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This society was the outgrowth of the Herbart Club, formed three years before at Saratoga. It is now known as the National Society for the Scientific Study of Education. It holds semiannual meetings in connection with the National Association, but is not a department of said Association. It issues "Yearbooks" which contain the results of the investigations of its members and which are valuable contributions to current educational literature.

Among the most important educational theories brought forward by this school may be mentioned that of Apperception, the Doctrine of Interest, the Correlation of Studies, Concentration, the Culture Epoch Theory, and Character Building as an end of education. The practical application of these theories to school problems has not been neglected. There is no doubt that the Herbartian teachings have served to bring education in this country to a scientific basis. The members of this society have been among the foremost contributors to the pedagogical literature of the last decade.


Child Study.—The old psychologists based their theories and deductions upon a study of the activities of the adult mind. Modern educators have turned their attention to the being whom they are to educate—the child. Questionnaires have been issued and syllabi formulated concerning many characteristics of children, such as their fears, their imaginations, their lies, their views of God, etc., for the purpose of discovering laws governing the same. While as yet the movement cannot claim to have added much to educational theory, it has stimulated careful study and observation of children, brought teachers into more genuine sympathy with them, suggested suitable material for instruction, and fostered rational discipline. It offers an unlimited and fruitful field for further investigation.

Parents' Meetings.—In the early history of the race parents assumed the entire education of their offspring. When schools became numerous and teachers efficient, parents largely absolved themselves from direct responsibility in the matter of education. To arouse proper interest and to unite all the agencies of the community in this work, parents' meetings have been organized in many places. Thus the patrons of the school have not only been led to coöperate with their teachers, but also to study educational problems. Such organizations have strengthened the hands of the teachers, stimulated educational interest, and aroused a genuine and intelligent pride in the work of the school.

Manual and Industrial Training.—The marvelous industrial development of recent years, together with the attitude of labor unions towards apprenticeships, creates a demand for a reconstruction of courses of study. Much of education that was secured in the shop and field must now be furnished in the school. "Educate the whole child" is the watchword. The motor activities must be trained as well as the mental activities. Indeed, the latter cannot attain their proper development without the former. Hence, manual training has been adopted as a part of the curriculum.

Material Improvements.—A careful study of the ventilation, lighting, seating, and other hygienic conditions, as well as construction of school buildings, has characterized recent times. In many places not only school materials, but also text-books, are furnished free of cost to the pupil. Physicians are also employed periodically to visit the schools and examine the children as to the condition of eyes and ears, as to the prevalence of disease, and as to their general health. Safeguards are inaugurated to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. All of these material measures are founded upon the theory that only under best conditions can the best results be obtained in education, and therefore it is true economy for the community to furnish these conditions.


[183] The membership at the Boston meeting in 1903 was 34,984. This, however, is far in excess of the average attendance.

[184] See p. 278.


The following works have a bearing upon some phase of the many topics considered in this book. Most of them have been mentioned in abbreviated form either in the literature at the beginning of each chapter or in the footnotes. They are here given with their full titles.


Adams, Francis. The Free School System of the United States.

Allen, W. F. A Short History of the Roman People.

Allies. The Monastic Life.
The Formation of Christendom.

Andrews, E. B. Brief Institutes of General History.

Archer, T. A., and Kingsford, C. L. Crusaders.

Arnold, Edwin. The Light of Asia.

Arnold, Matthew. Essays in Criticism.

Arnstädt, F. A. Rabelais und sein Traité d'Education.

Ascham, Roger. The Scholemaster (edited by E. Arber).

Azarias, Brother. Essays Educational.
Essays Philosophical.
Philosophy of Literature.


Balfour, Graham. Educational Systems of Great Britain and Ireland

Ballantine, H. Midnight Marches through Persia.

Ballou, M. M. Due West; or, Round the World in Ten Months.
Footprints of Travel.

Bardeen, C. W. The Orbis Pictus of John Comenius.

Barnard, Henry. English Pedagogy.
Pestalozzi and Pestalozzianism.
American Journal of Education.

Barnes, Earl. Studies in Education.

Barrows, John Henry. World's Parliament of Religions.

Beecher, H. W. Life of Jesus the Christ.

Beeger Und Leutbecher. Comenius Ausgewählte Schriften.

Benjamin, S. G. W. The Story of Persia.
Persia and the Persians.

Besant, Walter. Rabelais.

Boone, Richard G. Education in the United States: Its History from the Earliest Settlements.

Bormann, K. Pädagogik Für Volksschullehrer.

Bowen, H. Courthope. Froebel and Education by Self-activity.

Brooks, Phillips. Letters of Travel.

Browning, Oscar. Milton's Tractate on Education.

Brugsch-bey, H. History of Egypt Under the Pharaohs.

Bryce, James. The Holy Roman Empire.
A Short History of the Roman Empire.

Bulfinch, T. Legends of Charlemagne.

Bulkley, Rev. C. H. A. Plato's Best Thoughts.

Bury, J. B. a History of the Later Roman Empire From Arcadius To Irene.

Butler, N. M. the Place of Comenius in the History of Education.

Butler, W. Land of the Veda.


Capes, W. W. Roman Empire of the Second Century: Age of Antonines.

Carlisle, James H. Two Great Teachers—Ascham and Arnold.

Carlyle, Thomas. French Revolution.

Chamberlain. Education in India.

Châteaubriand. The Genius of Christianity.

Church, Alfred J. Pictures From Roman Life and Story.
Pictures From Greek Life and Story.

Church, R. W. The Beginnings of Middle Ages.

Clark, Henry. The State and Education.

Clarke, James Freeman. Ten Great Religions.

