the CIA, FBI, and NSA, was trying to reach me. The voices in my mind said that it was all three agencies. At one point, my mother and father were strangely very involved in my job search and enthusiastically suggested that I should go to an online NSA job fair. This was honestly quite odd, and might be good evidence of their knowledge ofwhat was being done to me and of their general involvement in the conspiracy that has consumed my life. To repeat, suddenly, one morning, while I was in the midst of receiving disturbing pains and communications in my mind, my mother came to my room and suggested that I, with my at the time, questionable career credentials, make an attempt to apply into the NSA.

Furthermore, voices in my mind frequently identified who certain parties thought was behind certain somewhat inappropriate behavior on the part of the people monitoring my mind and thoughts. First they said it was the CIA hurting me with sometimes sharp abdominal pains, then they said it was the NSA monitoring me and trying to help, and most recently they have said that it was the FBI giving me muscle cramps. They also said Australian intelligence was behind some of these muscle cramps. Cramps are very painful and I hope that they do not continue. They freeze me in pain and make me unable to walk. That is just something that I thought I would share.

I still think that the CIA, FBI, and NSA are involved, but I do not know if they will try to recruit me. I am 32, so I may be too

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