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Dark Days

By: Di-Di Lewis

It was a dark day; the blackened storm clouds covered the morning sun. I rose slowly from my bed when my light was turned on. Slowly I changed and went downstairs for a bowl of cereal. I grabbed my backpack and went outside to wait for the bus. I hadn’t sat outside but for ten minutes in the cold wet rain before the bus finally arrived. The bus was noisy, as usual, and I grudgingly climbed aboard. The bus ride seemed to last a century or two before, and when the bus finally stopped at the dreaded destination, there was a layer of fog covering the stone-hard ground.
Lightning struck the ground behind the stone-cold building. I was shoved off the bus, and slowly I walked up the dreaded concrete steps into a building like a prison; serving crappy food during lunch, trapping you within its brick-hard walls for eight hours a day. Dreaded by kids across the nation, adults call it school, but I call it my death. And thus, this dreadful day began.

Chapter 1
“Morning Mom,” I called down the hall to my sleeping mother, “I’m off to school, I love you!” I walked out in the morning dawn and I sat down and waited for the school bus to arrive.
The bus came after a few minutes, and I climbed onto the usual noisy bus. I had to force my way to my assigned seat at the back of the bus, and I sat down, all alone. I reached into my dark red bag and grabbed the book I was supposed to be reading for my English 1 class, and I started to read. By the time we reached the next stop, there were storm clouds already covering the sky, but I was happy. Something strange happened though, we stopped a little before the next stop, there was a boy standing there, in the rain, and then, when he came onto the bus, he sat down next to me.
I looked up from my book and said, “Hi, I haven’t seen you around before, are you new here?” This boy just nodded his head and kept staring out the window with a pained expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him, there was no reply; he just kept looking out that window, watching as the leafless trees flew by. I reached up and touched his shoulder, he looked at me then, and I smiled, he smiled back, but it looked as if it pained him to do so.
“Are you OK?” I asked him in a gentle tone. He looked up at me with sad eyes and just shook his head. I decided not to push matters further.
He quickly pulled his gaze away from mine and pulled out a schedule. I looked over his shoulder and saw his schedule.
Class Room #
1. Band Band Hall
Mrs. McGrammins
2. Geometry PAP 107
Mr. Manor
3. English 1 PAP 124
Ms. Allison
4. Lunch Off Campus
Off Campus
5. World Geography PAP 217
Mr. Alibillone
6. Biology PAP 304
Mrs. Allimony
7. Spanish 1 227
Mrs. Henry

“Do you want to see my schedule?” he asked me, I nodded. He handed it to me and I took it from his hands. I have so many classes with him, the only one I didn’t have with him was Spanish, I was taking French.
“We have so many classes together,” I told him, “I can show you where to go, if you want me to.” He nodded, and then he smiled.
The bus finally stopped at the school, lightning struck behind the building. We got off the bus together, and there was a layer of fog covering the ground. Together we walked into the building, he told me that he needed to talk to the band director so he could get music and a cubby for his instrument, and then he walked off. I went into the band hall to get my mellophone, then, I went outside to the field where we practice marching.
Fifteen minutes later, the boy on the bus came out with a silver mellophone in his left hand. Mrs. McGrammins came up to me and said that the boy would be my shadow, if that was OK with me, I told her that it was perfectly fine with me.
When the boy had made his way to me, I asked him his name. “James,” he replied.
“That’s a cool name, James, I like it. Are you ready for band?” I asked.
“Yeah,” was his one word reply. We walked off to my spot; I showed him all the sets, he caught on really quickly.
“Next off, geometry,” I said with fake enthusiasm.
“Do you not like geometry?” he asked inquisitively.
“I love geometry,” I replied as we were putting up our instruments.
“I know this may seem random,” he said, “but, what’s your name? I already told you mine, so I want to know yours now.
At the moment it seemed harmless enough, so I told him, “My names Violeen,” I smiled. The bell rang to go to the next class, we started heading down the hall. As we were walking, I asked him a question that I normally wouldn’t ask someone, “Where are you from?”
 “I’m from Texas, why?” he asked.
“Oh, just wondering. Are you ready for geometry?” I asked as we turned the corner. He stopped, but I didn’t, then I noticed that he wasn’t walking beside me anymore, so I turned around. I really wish I hadn’t done that, I saw this hideous beast, it had huge scaly wings, a long tale with spikes on the end, then it looked at me, I nearly dropped at that moment, but James had silently appeared behind me and caught me before I could hit the ground. Slowly things started turning black, then everything was black, then I fainted.
Next thing I know I’m lying on a bed with a bright light shining over my head. “What was that?” I asked.
“That was an Algremendoza,” came a familiar voice. Then a blurry figure came into the light, then it slowly came into focus, it was James.
“What’s an Algaremendoza?” I asked.
“It’s pronounced Algremendoza, and it was a beast from the Past World,” he told me.
“The what world?” I questioned.
“The Past World, something that comes after the first world, but before the one you’re on right now, only special people can see it because it technically doesn’t exist,” he answered.
“Am I one of those special people?” I looked up at him.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out, we aren’t quite sure yet, but right now, you seem like a likely candidate.”
“That’s cool, are you one of those special people?”
“OK, so, how did I get here?”
“I brought you here after you fainted after seeing the Algremendoza. You’re safe here, and you will be as long as you don’t go off the grounds.” I was warned.
“I promise I won’t leave. I’m just wondering, but, where are we?”
“We’re in a place that I doubt you’ve ever heard of before…”
“Where?” I interrupted.
“We are on a planet called Kimieneras.”
“We’re on a different planet?!?” I almost yelled.
“But how can we be on a different planet?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t quite figured that out just yet, but all you need to do is lay back down and get some sleep. I’ll see you later, I promise.” Then he just left; shortly after, I fell asleep, and I didn’t wake up for a while.
I don’t know how long I was asleep, but when I woke up, everything was dark, there was no bright light shining over my head, I only heard voices, I didn’t bother to pay any attention to them. The voices grew louder, as if they were approaching me; I heard the pitter patter of feet hitting the ground.
The feet stopped, and I looked up; I almost screamed, but I held my tongue. The creatures looked at me, they were somewhat like that thing in the school hall, but they didn’t have wings; it seemed as if they were trying to smile at me, but it only creeped me out even more.
Then, one of them did something absolutely strange, it reached out and picked me up, but it never touched me. I was lifted up, I don’t know how far, then I was taken somewhere; I tried to get away, but it seemed as if the thing that was holding me up had also immobilized me. I couldn’t move, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t. Then, something apparently strange to the creatures, I yelled one word, “STOP!!!!” The moment I said this, I was dropped onto the ground. Apparently the ground changed, because when I landed it was soft, and when I stood up, it was hard again.
I looked up at the creatures; they backed away from me, as if I was some horrible monster. Then I turned my head, just to see if it really was me they were backing away from, there was nothing there, just dull grey walls. I sighed, relieved that there was nothing there. I realized then that they must be scared of me, but why would they be approaching me with hostile grins on their faces? They kept coming in my direction, they were hissing, spitting, growling, but they walked right on past me, they didn’t stop, they just kept going.
What were they looking

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