Collins, W. Lucas. Montaigne.

Combe, George. Education: Its Principles and Practice.

Comenius. The Orbis Pictus.
Grosse Unterrichtslehre (see Zoubek).

Compayré, Gabriel. The History of Pedagogy (trans, by W. H. Payne).

Courtney, W. L. John Locke.

Cox, Sir G. W. The Crusades.

Craik, H. The State in Relation To Education.

Curtis, G. W. Nile Notes of a Howadji.

Curtius, Ernst. History of Greece (5 Vols.).


D'Aubigné, J. H. Merle. History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century.

Davidson, Thomas. Rousseau and Education According To Nature.
The Education of the Greek People and Its Influence on Civilization.
Aristotle and the Ancient Educational Ideals.
History of Education.

De Garmo, Charles. Herbart and the Herbartians.

De Guimps, R. Pestalozzi, His Life and Works (trans. by J. Russell).

De Quincey, T. Plato's Republic.

Dittes, F. Geschichte Der Erziehung Und Des Unterrichts.

Doolittle, Rev. J. Social Life of the Chinese.

Draper, John W. Conflict Between Religion and Science.
History of the Intellectual Development of Europe.

Durrell, Fletcher. A New Life in Education.

Duruy, Victor. History of France (trans. by Mrs. Carey).
A History of the Middle Ages.
History of Modern Times, From the Fall of Constantinople To The French Revolution.

Dyer, T. H. History of Modern Europe (3 Vols.).


Ebers, Georg. Uarda.
An Egyptian Princess.

Educational Review.

Edwards, Amelia B. a Thousand Miles Up the Nile.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Representative Men.

Emerton, E. An Introduction To the Study of the Middle Ages.
Mediaeval Europe.

Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Encyklopädisches Handbuch Der Pädagogik.


Felkin, Henry M. and Emmie. Herbart's Science of Education.

Felton, C. C. Greece, Ancient and Modern.

Fénelon, F. Treatise on the Education of Girls.

Fergusson, James. History of Architecture in All Countries.

Ferris, G. T. Great Leaders.

Fisher, G. P. History of the Reformation.
The Beginnings of Christianity.

Forsyth, W. Life of Cicero.

Fowler, Thomas. Locke.

Frazer, Robert W. British India.

Freeman, Edward A. Historical Essays.

Froebel, F. The Education of Man (trans. by W. N. Hailmann).

Froude, James Anthony. Short Studies on Great Subjects.
Life and Letters of Erasmus.


Gasquet. Henry VIII and the English Monasteries.

Geikie, C. Life of Christ.

Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

Gill, John. Systems of Education.

Gilman, A. Story of Rome From the Earliest Times To the End Of The Republic.

Graham, H. G. Rousseau.

Green, J. R. History of the English People (4 Vols.).

Grote, George. History of Greece (12 Vols.).

Guhl and Koner. The Life of Greeks and Romans. From Antique Monuments.

Guizot. History of Civilization (4 Vols.).


Hailmann, W. N. History of Pedagogy.

Hallam, Henry. View of the State of Europe During the Middle Ages (3 Vols.).
Literary History of Europe.

Hanna, William. Life of Christ.

Hanus, Paul H. The Permanent Influence of Comenius (ed. Review, N.Y., Vol. III, 226).

Harper's Book of Facts (compiled by J. H. Willsey).

Harrison, J. H. Story of Greece.

Hegel, G. W. F. The Philosophy of History.

Herbart, J. F. The Science of Education. (see Felkin.)

Herford, William H. The Student's Froebel.

Hinsdale, B. A. Horace Mann.

Horton, R. F. A History of the Romans.

Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Jews.

Houghton, R. C. Women of the Orient.

Hughes, Thomas. Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits.

Hurst, John F. A Short History of the Reformation.
Life and Literature in the Fatherland.


Irving, Washington. Mahomet and His Successors.


Jameson, Mrs. Anna. Legends of the Monastic Orders.

Johonnot, James. Geographical Reader.

Josephus, F. The Works Of.

Jowett, B. The Republic of Plato.


Kemp. History of Education.

Kiddle and Schem. Cyclopaedia of Education.

Kingsford, C. L. (see Archer.)

Kitchin, G. W. History of France.

Klemm, L. R. European Schools.

Knox, Thomas W. The Boy Travelers in the Far East.
In Egypt and the Holy Land.

Königbauer, J. Geschichte Der Pädagogik Und Methodik.

Kriege, Matilda H. Friedrich Froebel.

Kürsi, H. Life, Work, and Influence of Pestalozzi.


Labberton, R. H. New Historical Atlas and General History.

Lane, Edward W. Account of the Manners and Customs of Modern Egyptians.

Lane-Poole, S. The Story of the Moors in Spain.

Lang, Ossian H. Rousseau: His Life, Work, and Educational Ideas.
Basedow: His Life and Educational Work.
Horace Mann.

Lange, Wichard. Gesammelte Pädagogische Schriften von F. Froebel.

Langhorne, J. and W. Life of Plutarch.

Larned, J. N. History for Ready Reference (5 vols.).

Laurie, S. S. Rise and Early Constitution of Universities.
Comenius: His Life and Educational Works.

Lavisse, Ernst. General View of the Political History of Europe (trans. by Charles Gross).

Lecky, W. E. H. History of European Morals (2 vols.).

Le Clerc. Life of Erasmus.

Leitch, J. Muir. Practical Educationists and their Systems of Teaching.

Leroy-Beaulieu. The Awakening of the East.

Lessing, G. E. Nathan der Weise.

Lewis, Charles T. History of Germany.

Liddell, H. G. Student's History of Rome.

Lord, John. Beacon Lights of History.


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