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in Chinese schools, 24. Rouen, cloister school at, 118. Roundheads, struggles with cavaliers, 200. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, Émile, 244-248. influenced by Montaigne, 195, 196. life of, 241, 242. on Christ, 97. on education of women, 248. pedagogy of, 243. Rousseau, Jean Jacques, Pestalozzi applies principles of, 269, 270. scheme of education, as outlined in Émile, 244-248. works of, 243. Rugby, college, founded at, 174, 306. Russia, serfs freed in, 238.

St. Augustine. See Augustine, St. St. Gall, cloister school at, 118, 120. Saint-Simon, on Fénelon, 224. Saladin, captures Jerusalem, 137. Salaries of teachers, in England, 308. in France, 300, 302. in Germany, 295. in United States, 314. Salerno, university at, 140. Sallust, Roman writer, 74. Salzburg, cloister school at, 118. Salzmann, leader of Philanthropin, 254. Sanskrit, language of India, 30, 34. Saracens, conquer Holy Land, 136. schools of, 140. Saxony School Plan, principles of, 172, 173, 174, 177. Schmidt, Karl, on Alfred the Great, 130. on Aristotle, 67. on corruption of the church, 151. on culture, 43. on emancipation of the individual, 52. on history of humanity, 15, 16. on Johann Sturm, 177. on St. Augustine's Confessions, 114. on scholasticism, 123. on teachings of Jesus Christ, 97, 100. on the Émile, 249. Scholasticism, benefits of, 123, 124. defined, 121. downfall of, 123. Scholemaster, Roger Ascham's, 190. School attendance, in England, 306. in France, 297, 298. in Germany, 291, 292. in United States, 311, 312. School board, in England, 305. in France, 296. in Germany, 290, 291. in United States, 310. School fund in United States, 309. School government, Trotzendorf's reforms in, 178, 179. School hours, in Athens, 58, 60. in Germany, 292. Schoolhouses in India, 33. public, none in China, 23. School inspector, in German schools, 290. Schoolmaster, German, position of, 295. "School of the Palace," established, 127. School pence, expense of English schools met by, 307. School system, Comenius's organization of, 215. of England, 304-308. of France, 296-303. of Germany, 289-295. of United States, 309-314. Schools, apprentice in France, 299. catechetical, 107. catechumen, 104. cathedral, 139 n. charity, in China, 23. church, 102, 181. cloister, 118. common, 78, 88, 105, 107, 181, 286, 287, 292, 293, 298, 313. elementary. See Elementary Schools. established in Germany, 180. graduate, in United States, 312. Gymnasium, in Germany, 293. high. See High Schools. in Athens, under state inspection, 58, 60. industrial, for poor, 262. infant, in France, 298. Jesuit, 183-188. Jewish, 42. manual training, 222. Mohammedan, 145, 146. mother, in France, 298. national, in England, 305. normal. See Normal Schools. of mines, in France, 299. of the prophets, 44. of the rabbis, 44. pagan, abolished, 115. parochial, 139 n. primary, in France, 298, 299. public. See Public Schools. Real, in Germany, 236, 293. secondary, in United States, 312. summer, in United States, 313. support of, in England, 306, 307. support of, in France, 299, 300. support of, in Germany, 293. support of, in United States, 313. teachers' salaries in. See Teaching. technical, in France, 299. undergraduate, in United States, 312. voluntary, in England, 306. Schulthess, Anna, marries Pestalozzi, 261. Schwegler, on number, 73. on scholasticism, 122, 124. Schwickerath, on the scholastics, 123. on Luther, 183. Science, among ancient Egyptians, 47. instrumental in civilization, 239. monastic opposition to, 116. Science, natural, Neander favors study of, 179. natural, taught in Egypt, 47, 50. of Chinese, 26. Rabelais gives first rank to, 195. Scientific discoveries, results of, 239. Scriptures, Holy, in schools, 217. Secondary schools, in United States, 312. Secular courses of study established, 118. Self-government of students, Trotzendorf introduces, 178, 179. the principle established, 239. Seminar, in Germany, 281. Seneca, compared with Fénelon, 225, 226. education of, 84. pedagogy of, 85. religious sentiment