» Self-Help » Brain on Porn (Social #2), DeYtH Banger [good books to read for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

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as permission. In fact, it’s more of a dare. Actually, its always a dare. Don’t do it.



It means “no”.


21. Yes



In most cases this also means no. There are exceptions but they are very hard to distinguish.



You’ve probably tried learning French, Spanish, or German, but those are nothing compared to Woman (the language). Most scholars agree that the only thing more impossible than understanding the language of women is dividing by 0. You have no hope. Don’t even try. Whatever. See? You probably thought that all of that means you should just give up and not try anymore right? Wrong! Any woman will tell you that in the language of women, it means the complete opposite. Here are 25 things women say that men misunderstand.


20. Maybe

Still no.

19It would be nice if...


Everything following the “if” is meant to be interpreted as an unconditional order.


18. Fine


This means the argument is over and you lost.


17. It's okay




It’s never okay. This only means that she needs some time to figure out your punishment.


16. Are you listening?



You are not listening. There is no way to recover from this.


You’ve probably tried learning French, Spanish, or German, but those are nothing compared to Woman (the language). Most scholars agree that the only thing more impossible than understanding the language of women is dividing by 0. You have no hope. Don’t even try. Whatever. See? You probably thought that all of that means you should just give up and not try anymore right? Wrong! Any woman will tell you that in the language of women, it means the complete opposite. Here are 25 things women say that men misunderstand.


15. It's up to you

If you think this means you have freedom to choose then you are very, very mistaken. A much better translation would be “It’s up to you…to select the right choice which I know but I am not going to tell you because you should know.” Making the wrong choice will usually result in an “It’s okay (see #17).


14. *Loud sigh*

You might not think so, but this is actually a word and it can roughly be translated as “I can’t believe I have to stand here and put up with your stupidity”.


135 minutes


This depends on context. If she is getting dressed then it is most likely somewhere between 30 and 40 minutes. If you are watching TV then it is closer to 0 minutes. As in “why are you watching TV right now when you should be doing something productive?”


12. Whatever


This is like “fine” except significantly worse. In fact, many times it will follow #16 (Are you listening?).


11. Thanks


It means thanks. Say “you’re welcome”.



You’ve probably tried learning French, Spanish, or German, but those are nothing compared to Woman (the language). Most scholars agree that the only thing more impossible than understanding the language of women is dividing by 0. You have no hope. Don’t even try. Whatever. See? You probably thought that all of that means you should just give up and not try anymore right? Wrong! Any woman will tell you that in the language of women, it means the complete opposite. Here are 25 things women say that men misunderstand.


10. Thanks a lot


It’s a very small distinction but this is actually the opposite of “thanks”. Under no circumstances should you say “you’re welcome”. Typically that would land you back at #12 (Whatever).


9. Don't worry about it

This means she has told you to do something (possibly more than once) and she is now going to do it herself. Any further inquiries on your part will most likely result in #14 (*loud sigh*).


8. We can go anywhere you want



In most cases this means “You had better choose my favorite restaurant”.


7. We need to talk

You’re dead.


6. What are you doing?



This is actually not a question. It’s a statement akin to “You’re doing it wrong.”


You’ve probably tried learning French, Spanish, or German, but those are nothing compared to Woman (the language). Most scholars agree that the only thing more impossible than understanding the language of women is dividing by 0. You have no hope. Don’t even try. Whatever. See? You probably thought that all of that means you should just give up and not try anymore right? Wrong! Any woman will tell you that in the language of women, it means the complete opposite. Here are 25 things women say that men misunderstand.


5. Do you have to do this now?



Also not a question. It means stop doing what you’re doing and prepare for further orders.


4. You have to learn to communicate


“Communicate” can also be translated as “agree with me”.


3. I'm not upset

She’s upset


2. We need...


She wants…

1. I don't want to talk about it



She wants you to go away because she is still building up evidence against you.






