» Self-Help » Aliens Have Invaded the Earth, They Hate All of Us, Regardless of Our Race, and They Want to Subjugate and Enslave Us, Jason Miller, LaMont Mitchell [top e book reader txt] 📗

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and we will be a model for other beings and humans. The world that we live in will be made to be a better place, and we will feel it when we wake up in the morning. We will be happy to be alive, and it can all start with a simple apology.

Children and innocence:

I do not think that human beings are born evil. I do not think that most of them are, at least. Evil is something that we have to learn about. When we experience or hear about it, it gives us a creepy feeling or chills, because we are not used to encountering it in our world. When we are children, it is even more of a surprise.

My ex-wife was somewhat of an innocent when I met her. She was naïve about many things about the world. She was actually very smart, when you got to know her, but she came off as not knowing many things that other people know. I think that she learned a lot by dating me. That knowledge came through me teaching her and explaining things to her, and it unfortunately also came through my mistreating her. She would not expect that someone that she perceived to be kind, as she perceived me, would be able to be callous toward a nice person. But that is in my nature. It is something that I have learned about myself and strive to improve.

Sometimes, I just want time to myself, and I do not want to be around people—even people who love me very much. When I want to be alone, I want to watch television and laugh, or listen to music and space out and dream of things that I have not experienced. Or I want to put on a movie that transports me to a distant land, and I can help for ragtag band of comrades to overcome the evil empire that oppresses them. I have been this way since I was a child.

Anyone who knows me well might call me a dreamer, and I hope that that description or name is taken to be at least somewhat of a compliment. You have to dream of things to make them possible. Expand your mind and dream, and nothing is impossible. This is a capability that humans have, and it makes them beautiful—to each other and to the gods, and to the God of all creation. We were endowed with the power to create things, and I think that God likes to be impressed. That is a motivation to work toward things if I have ever heard of.

Now I will return to a story about my ex-wife. Since she is innocent, she is a lover of children. She wanted to have many children (she has a young daughter now, and I am quite honestly very happy for her) and she loves almost all things associated with children. I want to cry when I think of how much she loved holidays such as Halloween and Christmas (especially Christmas; it is much less devilish). She also loved children’s movies.

More on innocence:

I never really had watched many children’s movies after I got older. I worked in a theater, and one movie that touched me was Prince of Egypt. That movie really has it cheap, though (smile). They just need to animate sands and pyramids in a single solitary color. There are not many stories more powerful than that of Moses, and I felt touched by a “far away” land when I sat down in the theater after work to watch that movie. The music was powerful, the story was powerful, and it was highly inspirational. The characters in the story were larger than life, and I felt small next to them on the scale of human history.

Another children’s movie that I always liked was The Lion King. That movie also tells an epic story of being lost and being saved, by good friends and those that hoped to return a land to greatness. I am happy that that movie is so popular. It might be my favorite movie by Disney, and I think it speaks well of humanity that so many other people liked that movie.

Now the movies that I learned to like through my wife did not tell quite as epic of stories. They were not all glorified action movies, masquerading as cartoons. They told real stories of lost children and how they came to find themselves. This is where I would see the innocence of children. To imagine a young human being who has no developed idea of who he is, and to imagine that human being hurt is something that always makes me want to cry. People might read that and think that I experienced some great trauma myself as a child. I did not. What I feel is more putting myself in a child’s shoes that identifying with their feelings through my memories.

It is true, though, that I did feel a profound loneliness at times, as a child. I was loved, but I sometimes desired to be more understood. I wanted to be good and I wanted to be rewarded, but I did not know where to find it. I was able to find some affection in my interactions with classmates as a young person, and that made me feel very good. I was happy that people that I met liked me! It made me feel alive.

