» Self-Help » Motivation (MDC #1), DeYtH Banger [to read list .TXT] 📗

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views success as if it were just around the corner will not only work his butt off to achieve it but be energized and alive to it and all the while acting on that fundamental view of success. To be clear, believing you will be successful is only one, (albeit important), part of success. By the same token, there is a way to accomplish great things without that belief although the ride will be a bit rougher!

If you’re worried that you don’t have that kind of personal belief, READ ON!

Marcus Aurelius, the stoic philosopher turned Roman Emperor, said, “Here is a rule to remember in the future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not ‘This is misfortune,’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune.’”

It’s entirely within our power to determine how we think about and talk about our problems. They can be a nuisance or a stepping stone. They can hold us down or lift us up.

In fact, stoic philosophers like Aurelius believed that outside events hold no power over us at all. We create our own reality with our minds.


“Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.”

Take some time here to ponder that statement.


How willing are you to consider that your life is the way it is, not because of the weight of your circumstances or situation, but rather the weight of self-talk that pulls you down? That what you think you can and cannot do is influenced much more directly by some subconscious response than the reality of life itself?!

If you keep looking out there, (outside of yourself), to your circumstances and feverishly working to get out of them you’ll keep getting the same response. No power, no joy, no vitality. At best it’s a see-saw of success and disappointment, happiness and despair. Sometimes your circumstances just don’t change, sometimes they stagnate and crystalize. What if that thing you’re working toward, that thing you are sure will make you happier, better or more confident doesn’t happen? What then? Even if it does arrive someday, what happens to your life between now and that day?..."

Chapter 3.1 - This Book

 This book main goal is to make people want more from life, do more in life. If you wamy right now... right here you can close and delete this book.


The book which now you are reading a book which has thoughts about depression, anxiety, lost motivation... In other words if you have lost the spark of living and asking questions and your mother and father or let's put them as your parents have taught you don't be happy or to say what you feel or to express it or even the simple thing of asking questions and being curious... The have forbidden you... this here book is going to help you remove...

THE IDIOT GUY... inside your head who is ruining your life...

Comedy is great example of how in the frame of 2 hours or less... you feel great and then in other day you feel like shit.

Here in this book I am going to try to show you exercises, tips, advice and even personal thoughts as for how to get in life... To be more happy, open, to talk, express, to be curious...

This here book is going to be your morning manifesto!

Chapter 4 - Thought Loops and Etc

This loops are going to return your life back on track.

But let's first keep in mind this note!

Note: What fucks us over is when we give meaning to things… That's when mood get changed… when life experiences and expectations change.

"AM I going to die?"

"I am the best candidate as far as you know it."

"I deserve best in what the world is preparing."


1) Cold Shower
2) Deep Lunges and Wall Sits

Chapter 5 - Re-Training Brain



All this talk about our subconscious isn’t just a bunch of psychobabble.

Scientists have discovered that our thoughts can actually change the physical structure of our brain. This phenomenon, neuroplasticity, is revolutionizing the way we think about the human mind.


As we go through life learning and experiencing new things, our brain is constantly arranging and rearranging the neural pathways that control how we think and behave. The best part is, we direct our thoughts in a way that consciously modifies these path ways for ourselves. And the easiest way to shape those thoughts is through conscious, decisive self-talk. The kind of talk that “cuts through” and takes control of your life.


Just like we build habits by repeating an action until it becomes “automatic”, we can use strong, assertive language over time to create lasting change in our lives. It’s more than just happy thoughts, (don’t break out the candy canes just yet) – you’re affecting your brain’s very biology.


We can determine our emotions by steering our thoughts. We can shape those thoughts by being conscious of and diligent about our words and the kind of language we engage in. A lot of this will come down to your basic tolerance of your current mindset and your willingness to change it.


Chapter 5.1. - Blame (I know the story)

"The physiological and psychological impact of using in-the-moment, assertive language is not only powerful, it has a very real in-the-moment effect. There’s a massive difference between, “I am relentless” and, “I will be relentless”. One of those statements intervenes in this moment of your life, the other lives more like a description of what’s to come rather than what’s here. All of this will require you to try out assertive speaking in your daily life and catch yourself when you’re using the more general narrative kind of speaking..."

"Stop blaming luck.


Stop blaming other people.


Stop pointing to outside influences or circumstances.

Stop blaming your childhood or neighborhood.


This approach is fundamental to everything that I talk about in these pages. You cannot, I repeat CANNOT dwell in any blame game in your life. Even blaming yourself is completely useless. Of course you’ll face situations that you seemingly can’t control. You may even face tragic circumstances, like disability, disease, or the death of a loved one.


But there is always something you can do to impact those circumstances even if you’ve had them for years and still can’t see a way. But first, you must be willing. To fully embrace my approach, you must first accept that while there are things have happened in your life that you had no say in, you are 100% responsible for what you do with your life in the aftermath of those events. Always, every time, no excuses.


The dictionary describes willingness as – “The quality or state of being prepared: Readiness”.

Chapter 5.2. - Willigness

 "In other words, willingness is a state in which we can engage with life and see a situation from a new perspective. It starts with you and ends with you. No one can make you willing, and you cannot move forward until you really are willing to make the next move.


When you are finally willing, you can literally experience that willingness, that innate freedom that courses through your veins and similarly when you are not, the kind of primordial stuck-ness that halts, and presses down on you like some invisible weight on your chest.


Believe me, I hear you, “I am willing but...”. Every time you add the “but” to the end of that statement, you turn yourself into the victim. In my many years as a coach and mentor, I have heard as many complex life situations as there are, from the darkest of pasts to the weight and gravity of the present or crippling fear of the future, I have heard them over and over and over again. You have to hear what I am saying in the way that it’s intended. I’m not saying these things to inflame you, well, maybe I am but the intention is to inflame you to your own potential, to realize your own greatness, not just to piss you off! Take the case, imagine for a moment, that willingness is missing in your life. Not some wispy, sheepish willingness but rather a bold willingness, the kind of willing state where you are ready for what’s next and ready to act on it. Willingness to change, willingness to let go, willingness to accept. Real, magical, inspired willingness."


"...Am I willing to go

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