» Self-Help » Motivation (MDC #1), DeYtH Banger [to read list .TXT] 📗

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maybe you are never going to get to where you want in life – maybe that happiness you’re after or that weight you want to lose or that career or relationship you crave will remain just out of reach.

These pages are dedicated to those that experience that self-defeating monolog. The endless stream of doubt and subterfuge that limits and taints everyday life. This is a conversational slap from the universe to wake you up to your true potential, to unfuck yourself and get spectacularly into your life.

Let’s get this thing started in the right place. There are two kinds of talk you engage in every day: talking to others and talking to yourself. You might be one of those that insists, “I don’t talk to myself!” But, in fact, most of the conversations you have on any given day are with yourself—all “enjoyed” in the solitude and privacy of your own head.

Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, creative or practical, you spend huge swathes of your time talking to…YOU! You do it while exercising, working, eating, reading, writing, walking, texting, crying, arguing, negotiating, planning, praying, meditating, having sex, (on your own and with others)—you name it. And yes, you even do it in your sleep.

You’re actually doing it right now..."

Chapter 7.4. - Goals

"Some goals simply aren’t connected to our reality. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for reaching for the stars and striving for things that seem impossible. For instance, we’d probably all like to be filthy rich. But are you willing to do what it takes to make that much money? Are you willing to work 60, 70 or 80 hours of your week or skip vacations to do the work that needs to get done? Are you willing to take on more responsibility and, importantly, risk it all? Have you, in reality, confronted and dealt with what becoming filthy rich might really demand of you? The seemingly endless drain on your life and mind space? Our society has produced such a headlong rush to be the wealthiest, the smartest, the prettiest, the best dressed, the funniest or the strongest, and somewhere in there we have lost the ability to just be ourselves, free to breathe life and choose our own path rather than carry the burden of social or familial expectation. What does all that produce? Well, a lot of disappointed and unfulfilled human beings that’s for sure.


That doesn’t mean you should stop pursuing amazing life goals if that’s what you really want. It also doesn’t mean you should let yourself stagnate and stop improving either. There’s nothing inherently wrong in working long hours and sacrificing your quality of life, and some people might be perfectly content doing so in order to make the income or get the career they want. But so many of us have actually forgotten why we are pursuing what we are pursuing in the first place.


All too often, we focus solely on what we don’t have, even though deep down we don’t really need it or perhaps even want it. When I lay these things out, you might be nodding your head. “He’s right, I don’t need to be a millionaire” or “I don’t even really want six-pack abs.”

Which of course is all fine until the next time you see that nice car and think, “Why don’t I have that?”, or when you look at the cover of a magazine and wonder, “Why don’t I look like that?” or “Why aren’t my clothes that nice?” Making sure we’re striving for what we really want requires a constant check-in with ourselves. It’s not a one-and-done deal."

Chapter 8 - Today

"If you really want those things, then go get them! Begin today, lay out your strategy, deal with your reality and, most importantly, take the actions required and take them often!


But if you’re not willing to work an extra 10 or 20 hours a week just to drive to work in a BMW instead of a Honda, give up the complete waste of precious headspace to yearn for it. Stop pretending to yourself. Deal with your unwillingness to take on the kind of actions accomplishing those things would require and accept that you have been bullshitting yourself. You’ll have a lot more capacity for loving the life you actually do have and create some room to begin striving for the things you actually want in life.


“I am unwilling” to give up all of my favorite foods just to have the body I did when I was 20. “I am unwilling” to trade time with my family for an extra zero on my paycheck.

Face your reality. Once you adopt the mindset of “I am unwilling”, you will no longer be filled with guilt, resentment or regret every time you see something you think you “want”. You’ll be in a place where you are connected to and in tune with your real life and, if you really want to pursue those things in the future, you’ll be able to locate yourself from that reality and plot your road to accomplish them."




Chapter 9 - Thoughts (So Far)

 "So train. Don’t think about it. Don’t take time to “get in shape” before you start. Just go start. The rest will come.."

"Yes. Avoid the danger. Stay away from high-threat areas.

But we can’t always avoid high-threat areas—and sometimes the high-threat area doesn’t avoid us. In the world today, conflict and danger can occur anytime and anywhere. So it is important to maintain situational awareness at all times. Pay attention to your surroundings. Look at suspicious people. Look at unsuspicious people."


"That’s why you can’t stop eating it.
And when you do stop eating it, you will feel withdrawal.


The lies will come, and they will come from you.
The lies you will tell yourself are:
It’s no big deal.
You can just have a little.
It isn’t worth it to feel this bad.
     The body needs carbs"


Chapter 10 - Dealing With Injuries and Illness

 "You are going to get injured.

You are going to get sick.
Regardless of how careful you are in your training, how

clean you eat, and how healthy you live, you are still human.
Injuries and illness will occur.
My theory for overcoming injuries and illnesses is simple:


If you are sick or injured, don’t use that as an excuse to skip workouts or stay in bed all day.
Do what you can

Hurt your knee? Work your upper body. Work the good leg. Hurt your shoulder? Time to work on one-armed pull-ups and push-ups. Focus on your core and legs until your shoulder heals up.
Tendinitis from using the grip too much? Sounds like it is time to focus on sprinting and jumping plyometrics.
Got a little cold? Flu? Same thing: DO WHAT YOU CAN. Maybe it is just going for a walk. A couple sets of

sit-ups and push-ups. But don’t just stay in bed all day.
Now, sometimes, you get plain knocked out by illness or a virus. If it is that bad and your body absolutely needs rest, good, listen to your body and TAKE THE REST. Also, don’t bring your disease to the gym to spread around. Work out at home.
Same thing with injuries. Some injuries prevent you from doing the physical things you

like to do. Good. Do what you can, work on some skills that you can do. Pick up a guitar. Write a book. Draw. Paint. Compose a song. Blog. Create. Learn. Do something.
Take advantage of physical injuries and sickness by doing something you don’t normally have time for. In other words: GET AFTER IT"

Chapter 11 - Road Of Warriors

 "Many jobs require travel. Travel can make working out difficult.




I often just do a hotel room workout on the floor.
The hotel room workouts are rudimentary and, again, are usually not geared toward any great advancement in my physical conditioning. They are more focused on maintaining the discipline of working out early, and getting the benefits that come from working out: blood flow to the brain, releasing endorphins, and

overall kick-starting my day. Also, I do try to plan my schedule to do several days’ worth of murderous physical training before I go on the road so that my body is in need of a rest, and I can use some simple workouts for recovery.
That being said, I have some quick

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