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REAL Reasons She Won’t Call or Text Back




Every man has clicked with a woman he thought was awesome, exchanged numbers with her, and then, SURPRISINGLY, never heard from her again! It happens every day, every minute, and every second and sometimes can’t be avoided no matter what you do.

From my experience with this situation, I can help you figure out what’s happening when women quit answering, calling back, and returning texts.




When She Won’t Call or Text Back, It’s Confusing, Frustrating, and Annoying



It totally sucks when she’s not answering and calling or texting you back and instead of playing it totally cool, like we should, most of us freak out and lose our minds.

“What the f*ck! Did I do something wrong? Why the hell is this happening? Did I miss something? Am I not good enough? Am I overreacting? We start checking our phone more than normal and if we hear a sound, we pull it out of our pocket or run to it hoping it’s her calling or texting back! You know you’ve done it…

So when this happens, what’s really going on? It can be a real pain to figure out.

To help you, here are 21 reasons women have for not calling or texting back.

1. Life Happens and Things Change

Things come up, happen, and change in our lives that we don’t expect.

Sometimes women really do like you and, out of the blue, something makes her realize she needs to shift her priorities to more than just “guys” and dating. Things like health, family, kids, ex drama, career, death, loss of a friendship, etc. come up and she must shift her mind, thinking, and focus to deal with it.

It’s not that she forgets about you. It’s that she becomes so overwhelmed and involved in the situation that days and weeks can go by before she realizes she hasn’t called or texted.


2. She’s Not Calling or Texting Back Because She’s Busy



From experience with women not calling or texting back, some women actually do have very busy lives and they don’t live with their cell phone in their hand.

Some women only take their cell phone out once or twice a day and they usually keep it on vibrate or silent so it doesn’t distract them from their busy schedule. They’ll return calls and reply to texts at the end of the day but they’re not in the habit of calling and texting 24/7. If you’re involved with someone like this, patience is key. She’ll be impressed when you don’t freak out and have intense reactions to it.



3. She Gave You Her Number To Be Polite


Having a pleasant conversation with you doesn’t always guarantee she’s feeling attraction. She may just be enjoying the conversation.

So, when you ask for her phone number, she may not want to be rude “no” or that she’s not interested. She may just want to avoid conflict and the headache of rejecting you.

A lot of women decide it’s easier to handle the “can I have your number?” situation by just being polite, giving you her number, and then ignoring your calls and texts.



4. She Doesn’t Call or Text Back Because Because She’s Bored



In How to Quit Being a Loser With Women, you’ll learn when I get her number, I don’t call or text unless she texts first OR I’m calling or texting to invite her out. I never call or text just to chat or make small talk. Since I don’t know her very well, I’m taking the chance of her getting bored and changing her mind about wanting to see or talk to me again.

This happens with TONS of men. They call or text too much, make boring small talk, and have nothing interesting to talk about with her. All she is thinking is, “Wow, this dude is turning out to be pretty lame.”

In turn, she gets bored and loses interest in calling or texting. When she ignores your calls and texts, she figures you’ll eventually get the hint and leave her alone.


5. She Won’t Call or Text Back Because She Lost Interest


Her chances of losing interest are very high if you don’t bring enough excitement to the table. You now have to compete with the games in her phone, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

That’s why, again, I don’t waste time texting, calling, and making small talk. I only call or text if I’m inviting her out and I’m going to see her face to face.

6. She Was Never Interested or Sure in the First Place

My ex-girlfriend gives her number out and rarely talks to the guy she gave it to. We’re eating, her phones vibrating, beeping, and ringing, and she’ll get annoyed at her phone.

I’ll ask, “Aren’t you going to text them back?” and she’ll say, “No. It’s some guy I gave my phone number to and I decided I’m just not interested or in him.”

As you can guess, I’m sitting there baffled, thinking, “Okay….”

She’s not the only girl who does it! A LOT of women do this!



7. She’s Not Calling or Texting Back Because She’s Ignoring You



Noticing a common thread?

She’s ignoring your calls, texts, and CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSING not to text or call back.

You could think, “She’s an angel and there’s no way she’s mean or rude enough to be ignoring my calls…” BUT, you’d be wrong.

Most women don’t see ignoring calls and texts as mean or rude. They’re simply weeding out the weak and unattractive men.”

If you had 50 women calling and texting every single day and you only were interested in 1 or 2, you’d ignore most of the calls in order to manage your time. You’d figure the rest of the women you don’t like as much will get the hint.


8. She Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings



Some women really are rude, inconsiderate, and don’t care about your feelings and that really doesn’t make them bad people. It means they just don’t think the same way as other women.

Remember what I said before: If she took the time to talk to every guy that texted and called, she’d have no time for anything else. She HAS TO ignore most phone calls and texts to protect her sanity and time.


