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Educational, governs French départements, 297. Counter-Reformation, 182. County, school administration of, 310. Cramer, on the crusades, 138. Criticism, of Athenian education, 59. of Chinese education, 27. of Egyptian education, 51. of Feudal education, 135. of Hindu education, 34, 35. of Jesuit education, 188. of Jewish education, 44, 186. of Persian education, 38. of Roman education, 80. of Spartan education, 71. Cromwell, Commonwealth under, 200. Crusades, influence on education, 102, 103, 136-138. results of, 138. Curtius, quoted, 72.

Dancing, taught among Jews, 42. Dante, banishment of, 156. birth of, 155. Divine Comedy, 156. education of, 155, 156. humanistic leader of Italy, 155. influence of, 151. Dark Ages, slow progress during, 101. end of, 148. David, founder of Hebrew literature, 44. Dean, M. Ida, on schools in India, 33. Decimal system originated by Hindus, 34. De Garmo, on Herbart as a teacher, 279. Degrees in China, 25, 26. in French Universities, 299. Demia, Charles, 227. Democratic government in Athens, 57. Départements, erect normal schools, 300. in French school system, 297. Dervishes, in Persia, 38. Descartes on Jesuit schools, 186. Deserving of Promotion, Chinese degree, 26. Dessau, institute at. See Philanthropin. Dialectical method, of Socrates, 62. Dialogues of the Dead, Fénelon's, 225. Didactica Magna, Comenius's, 213. See Great Didactic. Discipline, in Chinese schools, 24. in Indian schools, 32. in Jewish schools, 43. in Roman schools, severe, 78. Discoveries, during Renaissance, 148. District inspector, in German schools, 291. District school board, in Germany, 290, 291. District system of education, in United States, 311. Dittes, quoted, 42, 274. Draper, on St. Augustine, 115. Drieser, on Quintilian, 86 n. Dualistic philosophy, of Zoroaster, 39. Duns Scotus, Benedictine leader, 118. leader of scholasticism, 122. Dyeing, in ancient Egypt, 47.

Earth, size of, ascertained, 145. Eberhard, Count, Reuchlin's friend, 159. Education of Girls, Fénelon's, 224. Education of Man, Froebel's, 277. Egypt, 46-52. antiquity of its history, 47. caste system in, 47-49. criticism of education in, 51. dyeing, embalming, etc., in, 47. geography and history of, 46, 47. higher education in, 50. home in, 49. influence of priests in, 47, 48. mechanic arts in, 47. military class in, 48. motive for education in, 52. pilgrimages to, for study, 47. polygamy in, 49. status of woman in, 49. Egyptian education, criticism of, 51. Eighteenth century education, general view of, 237-240. See also Modern educators. Elementary Book (Elementarbuch), Basedow's, 251, 255. Elementary education, among Arabians, 145. in Athens, 58. in China, 23. in England, 306. in France, 298, 299. in Germany, 192. in India, 32-34. Elementary education in Rome, 77. in United States, 312. neglected by Jesuits, 184, 187. Elizabeth, Queen, taught by Roger Ascham, 190, 192. Emerson, on the Middle Ages, 147. Émile, Rousseau's, 243-249. Emulation, as incentive in Jesuit schools, 186, 188. Engineering, in Ancient Egypt, 47-50. in Milton's scheme of education, 219. England, administration of schools, 305. attendance in schools, 306. educational enterprise in, 308. school system of, 303-308. support of schools in, 307. teachers in, 307, 308. English rule in India, 31. Environment, a factor in education, 16, 17. Erasmus, Colloquies, 162. compared with Luther, 162. humanistic leader, 153. life of, 161. literary authority of world, 162. on Agricola, 158. on Melanchthon, 171. pedagogy of, 162, 163. Praise of Folly, 162. studies of, 161. translation of Greek testament, 162. Erfurt, Francke preacher at, 233. university of, 141. Erigena, leader of scholasticism, 122. principles of, 122. Ernst of Gotha, Duke, school law of, 203. Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Locke's, 221. Essays, Montaigne's, 198. Essex, benefactor of Bacon, 206. Eton, college at, 174, 306. Euclid, used in monastic education, 119. Eudemon, page in Rabelais's Gargantua, 194. Evening Hours of a Hermit, Pestalozzi's, 263. Examinations in Athens, 58. in China, 25, 26. Exercise, Locke's rules regarding, 221.

