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has the opposite effect.

Women enjoy the mystery and the process of “getting to know you”. Drag the process out as long as you can, keep her guessing and wondering, and she’ll be waiting for your calls and texts.



19. You’re Too Silly and Send Too Many Emojis



We all know women like funny guys but there are very real boundaries and limits with it.

If you’re too silly and joking around too often, she’ll label you as a clown and decide to never call or text you back again.

Women also aren’t crazy about guys sending too many emojis and emoticons.

Too many emojis communicates you’re trying way too hard to prove you’re a nice guy.

It seems fake.

20. What You’re Saying Seems Too Good To Be True

Women say they want Mr. Prince Charming and the nicest and sweetest guy in the world, but that’s not true either.

Most women will stop calling and texting if what you’re saying sounds too good to be true or like complete bullshit.

If what you’re saying sounds, or is, scripted or rehearsed, she’ll probably move on to another guy who’s more down to earth and realistic.


21. You’re Trying to Sound “Too Smooth” or “Too Cool”



This kind of ties in with #20.

If you’re just too cool and smooth, she’ll sense something “off” about you.

She knows there’s a normal level of being a cool guy and a fake level of being a cool guy.

She’ll stop calling or texting because she’s skeptical and doesn’t want to waste her time on someone who’s pretending to be someone he’s not.




When she’s truly attracted and interested, IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT is happening in her life, SHE WILL FIND THE TIME to get back to you.

When she isn’t calling or texting back, it’s best to accept the reality of the situation and give it a break, or move on. Don’t waste your time chasing women who aren’t interested.

If she asks you to stop calling and texting her, SHE USUALLY MEANS IT! If you don’t stop, it’s called stalking and it makes you a weird and creepy guy.

There’s millions and millions of single women all around the world and you’ll find one who takes the time to call and text you back. Especially if you work on becoming a better man every single day.



Note: There is a chance for a better life

so here is what you can do



Stop porn (We already had chat on that and this whole book is about this... you got in your hands to volumes of "Why" to stop pornography at first time. Stop doing what you "Should" Start doing what you "Want" Stop with moving what you want today to do for tomorrow and tomorrow and later and later... do it "NOW" Start being playful...  If you are nice... it means you are Mr.Boring Stop the Obsession, it will stop you from being clear in what you should do Stop the overthinking process... it fucks with your mind Stop putting ranks on people, in  other words it makes the whole case worst than ever Start Seeing yourself as successful


If a girl doesn't reply to some of your texts, does it always mean she's not interested?


It really depends, there are number of reasons.


She's busy/doesn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment and by the time she sees it, it's not relevant anymore.

-Do we have to learn X for this exam?
She sees the message after exam. She doesn't know what to say to that. Maybe your questions made her uncomfortable, maybe she knows you wouldn't like the answer and she's having difficulties figuring out a way to say that without hurting your feelings or sounding mean or she doesn't know the answer yet. 

-Do you like me?
She's thinking:
-You seem nice and I don't know how to tell you that I'm not interested without hurting your feelings or ruin your confidence./ I really have no idea if I want something, but I don't want to say no in case I decide I do, but I don't want to say yes since I'll be a complete bitch if later I realize that it's in fact no. She's not interested but won't completely ignore you since that wouldn't be polite.

She won't ask you any questions, gives short answers, or only answers to some neutral questions. She knows you wouldn't like the answer and hopes you'll get the hint. You can check this by asking again, if she ignores it again, then consider it to be something you don't want to hear. 

-What are you wearing?
She's thinking:
-I'll just ignore and hope he'll take the hint and stop act like a complete perv.

She's a person who uses text messages only for direct communication, such as agreeing on meetings, telling someone you're late, etc. She just doesn't use that for some chatting or small talk.

She won't ask you any questions, gives short answers, or only answers to some neutral questions, but she agrees on meeting you and seems nice and approachable when you see each other.


16 Things Women Say That Men Misunderstand - Translated for His Pleasure




Years ago I co-hosted a morning network talk show, a TV version of the popular John Gray novel, Men Are From Mars ... Women Are From Venus, along with friends Dr. Drew Pinsky, Cristina Ferrare, Rondell Sheridan and Bo Griffin (RIP).

In the 100-or-so episodes that were broadcast, I covered many cool topics relating to the differences in how the sexes communicate. Gray's theory maintains that "men complain about problems because they are asking for solutions while women complain about problems because they want their problems to be acknowledged."

Agreed. Both genders are guilty of misinterpreting each other's words and actions because we speak two separate languages.

For example, when a man says "Not right now" it often translates to, "Please go away" or "Leave me alone." Men need time-outs in their caves until they find a solution to whatever they're figuring out, and they don't want our help. There's no mystery in what they're saying, it's to-the-point and straightforward. Men say what they mean.

