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>Macaulay, T. B. Essays.
History of England.

Mahaffy, J. P. Social Life in Greece.
Old Greek Education.
The Greek World under Roman Sway.

Maitland. The Dark Ages.

Mann, Mary, and George Combe Mann. The Life and Works of Horace Mann.
Educational Writings of Horace Mann.

Marden, Orison Swett. Pushing to the Front.

Marenholtz-Bülow, Bertha von. Reminiscences of Friedrich Froebel (trans. by Mary Mann).

Marshman, J. C. History of India.

Martin, G. H. Evolution of the Massachusetts Public School System.

Martin, W. A. P. The Chinese: Their Education, Philosophy, and Letters.

Maspero, G. Egyptian Archaeology (trans. by Amelia B. Edwards.)

Merivale, C. History of the Romans (7 Vols.).

Michaud, J. F. History of the Crusades (trans. by W. Robson).

Milton, J. Tractate on Education. (see Oscar Browning.)

Mombert, J. I. Great Lives.
History of Charles the Great (Charlemagne).

Mommsen, Th. History of Rome.

Monroe, Paul. Source Book of the History of Education.

Montagu, Basil. Life of Francis Bacon.

Morley, John. Life of Rousseau.

Morris, Charles. Historical Tales (Greek-Roman).

Morris, William O'Connor. The French Revolution and First Empire.

Morrison, W. Douglas. The Jews Under Roman Rule.

Munroe, James P. The Educational Ideal.

Myers, P. V. N. Mediaeval and Modern History.
Ancient History.


Niedergesäss. Geschichte Der Pädagogik.
North American Review, Vol. 171.


Oliphant, Mrs. Montaigne. (see W. Lucas Collins.) Dante.


Painter, F. V. N. A History of Education.

Parkman, Francis. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century.

Parsons, J. Russell. Prussian Schools Through American Eyes.
French Schools Through American Eyes.

Pastor, Ludwig. History of the Popes.

Pattison, Mark. Milton.

Paulsen, Friedrich. The German Universities: Their Character And
Historical Development (trans. by E. P. Perry).
Geschichte Des Gelehrten Unterrichts, Auf Den Deutschen Schulen Und Universitäten.

Peters. Justice To the Jew.

Ploetz. Epitome of Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern History.

Prince, John T. Methods of Instruction, and Organization of Schools In Germany.


Quick, Robert H. Educational Reformers.

Quintilian. Institutes of Oratory; Or, Education of an Orator. (see Watson.)


Ragozin, Z. A. the Story of Chaldea: From Earliest Time To Rise Of Assyria.
The Story of Media, Babylon, and Persia.

Ragozin, Mrs. J. A. The Story of Vedic India.

Raumer, Karl Von. Geschichte Der Pädagogik.
Life and System of Pestalozzi (trans. by Tilleard).

Rawlinson, G. Five Great Monarchies.
Ancient Egypt.
Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy.

Reeve, Henry. Petrarch.

Reimer, Karl. Michel de Montaigne.
Emil, Oder Ueber Die Erziehung.

Rein, W. Am Ende Der Schulreform?
Encyklopädisches Handbuch Der Pädagogik.

Reports of the United States Commissioner of Education.

Richard, Ernst. The School System of France.

Richter, Karl. Pestalozzi.
A. H. Francke.

Ridpath, J. C. Library of Universal History.

Rousseau. Émile.

Routledge. The Modern Seven Wonders of the World.

Russell, James E. German Higher Schools.


Sankey, C. the Spartan and Theban Supremacies.

Schiller, Friedrich. History of the Thirty Years' War (trans. By Morrison).

Schmid, K. A. Encyklopädie Des Gesammten Erziehungs Und Unterrichtswesens (11 Vols.).

Schmidt, Karl. Geschichte Der Pädagogik (4 Vols.) (edited By Wichard Lange).

Schneider, E., und E. Von Bremen. Das Volksschulwesen Im Preussischen Staate (3 Vols.).

Schroeder, Chr. Das Volksschulwesen in Frankreich.

Schwegler, A. A History of Philosophy (trans. by Julius H. Seelye).

Seebohm, F. Era of the Protestant Revolution.

Seeley, L. Common School System of Germany.

Seidel, F. Froebel's Pädagogische Schriften (3 Vols.).

Sharpless, Isaac. English Education in Elementary and Secondary Schools.

Sheppard, J. Y. The Fall of Rome and the Rise of New Nationalities.

Shoup, William J. The History and Science of Education.

Shumway, E. S. A Day in Ancient Rome.

Sine, James. History of Germany.

Skinner, H. M. The Schoolmaster in Literature.
The Schoolmaster in Comedy and Satire.

Smith, William. History of Greece.
History of Rome.

Sonnenschein & Co. Cyclopaedia of Education.

Spofford, A. R. Library of Historical Characters (10 Vols.).

Steeg, M. Jules. Émile; Or, Concerning Education (trans. By Eleanor Worthington).

Stillé, C. J. Studies in Mediaeval History.

Stoddard, John L. Lectures on Travel.

Strack, K. Geschichte Des Deutschen Volksschulwesens.

Symonds, John Addington. The Renaissance in Italy.


Taunton. The English Black Monks of St. Benedict.

Taylor, Bayard. History of Germany.

Thalheimer, M. E. Mediaeval and Modern History.

Timayenis, T. T. History of Greece (2 Vols.).


Ufer, C. Introduction To the Pedagogy of Herbart.

United States Commissioner of Education Reports.


Van Liew, C. C. Life of Herbart and Development of His Pedagogical Doctrines.

Vogel, August. Geschichte Der Pädagogik Als Wissenschaft.


