» Adventure » Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Di-Di Lewis

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to like this kid, “How did you do that? I mean, make your eyes change color?”
“It’s simple really, all that I need to do is change the genes for eye color and I’m good, and since I can use about seventy eight percent of my brain at one time, I can control what my eyes look like.” My eyes widened, he was starting to be a lot cooler than anyone that I have ever seen before. He truly is starting to seem like a really cool guy.
“Can you somehow find out how other people feel about things?” I asked him, “Or how much of their brain they are using?”
“Sure, but only if I know them really well, and I mean like fourteen years well.” He replied.
Great, now I have to wait to see how much of my brain is being used whenever I create something out of my mind, out of thin air. Oh the joy in waiting fourteen years to find out why everyone wants me to help them, oh how fun that long wait will be. I’ll be twenty eight by that time, and that will not be pleasant. I will not take any joy in having to wait so long just for this.
“Hey, wait a second, you are sending out very high amounts of energy from your being, maybe that’s what’s making this all possible, maybe that’s why a lot of people want to use you, so that they can somehow harness your energy and use it to their own advantage.” He said real intelligently, “Hey, wait a minute, maybe you can think the bars gone, and we can escape, that would be cool right, then we could leave this horrid place and go back home, back to our families, we can continue on with our lives.”
He was right, but I really didn’t want to let him go just yet, I wanted him to help me find my brother, I mean, he would be a great advantage to who there is to help me find my brother. He would be a great help, he would really help us out, we need him. Now it’s time to bust our buts outta here.
Then a light appeared, a bright one, in the shape of an arch, and it was another arch. I reached out and touched the light, I pulled my hand back, I didn’t want to get sucked in there without Jak, even though it did feel amazing, I couldn’t leave him, even though I have only known him for twenty minutes, a promise is a promise. I grabbed his hand and dragged him through the archway, and we were thrown into a bright, warm light. It seemed as if we were the only people there, the only ones in this dimension.

Chapter 5
We were floating around in space, in a warm light, the only source of energy for miles and miles around, we were alone in this unknown place, this crazy place, and I really don’t like it. This light was all around us, the only thing I saw was my hand when I put it up in front of my face. I looked to my right, all I saw was a blurry shape, it was making my head hurt. Then things started clearing up, the bright, warm light was soon replaced with something like a cemetery on a cold winter night, it was nice, but creepy at the same time. I looked to my right again, and I saw Jak, he was there, instead of the blur of colors that was there before.
I decided that we might as well start walking somewhere, and since none of us knew anything about this place, I just picked a direction and started walking. “Hold up,” came Jak’s voice in a warning tone, “We don’t know anything about this place, are you really going to just walk off in some random direction and keep walking till you find something?”
I nodded my head, might as well, there really is no harm in doing this, so I just kept walking, I don’t really care if he follows me or not, it really doesn’t matter.
“Arianna,” he shouted, I turned my head back towards him and stopped, “don’t go that way.”
“Why not?” I asked innocently, “Why should I stop right now, I see no danger in walking this way.”
“Well, maybe that’s because you don’t see things like I do, I can sense something very powerful in that direction, somewhat near you, and I don’t want you to get hurt,” it sounded as if he really cares about me, he sounded really concerned, but he’s only known me for a day or so, “I really don’t want you to get hurt, that would really suck.”
“Why would it suck, Jak?” I inquired of him, “Why should you care if I get hurt or not?”
“It would suck because this thing could kill you, and the reason why I would care if you get hurt or not is because I don’t like seeing people I know get hurt,” he replied, “especially if I know that I could have somehow prevented it.” He looked down, as if he was either embarrassed or sad. I really don’t know how to react to that, so I just walked over to him and said, “OK, I will not go in that direction, now, how much more powerful was it than me?”
“It was about as powerful as you are, maybe just a tiny bit stronger. I really don’t want you to get hurt, and I’m serious, I really do care about you, and I don’t want you to get hurt.” I smiled at this, I guess he can be really nice at times, and he can say just the right things at just the right time. He’s a nice guy, and I really don’t know how anyone could let him out of their sight, I really don’t know how any one person cannot like him, he really is a great guy.
