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66. Lycurgus, influence in Sparta, 73. laws of, 72. Lyons, cloister school at, 118.

Macaulay, Lord, on Bacon, 205, 206, 208. Magi, Persian priests, 37, 38. Mainz, university at, 141. Malone, John, on Chrysostom, 105. Mann, Horace, Annual Reports, 286. at Brown University, 285. at Litchfield, 285. educational campaign of, 286. life of, 284, 285. on common schools, 285. president of Antioch College, 288. Secretary of State Board of Education, 286. services to education, 288. statesman, 285, 288. Manual and industrial training, 320. Manual training school, Locke advocates, 222. Maps, early, 120. Marenholtz-Bülow, Bertha von, disciple of Froebel, 277. Mariner's compass invented, 148. Marriage, Christ's teaching on, 91. controlled by State in Sparta, 73. Martel, Charles, checks Mohammedanism, 144. Martial training, in Sparta, 69-71. Martin, on work of Horace Mann, 286. Massachusetts, new epoch in educational history, 285-287. normal schools established in, 287. Mathematics, central idea of Pythagorean system, 73. discoveries of Hindus, 35. taught in Egypt, 50. taught in Mohammedan schools, 145. Matthison, leader of Philanthropin, 254. Mecca, Mohammed's flight from, 143. pilgrimages to, 145. Mechanics, third caste in Egypt, 47, 48. third caste in India, 30. Mecklenburg, active in school work, 203. Medicine, in Milton's scheme of education, 219. taught in Egypt, 50. taught in Gymnasium, 293. Medicine taught in schools of prophets, 44. Medina, Mohammed flees to, 143. Melanchthon, Philipp, colaborer of Luther, 170, 171. early life and studies of, 171. educational work of, 172, 173. first Protestant psychologist, 173. Greek professor at Wittenberg, 171. lectures at Tübingen, 171. Loci Communes, 172. Saxony school plan, 172, 173. service to schools, 172. text-books, 172. work marked out by, 175. Memory, cultivation of, in Chinese education, 24, 25, 27. in Cicero's pedagogy, 84. in Fénelon's pedagogy, 226. in humanistic education, 163. in India, 32-34. Memphis, institution for higher learning at, 50. Merchants, third caste in India, 30. Methodists, purpose of, 231. Middendorff, Wilhelm, joins Froebel, 275. Middle Ages, progress during, 146, 147. Military class, in Egypt, 48. Military schools, in China, 27. Military training, in Persia, 38. in Sparta, 69. Milton, John, defines education, 217. reforms of, 204. scheme of education, 219, 220. teacher, 218. Tractate, 218. Mines, schools of, in France, 299. Minister of education in France, 290, 296. Minnesingers, compositions of, 135. Missionary enterprise in India, 32. Model school at Frankfurt-am-Main, 273. Modern educators, 241-314. Basedow, 250-256. Froebel, 272-277. Herbart, 278-283. Mann, 284-288. Pestalozzi, 257-271. Rousseau, 241-249. Mohammed, flight of, 143. precepts of, 144, 145. spread of doctrines of, 144. writes Koran, 143. Mohammedan education, 143-147. five Moslem precepts, 144. history of Mohammedanism, 143-145. scientific progress made, 145. Mohammedanism, history of, 143-145. in India, 31. Monasteries, Alfred the Great establishes, 131. benefits to civilization by, 120. center of educational activity, 146. center of religious interest, 120. power of, 116. services to education, 102. suppress scientific discoveries, 116, 117. Monastic education, 116-120. Monitorial System, defined, 307. Montaigne, education of, 196. Essays, 197. influence on Locke, 223. pedagogy of, 195, 197, 198. Montanists, teachings of, 113. Monte Cassino, monastery at, 117, 118. Moravian Brethren, Comenius member of, 211, 213. Moravian School, Comenius teacher of, 212. Moses founder of Hebrew literature, 44. Moslemism. See Mohammedanism. Mother-school (école maternelle) in France, 298. Motive of education, among Jews, 52. in Athens, 59. in China, 27, 52. in Egypt, 52. in India, 34, 52. in Persia, 38, 52. in Rome, 80. in Sparta, 69, 71. Music, cultivation of, among Jews, 42. during Charlemagne's reign, 128. in Athens, 58, 59. in Egypt, 50. in monastic education, 119. in Sparta, 71. in Sturm's school course, 176.