The same doesn't apply to most women. Instead, they drop hints. They beat around the bush. They expect men to know what they're thinking. "I don't want to talk right now," is usually a passive way of getting a guy to pay attention as a sort of test. In other words, she's asking if he cares.

Confusing? Yes.

To top it off, women often expect men to be mind readers. When they look away to avoid spilling tears, or they huff and they puff and mutter under their breath, they're not happy. It's written all over their faces, despite attempts to hide it.

To help men understand this "chick code," dudes need a tool to help decipher ladies' glossary of terms. The following are translations of the more common phrases men will hear coming out of a woman's mouth:


1. Whatever. Truce. "I don't feel like fighting with you right now so you and I should just agree to disagree." We say this when we don't want to get into whatever it is you're bringing up.


2. Fine. Our way of ending a fight or preventing one from starting. When we say "Fine" you should consider yourself lucky, say "OK" and walk away. Just expect to hear about it later.


3. Oh, nothing. Definitely something. Except you are expected to know what that something is. This is where the mind-reading comes into play. If you still haven't telepathically figured out what's wrong by time we bring it up, then you're in deep shit.


4. Do I look fat in this? Do NOT ever respond to this question with a "Yes." What we're really asking is if we're desirable, if you're attracted to us - not if you like our outfit. This is the moment you should sweep your lady up in your arms and tell her how she'd look hot even in a potato sack.


Can you see my cellulite? Decode before you answer ...


5. Should I wear this... or this? We're asking, "Which outfit do I look sexier in?" Given a choice, guys usually go for the get-up that covers the most skin, (especially if you're off to lunch with his mother). We know this, and usually go for the one you don't want us wearing when it's girls' night out.


6. I'll be 5 minutes. Give us at least 20, and please don't harass us during this process; it will only make us nervous and fuck up our make-up, leading to at least another 5 minutes. This also can be code for, "Go pour yourself a drink, have a seat and put the TV on whatever it is you want to watch until I'm ready."


7. Can I just blow you? There's something funky going on downstairs. Whether we're on our period, there's a yeast thing happening, it's sore from activity, or we're just not in the mood to screw - I say take the blowjob boys, and call it an early night.


8. I'm on my period. "Can't we just cuddle instead?" Rarely does this mean, "Let's go fuck." Period sex does indeed feel good at times, and if that's what we're looking for, we'll let you know. Otherwise, please just rub us, pat our tummies and stop blaming "that time of the month" for our erratic behavior. It's annoying.


9. Can we cuddle? We're feeling vulnerable and need reassurance, or we just miss being held by another person. Either way, sex is the farthest thing on our minds. What we're craving is the human bonding experience. That, or we're on our period.


Can we just cuddle?


10. I love you. "At this moment you make me very happy." Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't always mean we're "in love" with you. We say it when we feel safe and satisfied, usually after orgasm or receiving gifts. Tears may follow.


11. Tears. Tears are our way of releasing emotion, bad and good. Yes, annoyingly we cry when we're happy, too. You guys never know the difference so here's the barometer; if she's crying and refuses to talk about it, they're bad tears. If she's crying and wants to spill her guts, they're good tears.


12. You're the brother I never had. "I just want to be friends." She might already have a boyfriend. In that case, be happy this woman wants you in her life at all. She could easier admit to being a lesbian, leaving you no options.


13. I'm a lesbian. 50/50 chance that she really is one. It's a tough call. (See No. 12.)


14. I think we should get a pet. "Let's have babies soon!" You've obviously displayed a natural knack with kids; this is our way of taking the temperature of the situation. How you react to this question will determine if you're daddy material down the line.


15. That guy over there was totally hitting on me. "Pay attention to me and don't take me for granted - because that man over there will happily take your place." When feeling insecure, we like to remind you of our worth by pointing out its value to others.


16. I'm sorry. No we're not. We are usually just placating you to get what we want, or to get out of some situation. Women also say it right before we drop a bomb. "I'm sorry; I should've told you, I just got out of a relationship. And did I mention I'm a lesbian?"



Note: Is life a missunderstanding and misinterpretation?

Nothing is really complex! - It's your mind fault



25 Things Women Say That Men Misunderstand




You’ve probably tried learning French, Spanish, or German, but those are nothing compared to Woman (the language). Most scholars agree that the only thing more impossible than understanding the language of women is dividing by 0. You have no hope. Don’t even try. Whatever. See? You probably thought that all of that means you should just give up and not try anymore right? Wrong! Any woman will tell you that in the language of women, it means the complete opposite. Here are 25 things women say that men misunderstand.


25. Nothing


It is something. It is definitely something and you had better figure it out real quick.


24.Do I look fat in this?

A better translation would be “Do you think I’m ugly?” and the answer is categorically “no”.


23. Go ahead

Do not misconstrue this

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