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at, 275. Gruner, Dr., head master of Model School at Frankfurt-am-Main, 273. Guienne, Montaigne studies at, 196. Gunpowder, invention of, 148. Gutenberg, invents printing, 164. Gymnasia, furnished by State in Athens, 58. Gymnasium, course in, 293. established by Francke, 234. purpose of, 236 n. Gymnastics, taught in Athens, 58. in Sparta, 71.
Hakem III., fosters education, 145. Hallam, on Agricola, 158. Halle, Institutions at, 234. Pietists found university at, 231, 232. teacher's class at, 228. Hamburg, cloister school at, 118. Hanlin, Royal Academy, in China, 26. Harris, Dr., on Pestalozzi, 271. Harrow, college at, 174, 306. Hebrew, revival of study, 153. used in interpreting Scripture, 158, 160. Hebrew Grammar and Lexicon, Reuchlin's, 159. Hecker, founds first Prussian Normal School, 228. Hegel, Aristotle compared to, 67. Hegira, Mohammedanism dates from, 143. Heidelberg, center of humanistic movement, 153. Reuchlin at, 160. University of, 124, 141. Heliopolis, institution for higher learning at, 50. Héloïse, Rousseau's, 243. Helots, in Sparta, 68. Herbart, Johann Friedrich, enters Gymnasium at Oldenburg, 279. in Bremen and Switzerland, 279. life of, 278. literary activity of, 281. on importance of common schools, 287. pedagogy of, 282, 283. practice school at Königsberg, 280. professor of philosophy at Königsberg, 280. student of Fichte, 279. teacher in Switzerland, 279. Herbartians, work of modern, 282, 318. Herford, on Froebel, 276. Hesse-Cassel, active in school work, 203. Hesse-Darmstadt, active in school work, 203. Hieroglyphics, Rosetta stone furnishes key to interpretation of, 47. High Schools, connected with common in France, 299. in United States, 313. Higher education, among Jews, 44. in China, 25, 27. in Egypt, 50. in India, 34. in Rome, 79. Hindu education, criticism of, 34, 35. Hindus. See India. History, a factor in education, 16. natural, taught in Jewish schools, 43. Neander favors study of, 179. taught in Roman schools, 78. taught in schools of prophets, 44. Holstein, active in school work, 203. Holy Land, of Greece, at Olympia, 55. pilgrimages to, 136. Home, foundation of education, 17. in Athens, 57. in China, 22. in Egypt, 49. in India, 32. in Persia, 37. in Rome, 76. Home, in Sparta, 69. of Jews, 41. Home training, among early Christians, 94. Horace, Roman poet, 74. How Gertrude teaches her Children, Pestalozzi's, 267. Humanism, art of printing aids, 150. decline of, 198. in Germany, 157. in Italy, 149-151. Petrarch founder of, 156. Humanistic educators, 155-163. Agricola, 158. Boccaccio, 157. Dante, 155. Erasmus, 161. German, 157-163. Italian, 156, 157. mission of, 155. Petrarch, 156. Reuchlin, 159. Humanities, studied in Jesuit schools, 185. Hunziker, Professor, on Pestalozzi, 267, 269. Hurst, Bishop, on Melanchthon, 171. Huss, reformer, 165.

Ilfeld, Neander's school at, 179. Iliad and Odyssey, called Bible of Greeks, 69. Illustrated text-books, first, 215, 229. Illustration, teaching by, 98. India, 29-35. Brahminism and Mohammedanism in, 31. Buddha, 35. caste system in, 30. criticism of education in, 34. elementary schools in, 32-34. English reforms in, 31. geography and history of, 29. higher education in, 34. home in, 32. motive for education in, 52. polygamy in, 31. religious ceremonies in schools, 33. schoolhouses described, 33. skill of craftsmen in, 30, 31. status of woman in, 31. Individual, education for, 91. Individuality, of children, 88. Inductive method, Bacon's, 207, 208, 229. Industrial School, Pestalozzi establishes, 262. Infant school (école infantine) in France, 298. Innocent III., Pope, recognizes University of Paris, 141. Inquiries concerning Course of Nature in Development of Mankind, Pestalozzi's, 269. Inspector, in German schools, 290, 291. Royal, in English school system, 305. Institutes of Oratory, Quintilian's, 87. Institutions at Halle, 234. Instruction, method of, in India, 33. Introduction, 15-19. Inventions, Chinese, 26. during Renaissance, 148. Isaiah, founder of Hebrew literature, 44. Israel. See Jews. Italy, humanism in, 149-151. intellectual movement in, 152.