I will say something that has gone without being said for almost this whole book. I, Jason Miller, am African American. I have brown skin and black hair and I am what people would call a black male. As a child—as a young African American child, I was pleased that I could have good friendships with my white or Caucasian classmates. I also had a good friendship with a young boy from China, and it was positively exciting to get to know someone different from me. We, as children, did not concern ourselves with the color of anyone’s skin. We were simply happy to talk to each other and laugh and to try to navigate the world of adults together without being too harmed. I hope that it can be this way with humanity now—now that I am telling the world that there are aliens. There are alien beings! They are neither black nor white nor red or brown or yellow! They do not understand any of us, and sometimes they fear us, and sometimes they do not like us!

More on unity and understanding

I am sorry to paint the aliens as an enemy. They are not normally enemies. To be sure, they put me through a lot of hard times. They hurt my stomach and my head and my muscles. For months. They made it hard to move. They made it hard to type. They made my eyes get irritated and itch until I had to scratch them until they turned red. They did all of this, because they are irksome and they did not like me. They thought that humans were below them as beings, and that they could treat a human life with any amount of disrespect that they chose to, because it was their right.

It is important for my readers to understand this fact. There are many different races and species of aliens. I have talked with many races and species from many different planets and worlds. Some of them are more friendly and wise than others. Some of them, though, have contempt for the human race. They say that we are dirty and that we are selfish and badly behaved. They hate that God has so much love for us and they are envious that they are not loved in the same way that we are. I feel pity toward them when I feel their envy and jealousy. It makes me feel happy that God has made me a part of his kingdom. I get to make these extraterrestrial beings feel loved. I have been granted the power to make them, in their dimensions, feel a great and overpowering love that makes one happy to be alive. I do it with my hands and with my mind, and it is a great gift that I am thankful for. I get to share my love with them, and I get to tell them that we are not so different, if they have intelligent and enquiring minds, and I know that they do. Any problem can be faced with an open mind and an open heart, and so it will be with the races of humans and aliens. We can come together in a spirit of love and understanding and make this universe that we share a warmer and better place for all of us. Then all that will be left is the fanfare of our celebration, as we all witness to each other what a great gift it is to be alive, and give thanks to our God for granting it to us.

Keep it Positive

Anything is possible. That is how I was able to move an object with my mind. I wrote many science laboratories and said that I wanted to prove that I could do it. I wanted to revolutionize the scientific world with my ability and to so become famous. I do not desire this now. I will be as famous as I will be, but I still want to be able to live a normal life, unhindered by fame or notoriety. I know that some will dislike my claim of being a part of the kingdom of God, and I know that some will especially dislike it because I am African American. I have made mistakes in my past, and I will offer a full confession in the future of those ways in which I have failed people if I think that it is required. We all make mistakes, and I have made many.

As for me, I want to offer many more people the gift of my understanding. I want to offer it to people who have broken the law, to people who have made mistakes in love and lust, and I want to offer it to those people who have judged others harshly in the name of upholding our great society.

Society indeed must be upheld. Most of us would be lost without it. I simply think that there is room in society for our understanding. We all should consider what it is like to walk in the shoes of another, and we should offer our understanding afterward. I believe in peace and I believe in love and understanding among different peoples of the world.

I hope that Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jewish people can all come together in the spirit of peace and stop harming each other. We can all practice our different religions in the way that we see fit, and we can honor and give thanks to the Gods of our understanding in the best way that we see fit.

Life on Earth can be a paradise before the second paradise, and I would have it to be so. I love every practicing religious person, and I love every Atheist too. If you choose to worship aliens, be aware that they are not unlike humans and you may find yourself with your hands full of people that you have to entertain every day because they will not leave you alone. I smile at that, because I love aliens too. They are curious about our ways, and I hope that I have helped them to understand us. I hope that I can continue to do that as well.

On myself, the author

I will close with a little about myself. My name is Jason Miller, and I call myself a Christian. I was raised in the Christian church, and I try to worship the Christian God. I would like to try to intercede on behalf of humanity in some matters, because I think that humans can bless each other more.

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