Chapter 10.2 - The Secret (Part 2)

 14 Confusing Things Girls Say That Boys Misunderstand



It is extremely difficult to understand what girls say and what she exactly want! At one point she wants you to do certain things but at the end, she will end up shouting at you that ”why do you do such things?” Here’re some very common confusing things that girls say:


1. Oh yess!


2. Poor Boys!



3. Do Not Call Her Fat!!



4. Mystery!!



5. Just Listen and Do Nothing!



6. Friends Problem!



7. Hahaha!!



8. Do not judge them!



9. Never criticize!



10. Your Best friends are not allowed!



11. Do not mess with her!



12. Heights!



13. Ohkk!




14. Whoever you like they hate!








How to React When You Dont Get That Text Back


You’ve been texting a girl. You’ve used emojis and memes, and you’ve thought up a cute nickname for her.

If you’re left thinking “why won’t she text me back?” there may not be anything you’ve done wrong. There are a few ways to salvage the situation and even more ways to distract yourself.

When a girl doesn’t text back, it is far from the worst sign

Now that checking our phones is a pathological habit regardless of whether you are waiting on a text from a girl, the pause in her responses can lead to anxiety. Hanging on to her every word shows a negative headspace.

What you need to have in mind is that while texting can feel like the kindling of something special, it’s a limited way to stoke a connection. The interaction needs to advance to a face-to-face encounter as soon as possible.

There are numerous ways to achieve this, even if she hasn’t responded all day.

Before we look at how to manage the scenario, let’s talk about the important question:




If she’s not responding, it could be down to a busy lifestyle, or simply being lax with responses.

However, it takes a few seconds to send an SMS, so it’s more likely that the prospect of seeing you in real life does not make her feel excited, interested, or comfortable.

That’s not a personal slight. It just means you need to adjust how you’re communicating.

It’s time to re-pitch yourself.






If a girl doesn’t text back, the important first step is not to smother her. She’s not responding to one message, and she won’t respond to 20,000. It’s not going to make you an interesting prospect if you overshare.

However, seeming not to care if she doesn’t respond is the same as rationing eye contact when you’re first talking to a girl in a bar.

When she doesn’t text back, don’t text her again for another 24 hours.

This will create demand by scarcity.




You also want to keep the connection going.

Don’t leave a gap of more than 2 to 3 days before texting again. Texting is more about momentum and consistency than content, although what you say is important.

It’s difficult to maintain that momentum if she isn’t replying. There are ways to restore the conversation, but even if you enjoy playing hard to get, you do have to jump back into the interaction in a timely fashion.




Golden rule: As far as she’s concerned, you don’t care why she didn’t text you back.

If you want to give the impression of true core confidence, you cannot give the sense that not receiving a text message has dented your ego in any way.

Even referring to the original thread of conversation (let’s say you were asking what she was doing that night) is a big no-no – it suggests you’re still trying to pick up the original conversation.

Don’t even joke about not texting back, as it only comes across as passive aggression.




When you’re texting her again after a day or two, it should be fresh, positive, and give the appearance of spontaneity.

Remember, you’re only trying to stoke enough positive feeling to get that in-person meet-up.

Start back up with an off-kilter question – something like “What would the theme tune to your life?” or “If you were a language, what would you be?”

All you’re doing is trying to spark the curiosity and excitement that leads to a great first meet-up.




I’ve been through what not to say. But it’s also worth knowing what to say to a girl that doesn’t text back.

The only tools you have are what’s on your mobile and your choice of language. Using these correctly will boost your chances of reigniting the conversation.


Use of emojis and memes can help. Open questions and positive language can help. Humour is also your greatest asset.

I’ve put up another piece on how to make a girl smile over text. Give it a read and pick up some tips.

You’re aren’t trying to strike up a deep connection over SMS. You are instigating enough good feeling that even if a girl doesn’t text you back in the first place, you can still invite her out on good terms.




Know what to do if a girl doesn’t text you back?

The best way to genuinely not care if she texts you back, to keep momentum going, and to maximise the chances of an impactful connection is to get as many phone numbers as you can and text them all.

Are you going to worry about one girl not responding when you have another 5 to 10 text conversations on the boil? Of course not.

It’s the same way you keep a girl interested in a bar or club – get seen talking to as many girls as you possibly can. Who knows, you may even have her asking why you’re not texting her back.








A first date is not only a woman’s introduction to your world, but also your chance to make sure that she’s right for you.

It helps, therefore, to know the right topics to talk about on the first date. The idea is to

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