Jansenists, introduce phonic spelling, 189. purpose of, 188. services to education, 189. Jena, center of Herbartian activity, 279, 282. Jerome of Prague, reformer, 165. Jerusalem, Latin Kingdom established at, 137. pilgrimages to, 136. school of rabbis at, 44. Jesuits, criticism of education, 186. education of, 184. emulation as an incentive, 186. founding of order, 182, 183. growth of society, 184. Loyola, 183. military character of order, 183. opposition of Port Royalists to, 189. school system of, 183-188, 199. spread of power, 184. summary of educational work, 188, 189. Jews, 40-45. compulsory education among, 42. criticism of education, 44. education in home, 17. esteem of teachers, 43. geography and history, 40, 41. higher education among, 44. home of, 41. mission of, 40. motive for education of, 52. prophets, 44. religion of, 41, 42. schools of, 42. schools of the prophets, 44. schools of the rabbis, 44. status of women, 41. the Talmud, 45. theocratic education of, 40. training of children, 41, 42. Johnson, Dr., on Ascham's Scholemaster, 190, 191. Justinian, abolishes pagan schools, 115.

Kant, Emanuel, quoted, 254, 255, 281. Keilhau, Froebel's school at, 275. Kepler, astronomical discoveries of, 202. Kindergarten, Froebel founder of, 276. in Prussia, 275. in Switzerland, 276. in United States, 277, 312. prohibited, 275. purpose of, 277. Knight, chivalry of, 133. education of, 133. seven perfections of, 133. Knowledge, defined by Confucius, 28. Königsberg, Herbart teaches philosophy at, 280. practice school at, 281. Koran, Mohammed writes, 143. used as reading book, 145. Krüsi, Hermann, on Pestalozzi, 260, 261, 265, 266. on the sacrifices of Bäbeli, 257. Pestalozzi founds school with, 267.
La Salle, Conduct of Schools, 228. organizes Brothers of the Christian Schools, 227. services to education, 228. simultaneous method introduced, 227. Laborers, third caste in Egypt, 49. Lancaster, Joseph, establishes Board Schools, 307. monitorial system of, 307. Land grants, for educational purposes, 310. Lang, on Basedow's Book of Method, 255. Langethal, Heinrich, joins Froebel, 275. Language, Ascham's method for study of, 191. classic, see Latin, Greek, classic languages, double translation in teaching, 199. in pedagogy of Innovators, 204. modern conversational method, 197-199. taught in Egypt, 50. taught in Roman schools, 78. Latin, in Locke's system of education, 222. in Melanchthon's course, 173. in Milton's pedagogy, 219. in pedagogy of Innovators, 204. in Sturm's school course, 176. in Trotzendorf's school course, 188. revival of study, 151, 153. Latin Kingdom, established at Jerusalem, 137. Latin Schools, Strasburg Gymnasium the model for, 176. Latin text-books, Neander's, 180. Latini, Brunetto, teacher of Dante, 155. Launcelot, leader of Port Royalists, 188. Laurie, S. S., quoted, 107, 139, 140. Law, in Milton's scheme of education, 220. studied in Egypt, 47. taught in Gymnasia, 293. taught in schools of prophets and rabbis, 44. Leibnitz, on Jesuit schools, 187. Leipsic, University of, 141. Leonard and Gertrude, Pestalozzi's, 263, 264. Leopold of Dessau, establishes the Philanthropin, 251. Letters, forms and names to be learned simultaneously, 88. Library at Alexandria, 107. at Pekin, 25. Literators, in charge of Roman schools, 78. Literature, Hebrew, 44. in Athens influences world, 56. lack of Christian, 94. opposition to pagan, 94, 113, 115, 126. pilgrimages to Egypt to study, 47. Literatus, teacher of Roman school, 78. Local school board in Germany, 291. Loci Communes, Melanchthon's, 172. Locke, John, education of, 220, 221. educational works of, 221. Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 221. his influence on education, 223. Montaigne's influence on, 195, 196. reforms of, 204. tutor at Christ Church, 221. Logic, in monastic education, 119. taught in Sturm's school course, 176. Lord's Prayer, taught in Charlemagne's reign, 128. Louis VII. of France, leads second crusade, 137. Loyola, founds Jesuit order, 183. Lucretius, 74. compared with Rabelais, 194, 195. Lund, university at, 141. Luther, Martin, Augustinian monk, 168. contrasted with Erasmus, 162. educational reforms of, 166. influence of, 18. lays foundation of German school system, 169. leader German Reformation, 165. life and struggles of, 167. pedagogy of, 169. professor at Wittenberg, 168. Reuchlin on, 160. Luther, Martin, summoned before Diet of Worms, 168. translates Bible, 168. work marked out by, 175. Lutheran churches, schools in connection with, 181. Lyceum at Athens, founded by Aristotle,
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