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education in, 16, 38. motive for education in, 52. state education in, 37, 38. status of women in, 37. training of children in, 37. Zoroaster, 39. Persian education, criticism of, 38. Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, childhood and character, 257, 258. Christian ministry, 259. failures of, 259, 260, 262. farming, 260. influence of, 18. law, 260. lesson of love taught by, 271. marriage, 261. Neuhof, experiences at, 262. object teaching of, 189. pedagogy of, 269, 271. purposes of, 259. school at Burgdorf, 266. school at Stanz, 264, 265. school at Yverdon, 267, 268. schooling of, 258. unites with Krüsi, 267. work of, 269. writings of, 263, 264. Peter the Hermit, crusade of, 136. Petrarch, father of humanism, 155, 156. Petrarch, influence of, 151-153. lays foundation of modern education, 157. Pfefferkorn, John, antagonism to Hebrew works, 160. Phaedo, Plato's, 63. Philanthropin, established, 251. failure of, 252-254. purpose of, 252. Philip Augustus, of France, aids university at Paris, 141. leads third crusade, 137. Philippics, of Cicero, 82. Philosophical discoveries, of Hindus, 35. Philosophy, in Athens, 59. in catechetical schools, 108. in Egypt, 47. in gymnasium, 293. in Jesuit schools, 185. in Mohammedan schools, 145. in Roman schools, 78. in schools of prophets, 44. natural, in Milton's scheme of education, 219. of Christ, 98. scholasticism, 124. Phoenicians, invent alphabet, glass making, and purple dyeing, 51. Phonic method of spelling, introduced, 189. Physical education, in Aristotle's scheme, 66. in Athens, 58. in Erasmus's scheme, 163. in Fénelon's scheme, 226. in Feudalism, 133, 135. in Innovators' scheme, 204. in Locke's scheme, 221, 229. in Luther's scheme, 170. in Milton's scheme, 220. in Persia, 38. in Pestalozzi's scheme, 263. in Plato's scheme, 64, 65. in Rome, 77. in Rousseau's scheme, 244. in Sparta, 70. Pietism, influence of, 232. purpose of, 231. Plato, Athenian philosopher, 56. disciple of Socrates, 63. first systematic scheme of education, 65. founds school at Athens, 63. republic, 63. State to have control of citizens, 64. testimony to Socrates, 62. Play, educational force in Athens, 57, 60. in Fénelon's pedagogy, 226. in Froebel's system, 274. Poetry, in Athens, 57, 59. in Roman schools, 78. in schools of prophets, 44. Poitiers, university at, 141. Political freedom of Greeks, 54. Political rights, extension of, 239. Polygamy, in China, 22. in Egypt, 49. in India, 31. Polytechnic schools, in China, 27. Port Royalists, purpose of, 189. services to education, 199. Practical training of Roman children, 79. Practice school, at Jena, 281. at Königsberg, 280. Herbart's, 280. Prague, battle of, 212. university established at, 124, 141. Praise of Folly, Erasmus's, 162. Prerau, Moravian School at, 212. Priests, influence in Egypt, 47, 48. Primary education. See Elementary Education. Printing, invented, 26, 148. influence on universal education, 150, 164, 165. Printing press, invented, 148. Privat Docent, in German universities, 232 n. 2. Progymnasia, in Germany, 292 n. Pronunciation, in Roman education, 76, 78. Prophets, schools of, 44. Prorealgymnasia, 292 n. Protestant educators, 174-181. Gymnasium at Strasburg, 175. Melanchthon's course of study, 174. Neander, 179. Sturm, 175. Trotzendorf, 178. See also Humanistic Educators and Reformation. Protestant Reformation, 165-173. Protestantism, spirit of, among common people, 200. spread of, checked, 182. Protogenes, establishes school at Odessa, 105. Provinces, thirteen royal, school administration in, 290. Prussia, kindergarten in, 275, 276. school system of, 128, 289-295. Psalms, translated into Anglo-Saxon, 131. Ptolemaic system of astronomy, 148. Ptolemies, found Alexandrian library, 50. Public schools, first Christian, 105, 107. in England, 306. in France, 298. in Germany, 293. in Massachusetts, 286. Public schools, in Rome, 78. in United States, 313. Quintilian advocates, 88. Punishment, Basil the Great's views regarding, 106. Cicero's views regarding, 83. Fénelon's views regarding, 226. in Jesuit schools, 186. Montaigne's views regarding, 196, 197. Quintilian's views regarding, 87. Seneca's views regarding, 85. See also Corporal Punishment. Pupil teachers, 307. Pupils, number assigned to one teacher among Jews, 43. number of, fixed by State in Athens, 58. Puritans, struggles with established church, 200. Pythagoras, life of, 73. mathematical system of, 73. philosophy of, 73.