of, 85. suicide of, 85. tutor of Nero, 84. Sense-realism, Innovators advocate, 224, 229. Serapis, temple of, library in, 107, 108. Servants, fourth caste in India, 30. marriage of, 32. Seven liberal arts, 118. basis of school instruction, 127. Seventeenth century, education during, 200-236. Seventh Annual Report of Horace Mann, 287. Shaftesbury, Earl of, friendship with Locke, 221. Shastas, commentary on Vedas, 31. Shrewsbury, school at, 306. Siculus Diodorus, Greek writer, 47. Simultaneous method, inaugurated, 227. Sixteenth century, education of, 164-199. Slavery, abolition of, 238. Slaves, in Athens, 56. in Egypt, 49. in Rome, 77. in Sparta, 68. Sleep of children, Locke's rules regarding, 221. Sobieski, John, checks Mohammedan advance, 144. Social Contract, Rousseau's, 243. Socrates, Athenian philosopher, 56. death of, 62, 63. dialectical methods of, 62. doctrines of, 62. influence of, 18. life and home of, 61. methods of teaching, 62. personal appearance of, 61. religious belief of, 62. Solomon, founder of Hebrew literature, 44. Solon, Athenian lawgiver, 57. Some Thoughts Concerning Education, Locke's, 221. Songs, church, 107. Songs for Mother and Nursery, Froebel's, 277. Sophists, teachers of grammar, 59. Soröe, Basedow professor at, 251. Sparta, 68-73. coeducation in, 71. contrasted with Athens, 56. criticism of education, 71. history of, 68. home in, 69. Lycurgus, 72, 73. martial training in, 69, 70, 71. physical education in, 16. State control of children, 69, 70, 73. status of woman in, 69-71. tyranny, the spirit of, 56. Spartan education, criticism of, 71. Spelling, phonic method introduced, 189. Spencer, Herbert, on function of education, 217. Spener, Philipp Jakob, originator of Pietism, 231. Stagira, Aristotle founds school at, 65. Stanz, Pestalozzi's school at, 264. State, assumes responsibility of education in Germany, 174. controls citizens in Plato's scheme of education, 64. controls education in Persia, 37, 38. controls education of Spartan children, 70. controls schools in Athens, 60. interest of, aim of oriental education, 91. supervises English schools, 306. supports schools in France, 298. State Board of Education, duties of, 311. established, 286. State school system, in United States, 310. State support of public instruction in American schools, 310. Stettin, first Prussian normal school at, 228. Stoy, Karl Volkmar, establishes practice school at Jena, 281. Strasburg Gymnasium, organization of, 175, 176. Sturm, rector of, 175. Studia inferiora and superiora of Jesuit schools, 185. Sturm, Johann, education of, 175. influence of, 177. rector at Strasburg Gymnasium, 175, 176. school course of, 176, 177. Sulphuric acid, Arabians discover, 145. Summer school, in United States school system, 313. Superintendent of schools, duties of, 310, 311. Superstition of Romans, 76. Support of schools, in England, 306. in France, 299. in Germany, 293. in United States, 313. Swinton, on antiquity of Egyptian history, 47. on influence of Egyptian priests, 48. Switzerland, Herbart in, 279. kindergarten in, 276.
Talich, Hermann, school course of, 176 n. Talmud, extracts from, 45, 46. influence of, 45. on discipline of children, 43. origin of sayings in, 44. Tax for schools, in United States, 313. Taylor, Bayard, on Charles V., Emperor of Germany, 166. on Thirty Years' War, 201. Teachers, in Athens, 58, 59. in China, 23, 24. in Egypt, 49, 50. in England, 235, 307. in France, 300-302. in Germany, 290, 291, 293, 294. in India, 32, 33, 34. in Jesuit schools, 185. in Jewish schools, 43. in Mohammedan schools, 146. in Persia, 38. in United States, 313. professional training of, 163, 170, 188, 228, 235, 280, 294, 307, 313. salaries of, 58, 59, 286, 295, 300-302, 308, 313. tenure of office of, 294, 302, 307, 314. Teacher's Institute, in United States school system, 313. Technical schools, in France, 299. Telemachus, Fénelon's, 225. Tenure of office of teachers, in England, 307. in France, 302. in Germany, 294. in United States, 314. Tertullian, birth
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