Fables, Fénelon's, 225. Factory laws, in England, 306. Family, the foundation of education, 17. See Home. Farmers, caste in India, 30. education of, 34. third caste in Egypt, 48. Fathers of church, opposed to pagan literature, 113. Faurier, Peter, 227. Fear, motive for study in China, 24, 27. Fénelon, compared with Seneca, 225, 226. education of, 223, 224. Education of Girls, 224. head of convent of new Catholics, 224. pedagogy of, 226, 227. preceptor of grandson of Louis XIV, 224. priest, 224. reforms of, 204. works of, 225. Feudal barons, influence of, 133. Feudal education, 132-135. criticism of, 135. Feudalism, crusades break power of, 138. defined, 132. Fichte, Herbart student of, 279. Finances, school, 290. Fit for Office, Chinese degree, 26. Food of children, Locke's rules regarding, 221. Forest of Pencils, Chinese degree, 26. Formalism in instruction, 194. Forsyth, on Cicero, 81, 82, 83. France, administration of schools, 296, 297. attendance in schools, 297. mother schools in, 298. normal schools in, 297. school system, 296. support of schools, 299, 300. teachers, 300, 302. Francis I., of France, 165. Francke, August Hermann, called to University of Halle, 233. education of, 232. founds orphan asylum at Halle, 234. Institutions at Halle, 234, 235. organizes teachers' class at Halle, 228. Privat Docent at Leipsic, 232. Real-school, 236. training of teachers, 235. work among poor, 233, 234. Frankfurt-am-Main, Froebel teaches in, 273. Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, leads third crusade, 137. Frederick I., recognizes university at Bologna, 140. Free schools, established in France, 298-300. in Germany, 293. in United States, 313. Freiburg-im-Breisgau, university at, 141. French Revolution, lessons of, 239, 264. Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August, as teacher, 273. at Burgdorf, 275. Froebel, F. W. A., at Universities of Göttingen and Berlin, 274. at Yverdon, 274. Education of Man, Songs for Mother and Nursery, 277, Fénelon anticipates, 226. first school of, 275. influence of, 18. kindergarten of, 276. lectures of, 277. life of, 272, 273. object teaching of, 189. on Pestalozzi, 274. school at Griesheim and Keilhau, 275. soldier, 275. Fulda, cloister school at, 118.

Galileo, punishment of, 117. Gargantua, Rabelais's, 193. Gate of Tongues Unlocked, Comenius's, 214. Geography, a factor in education, 16. in Milton's scheme of education, 219 in monastic education, 119. Neander favors study of, 179. Geometry, discovery of Pythagorean theorem, 73. in catechetical schools, 108. in Jewish schools, 43. in Milton's scheme of education, 219. in monastic education, 119. Germany, administration of schools, 289. attendance in schools, 291. effects of 30 Years' War on, 201, 202. humanism in, 157. school system of, 169, 199, 289-295. State assumes responsibility of education, 174. support of schools, 293. teachers in, 294. Gibbon, Edward, quoted, 75, 150. Girls, education of, among Jews, 41. Fénelon advocates education of, 226. in Athens, 58. in China, 22. in Egypt, 50. in Rome, 80. in Sparta, 71. sale of, in India, 31. schools for, in Germany, 181. Glaucha, Francke pastor at, 233. Goethe, on the Émile, 249. Goldberg, Trotzendorf rector at, 178. Göttingen, University of, 280. Government, administrative school board of, in Germany, 290. democratic, in Athens, 57. no control of schools in China, 23. of Romans, 75. Government, self, in schools, 178, 179. Graduate school in United States school system, 312. Grammar, study of, begun, 59. in Athenian schools, 59. in catechetical schools, 108. in Mohammedan schools, 145. in monastic schools, 119. Gréard on Rousseau, 246. Great Didactic, Comenius's, 213, 214. organization of school system in, 215-217. Great Teacher, The. See Christ. Greece, 53-55. art and literature in, 54. Athens and Sparta, 54. geography and history in, 53, 54. manners and customs in, 54. Olympian games in, 54, 55. political freedom in, 54. Greek culture, influence on Rome, 74, 75, 80. Greek language, importance of, in human culture, 157. in Milton's scheme of education, 219. in pedagogy of Innovators, 204. introduced into Germany, 160. Reuchlin introduces study of, 160. revival of study of, 150, 151, 153. study of, in Rome, 74. taught in Sturm's school course, 176. Greek text-books, Neander's, 180. Greifswald, University of, 141. Griesheim, Froebel's first school
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