There was a sudden drop in the temperature, it dropped below freezing, and I started shivering. It looked as if Jak was not cold at all, it seemed as if he was perfectly at home. I stood up and started walking away from him, and strangely, the farther away from him, the warmer the air became. Then I decided to keep walking away from him, there is something wrong with that child, and I wasn’t about to find out, and I had a feeling that I really don’t want to know what he is. Soon the air grew really hot, and really heavy, so I turned back and started heading back towards Jak, creepy as he is starting to be, I was getting too hot. Then the temperature started rising faster, it was rising higher and higher, and higher. I looked behind me and I saw a huge red beast, it was extremely bright, and it was extremely hot, and it was racing towards me. I started running away from it, and I didn’t stop running, even though the temperature was starting to drop, and it dropped rapidly. Then I stopped, I looked behind me and I saw a small creature, it had big, innocent eyes, light red fur, tiny horns on the top of its head, it had a small mane of light brown fur on its small head. It just sat there, watching me, then it yawned, a big and adorable sounding yawn. I walked towards it and knelt down in front of it. “Where’s your mommy little guy. Who would leave such an adorable little creature as you?”
I just yawned again and scratched its head with its hind leg. “Awe, you’re just too precious.” That was when it started to grow very hot, I nearly dropped it, its tail started wagging, and I couldn’t help but look at it. Jak came running up to me from behind, I could tell he was coming because I heard his thundering footsteps as he came crashing towards me, “Stop that Annabel, not OK, you do not burn our guests. I am serious about that, now, calm down Annabel.”
I looked at him, apparently he lives here, and apparently this thing is his pet. I really wouldn’t have guessed that he owned something like this, whatever it was. He looked at me, “Are you OK Arianna, she didn’t burn you or anything, did she?”
I shook my head, she didn’t burn me, all she left was scorch marks on my hand, what an idiot, I guess you really do have to be stupid not to know that something on fire doesn’t burn you. My hands were black, but surprisingly, I could still feel them. “Let me see your hands,” he demanded, so I held out both my hands, wishing that he doesn’t see anything on them. Annabel disappeared, and so did my hands, which turned out to be extremely creepy, and I really didn’t like it. I looked at Jak’s face, it was filled with terror, probably at the sudden disappearance of his poor, poor cat thing or whatever it is. Then he looked at me, “W-what are you? What happened to your hands?”
“I thought you might be more concerned of your pet,” I replied shrewdly, “not me, you hardly even know me, and I just made them turn invisible, that’s all, it really isn’t much.”
“Oh really, turning one of the most obvious things invisible is completely possible now is it?” he asked, “I would have thought that the one thing that has been proven time after time that this cat cannot be turned invisible, can’t be turned invisible simply by wishing it not to be seen.”
“I can make everything visible again if you want me to,” I said with a sly smile on my face, he nodded his head really fast, so I just willed him to see all that was in my hands, and Annabel reappeared, along with my coal black hands. He looked at me, then he reached out his hands and touched mine, they instantly went back to how they had been not that long ago. “How did you do that?” I asked him, in complete shock, that thing that he just did is completely impossible, he can’t do that, it’s just not possible.
“It’s simple really, all I have to do is channel my energy into someone else to accelerate the healing process and presto, whatever was hurt is now healed, just like magic, but it’s not.”
“OK then, that’s not strange at all, but, I guess I’m just going to have to deal with your energy as well as mine, unless I can somehow make your energy go back into your body so neither of us get hurt. Hey wait a second, I can do that, it’s really simple, all I have to do is touch your arm and send your energy back to you, but if only things are that simple, too bad they aren’t. Oh well, let’s give it a try and see if it works.” I reached out for his arm, and he let me grab it. Then, in my head Let his energy flow back into his body, the body in which the energy had first come from, it may be a small amount, but it is still his energy, and without this small amount of energy, he might not be able to function properly, so let his energy flow back inside of him. Let his energy be free enough to flow from my body to his, so that he might live that much longer. I saw the color in his cheeks return a little, which truly was amazing.
He just stared at me, with his mouth agape, as if he didn’t know what to do, then he closed his mouth and smiled, he opened his arms and gave me a hug.
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