Walker, John Brisben. The Building of an Empire. ("Cosmopolitan," Feb.-Sept., 1899.)

Warner, Charles Dudley. Library of the World's Best Literature.

Watson, J. S. Quintilian's Institutes of Oratory; Or, Education Of An Orator.

Weigert, Max. Die Volksschule in Frankreich.

Weir, Samuel. Key To Rousseau's Émile.

Wells, C. L. The Age of Charlemagne.

West, Andrew F. Alcuin and the Rise of the Christian Schools.

White, Rev. James. The Eighteen Christian Centuries.

Wilkins, A. S. National Education in Greece in the Fourth Century B.C.

Wilkinson, Sir J. G. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians (3 Vols.).

Williams, Samuel G. the History of Modern Education.

Willmann, Otto. Herbart's Pädagogische Schriften (2 Vols.).

Winship, Albert E. Horace Mann, Educator.


Yonge, C. D. Three Centuries of Modern History.


Zoubek, Fr. E. A. Comenius. Grosse Unterrichtslehre.

INDEX A. B. C. der Anschauung, Herbart's, 281. Abelard at University of Paris, 141. Benedictine teacher, 118. leader of scholasticism, 122. Académies, in French school administration, 296, 297. Agricola, Johannes, school course of, 176 n. Agricola, Rudolphus, father of German humanism, 153, 158. lectures of, 158. Ahriman, principle of darkness in Persian religion, 39. Albigenses, reformers in France, 165. Alcohol, Arabians discover, 145. Alcuin of England, Benedictine teacher, 118. teacher of Charlemagne, 127. Alexander the Great, pupil of Aristotle, 65. Alexandria, catechetical school at, 107, 108. Museum of, 50. Saracenic school at, 140. school of rabbis at, 44. seat of philosophy, 107. Alexandrian library fostered by the Ptolemies, 50. Alfred the Great, becomes king, 130. character and history of, 130. education of, 131. encourages education of higher classes, 302. establishes monasteries, 131. founds Oxford University, 131. influence on English education, 131. literary work of, 131. statesmanship of, 130. Algebra, modern form of, 145. Allgemeine Pädagogik, Herbart's, 281. Ambrose, St., bishop of Milan, 114. America, discovery of, 165. American Revolution, establishes principle of self-government, 239. Analects of Confucius, 28. Analytical method of Aristotle, 67. Anatomy, in Milton's scheme of education, 219. Annual Reports, Horace Mann's, 286. of Bureau of Education, 310. Anselm, founder of scholasticism, 122. Antioch, catechetical school at, 107. Antioch College, Horace Mann president of, 288. Apostles, active in education, 101. Apostles' Creed, taught during Charlemagne's reign, 128. Apostolic Constitution quoted, 113. Apprentice schools, in France, 299. Aquinas, Thomas, Benedictine teacher, 118. leader of scholasticism, 122. Arabians, services to education, 145. Architecture, in Milton's scheme of education, 219. Aristotle, analytical method of, 67. Athenian philosopher, 56. called the Stagirite, 65. pedagogy of, outlined, 66, 67. pupil of Plato, 65. teacher of Alexander the Great, 65. Arithmetic, in Charlemagne's reign, 128. in Chinese schools, 24. in India, 32, 33. in Jewish education, 43. in Milton's scheme of education, 219. in monastic education, 119. in Roman schools, 78. Arrondissements, in French school system, 297. Art, in Athens, 56. in Egypt, 47. Arts, seven liberal, 118, 127. Aryans, in Greece, 53. in India, 30. in Persia, 36. Asceticism, influence on civilization, 116. Ascham, Roger, English educator, 190. method of, 191. Scholemaster, 190. tutor to Elizabeth, 190. Assistant teachers, 307. Astrology, applications of, 120. Astronomy, applications of, 120. Arabians' services to, 145. Copernican system, 148. Astronomy taught in Egypt, 50. taught in Mohammedan schools, 145. taught to Jews, 43. Athenian education, criticism of, 59. Athenian educators, 61-67. Aristotle, 65-67. Plato, 63-65. Socrates, 61, 62. Athens, 56-60. aesthetic education in, 58, 59. Aristotle founds Lyceum at, 66. art and literature in, 54. center of learning, 75. contrasted with Sparta, 56. criticism of education in, 59. democratic government in, 57. history of, 56. home in, 57. laws of Solon, 57. Pericles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, 56. philosophers from, at Museum of Alexandria, 50, 51. play important factor in child life, 57. Romans study at, 74. study of poets, 57, 59. training of children, 57. woman's status in, 58, 90. Attendance, compulsory, in English schools, 306. in French schools, 297, 298. in German schools, 291, 292. in United States schools, 312. Augustine, St., City of God, Confessions, 114. conversion of, 114. influence of, 18, 115. life of, 114. pedagogy, 115. services to education, 101. works of, used in monasteries, 119. Augustus, age of, 74, 75. Azarias, Brother, on La Salle, 228. on the Simultaneous Method, 227.
Babylon, Saracenic school at, 140. school of rabbis at, 44. Bacon, Francis, character of, 206. Comenius applies principles of, 214. degradation of, 207. Inductive Method introduced, 207, 208. influence of, 18. life of, 205. Montaigne's influence on, 195. new era in education, 209. Novum Organum, 207. object teaching of, 189. on Jesuit schools, 186, 187. pedagogy of, 208, 209. political advancement of, 206. reforms of, 204. Bagdad, caliphs foster education, 145. Saracenic school at, 140. Barrett, influences Horace Mann, 285. Basedow, Elementary Book (Elementarbuch), 251. failure of, 254. life of, 250. methods of teaching, 250. pedagogy of,
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