Nantes, university at, 141. Napoleon, quoted, 97. National Bureau of Education, in United States, 309, 310. National Herbart Society in America, 282. National Schools, Andrew Bell establishes, 305. Nature study, Christ advocates, 99. inductive methods lead to, 208. Navigation, in Milton's scheme of education, 219. Neander, Michael, teacher at Ilfeld, 179. text-books of, 180. Nero, pupil of Seneca, 84. Neuhof, Pestalozzi's experiment at, 261, 262. Nicole, leader of Port Royalists, 188. Nile, importance to Egypt, 46. Nile, inundations encourage mathematical study, 50. Nineteenth century education, general view, 237-240. See also Modern Educators and School Systems. Nisibis, catechetical school at, 107. Nitric acid discovered, 145. Normal schools, in France, 297, 300, 301. in Germany, 290, 294. in Massachusetts, 287. in United States, 314. La Salle establishes first, 228. teachers appointed in, 290. Novum Organum, Bacon's, 207.

Obedience, cardinal Chinese virtue, 23. Object teaching, beginning of, 266. of Jansenists, 189. Pestalozzi's, 270. Occam, leader of scholasticism, 122. Occupation, a factor in education, 16. Odessa, catechetical school at, 107. first Christian common school at, 105. Olympia, Holy Land of Greece, 55. Olympiad, basis for computing time, 55. Olympian games, influence and character of, 54, 55. Orations of Cicero, 82, 83. Oratory, ideal of education in Rome, 77, 78, 80. Quintilian's views regarding, 87. Orbis Pictus, Comenius's first illustrated text-book, 214, 215. Order of Jesus. See Jesuits. Oriental civilization, basis of, 89. Oriental education, aim of, 91. summary of, 51, 52. Origen, character of, 110. education of, 110. pedagogy of, 110. service to education, 101. Orleans, university at, 141. Ormuzd, principle of light in Persian religion, 39. Orphan asylum, at Halle, founded, 233, 234. Oxford, cloister school at, 118. Locke tutor at, 221. University of, 131, 141.
Pagan education, conflict with Christian, 111-115. Pagan literature, opposition to, 94, 113, 115, 120. Pantaenus, establishes catechetical school, 107. Pantagruel, Rabelais's, 193. Paper, invented, 148. Paradise Lost, Milton's, 217. Paris, cloister school at, 118. university at, 124, 140, 141. Parker, Colonel, on Horace Mann, 284, 286. Parliamentary grants for school expenses, 306. Parochial schools, 139 n. Pascal, leader of Port Royalists, 188. Pastor, superintendent of German schools, 181. Paul, services to education, 102. Paul III., Pope, recognizes Jesuits, 183. Paulsen, on John Sturm, 175, 176, 177. on Neander's text-books, 180. Pedagogium, established by Francke, 234, 236. Pedagogue, duty of, in Athens, 56, 58. in Rome, 77. Pedagogy, begins with history of education, 15. elevated to dignity of a science, 282. of Agricola, 158. of Alfred the Great, 131. of Aristotle, 66, 67. of Ascham, 190-192. of Bacon, 207-209. of Basedow, 251-256. of Basil the Great, 106. of Benedictines, 118, 119. of Boccaccio, 157. of Charlemagne, 127-129. of Christ, 91, 97-100. of Chrysostom, 105. of Cicero, 83. of Clement of Alexandria, 109. of Comenius, 214-217. of Confucius, 28. of Dante, 156. of Erasmus, 162, 163. of Fénelon, 226, 227. of Feudalism, 132-135. of Francke, 234-236. of Froebel, 275-277. of Herbart, 282, 283. of Humanists, 153. of Innovators, 204. of Jesuits, 184-188. of La Salle, 227, 228. of Locke, 221-223. of Loyola, 183. of Luther, 169. of Mann, 285-288. of Melanchthon, 172. of Milton, 218, 219. of Mohammedans, 145. of Montaigne, 195-198. of Neander, 179-181. of Origen, 110. of Pestalozzi, 269-271. of Petrarch, 151. of Plato, 63-65. of Port Royalists, 189. of Pythagoras, 73. of Quintilian, 87. of Rabelais, 194, 195. of Ratke, 211. of Reuchlin, 160. of Rousseau, 243-249. of St. Augustine, 115. of Scholastics, 124. of Seneca, 85. of Socrates, 62. of Sturm, 176, 177. of Tertullian, 113. of Trotzendorf, 178, 179. Pekin, royal library at, 25. Pendulum, applied to reckon time, 145. Pensions to teachers, in England, 308. in France, 302. in Germany, 294. Pericles, Age of, 54, 57. Athenian statesman, 56. Perioeci, in Sparta, 68. Persia, 36, 39. criticism of education, 38. geography and history, 36. home, religion in, 37. military
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