9. You’re Not The Only Guy She Talks To



No matter how great you think she is, you can bet your top dollar that, even if she’s single, she’s already talking to or sleeping with someone else.

It sounds terrible but this is the way many women operate.

She may find you attractive and interesting, BUT if you’re not captivating her attention and causing her to feel more attraction for you than the other guy(s) she’s already talking to, she’ll put you on the bottom of her list and forget about you.

She has to be, even more, excited about YOU than she is about the guys she’s already talking to.

If she’s not, you shouldn’t be expecting her to call and text you back like she is.


10. You Got Friend Zoned


The amazing friend zone is a place full of guys who she won’t call or text back because they don’t know what they’re doing with women – and now you’re stuck with them!

There are a ton of reasons women friend zone guys but the main reason is always consistent – you didn’t make her feel enough attraction for her to WANT to call and text you back.




11. She Won’t Call or Text Back Because You’re Just Like Other Guys


Many of us are guilty of being boring, bland, predictable, asking the same questions, saying the same things, etc. It doesn’t make her excited to want to see you anymore or even call or text you back!

95% of guys she meets ARE the same and that’s why she friend zones them and doesn’t call or text them back.

If you want to be part of the 5% of guys who ACTUALLY DO get her attention, read this book.

12. You Seemed Desperate

Women aren’t big fans of desperate guys.

It’s easy to seem overly happy, excited, needy, and clingy when we really like her a lot and it can make us look desperate – even if we aren’t.

This is a very dangerous place to be in.

Again, 99% of guys act the same way when they meet her and she really wants the guy who doesn’t act needy, clingy, or desperate.

13. You Ask or Say Offensive / Inappropriate Things

People are more sensitive than ever and offended by absolutely everything so, even though it’s not your fault, you have to more careful and responsible about what you text or say to women.

I joked with a woman that she Photo-shopped her picture, clearly she didn’t, and she didn’t speak to me for 6 months.


Offensive/inappropriate things that cause women to not want to call or text you back:


Asking For Nudes – If you just met her or barely know her, it’s risky to ask if she can snap a photo of her “snapper” and send it to you.


Not Watching Your Language – Some women aren’t into talking nasty or dirty on the phone. It’ll catch her totally off guard and make her think you’re a pervert who only wants sex.


Questions that Are Too Personal – Intimate questions about her life or parts of her body will cause her to get uncomfortable and stop calling and texting. Most women only open up to guys they know well and are comfortable with.

14. You Call and Text Too Often


Sometimes we don’t realize we’re calling or texting too much and once we do, it’s too late to do anything about it!

If you’re calling or texting too much, she’ll start ignoring your calls and messages and not returning them.

How much should you call or text women?

This eBook, Texting Titan!, teaches you EXACTLY how much you should and shouldn’t call and text her.




15. You Talk Too Much or Send WAY Too Many Texts


In Texting Titan!, you’ll learn it’s important to mirror her texts – if she texts only a few words, you text a few words back. If she texts a complete sentence, don’t text 3 paragraphs back. It creates an “imbalance” and overwhelms her. I communicates you’re way more excited to talk to her than she is to talk to you.

Appear to be as calm, cool, and laid back as she is.

Texting can be a game of chess – you have to carefully plan and execute your next text and anticipate how she’ll receive and respond to it before you send it.

16. You Over-Compliment Her and Kiss Her Ass

Another thing How to Quit Being a Loser With Women teaches you is we LOGICALLY THINK women like lots of niceness and compliments – but most of them get tired of it pretty quickly.

Instead of building attraction, kissing her ass only causes her to see you in the same light as all of the other guys who DO THE SAME THING.

Women enjoy compliments, but not too soon and too often. Too soon makes you seem fake. Too often makes you seem desperate for approval.


17. You’re Getting Too Serious Too Fast


Some of us don’t know or understand how to smoothly, gradually, and gracefully take things from one level to the next with her. We like to shoot from the hip and take shortcuts.

Women are like cats and if you move too fast or make sudden movements she’s not expecting, she’ll run and hide under the couch for a week and only come out at night.

If you want her to continue calling and texting back, don’t start talking about your feelings, getting emotional, and asking her how she “feels” about you.

She’s looking to enjoy the process, not be cornered and put on the spot by it.

18. You’re Too Open

If she knows everything about you and you’ve only known her a few weeks/months, you’ve said TOO MUCH.

When there’s nothing left for her to wonder about or figure out, the attraction will start to dissappear – leading to her not calling or texting you back.

It’s important not to share your life story too soon and too often. Some dating “experts” and “gurus” say being an open book is the best way to go BUT IT’S NOT. Logically, it seems telling women EVERYTHING causes them to like us MORE and feel more attraction – but it

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