Quadrivium, second course in seven liberal arts, 118, 119. Quick, on Ascham, 192. on Basedow's system, 254. on demands of Reformers, 204. on Jesuit education, 186, 187. on Milton, 218. on Pestalozzi, 258, 268, 269, 270. on Ratke, 209, 211. on Rousseau's hatred of books, 241. on the Philanthropin, 251, 252. Quintilian, education and life of, 86. founds school at Rome, 86. Institutes of Oratory, 87. pedagogy of, 87. receives title of Professor of Oratory, 86. works of, studied in monastic education, 119. Quincy Movement, the, 317.

Rabbis, schools of, 44. Rabelais, compared with Lucretius, 194, 195. friend of Calvin, 193. Gargantua and Pantagruel, 193. influence of Locke on, 223. introduces realism into education, 194. life of, 192, 193. pedagogy of, 194. Ramadan, fast of, 144. Ramsauer, on Pestalozzi's method of teaching, 266. Ratio Studiorum, of Jesuits, 186. Ratke, method of teaching language, 209, 210. pedagogy of, 211. reforms of, 204. Raumer, on Comenius, 213. Reading, in Athenian schools, 58. in Chinese schools, 24. in Jewish schools, 43. in monastic schools, 119. in Persian schools, 38. in Roman schools, 78. in schools of India, 32. not taught in Sparta, 71. taught during Charlemagne's reign, 128. taught by Quintilian, 88. Real-school in Germany, course in, 293. founded, 236. Real-gymnasia, 292 n. Realism, in education, 194. Reformation, as an educational influence, 164-174, 199. conditions at beginning of sixteenth century, 164. instills love for religious liberty, 200. intellectual conditions, 166. invention of printing, 165. Luther, 167-169. Melanchthon, 170-173. spread of educational ideas of, 180. Registration, book of, in French schools, 299. Reichstag, school interests represented in, 290. Rein, Professor Wilhelm, chief exponent of Ziller school, 281. on Herbart's pedagogy, 278, 282. practice school under, 281. Religion, center of school course, 181. Chinese, 21, 28. Christian. See Christianity. in Egypt, 48, 50. in India, 31, 35. in Milton's scheme of education, 219. in Persia, 37, 39. of Jews, 41, 42, 45. of Romans, 75. taught in Sturm's school course, 177. Religious freedom attained, 201, 240. Religious instruction, Cicero advocates, 84. in Egypt, 50. in German schools, 170. Rousseau's views regarding, 247, 248. See also Christian education. Removal of teachers, causes for, 294, 301. Renaissance, 148-173. defined, 148, 173. humanistic movement, 149-163. influence on Teutonic race, 149. inventions and discoveries during, 149, 150. revival of classics, 150. universal education advocated, 150, 151. Reuchlin, humanistic leader, 153. introduces Greek into Germany, 160. professor at Tübingen, 159. services to Hebrew learning, 159. teacher of Melanchthon, 171. Revival of learning. See Renaissance. Revolution, American, lessons of, 239. French, 239, 264. of 1688, 200. Rheims, first normal school established at, 228. Rhetoric, in Athenian schools, 59. in catechetical schools, 108. in monastic education, 119. in Sturm's school course, 176. the climax of education, 88. Richard the Lion-Hearted, leads third crusade, 137. Rod, discipline of, in China, 24. Montaigne's opposition to, 196, 197. used in Roman schools, 78. Rollin, reforms of, 204. Roman church, duty of, to education, 182. Roman educators, 81-88. Cicero, 81-84. Quintilian, 86-88. Seneca, 84-86. Rome, 74-80. Age of Augustus, 74, 75. birth of Christ, 74. criticism of education, 80. education in, 77-79. educators of, 81-88. government in, 75. home in, 76. home training of children, 76, 77. influence of Greek culture on, 74. oratory highest art in education, 77, 80. persecution of Christians, 94. philosophers from, visit Museum of Alexandria, 50, 51. practical training of children, 79. religion of, 75. supremacy of, 74. utility the aim of education, 79. woman's status in, 90. Rosetta stone, furnishes key to interpretation of hieroglyphics, 47. Rostock, University of, 141. Rote learning,
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