» Adventure » Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Di-Di Lewis

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it. For some reason, as soon as I entered the building this time, a bunch of memories came flooding back into my head, it caused my head to hurt. I remembered a planet called Earth, how I had a mother there, but she wasn’t really my mom, how I had found out that I have a brother from a different planet, how I made a deal with this evil creature to save my brother, and how I’ve been kept here for a day longer than what was made in the deal, and now the woman had to die, and I knew that it had to be by my hand.
It was a terrible thought, I couldn’t stand to think it, but I knew it had to be, and that she was the one that had caused all my troubles during my life, and it had to come to an end. I know it seems wrong, but it has to be, I have to be the one who kills this evil witch, we made a deal, and now it has to come to pass. I never thought that I would be the one who kills her, but now, it has come.
“Arianna, I am so glad that you have come here today, thank you for joining me, I get awfully lonesome here all by myself,” she said with mock sorrow, “Could you come closer?”
“Never,” I said spitefully, “I know what you did, witch, and I remember the deal, it is time, you have to die, I’ve been here longer than my time. You have to let me go now, or you will surely die, and it will be sooner than you have expected.”
“You’re lying child, I never made any sort of deal with you, or anyone else.”
“Lies, you are lying to me, like you always do, you know something, nobody likes you, except for the ones who have completely lost their minds,” I stated, “You are absolutely insane to think that you can lie to me, especially after all that lying that you’ve already done, you evil person.”
“Child, I only called you in here so you could see how your brother’s doing, is there any harm in that?”
“Yes, actually, there is. It goes against the deal, now there is something else that you need to die for, another part of the deal made, broken. No-one can trust you, I don’t even see how you have gone this long without someone telling you that you are lying, but you really need to know that. You really need to know that you are unwanted by anyone in their right mind.”
“You insult me child,” she retorted, “Why would anyone hate me?”
“Because you treat people like crap, and you never listen to them,” I answered, “You never do anything for anyone else, what other reason do you want?”
“I guess that no one really likes me then,” she said sadly, “I’m sorry for how I’ve been treating everyone, it’s just that I don’t know how else to treat other people, I guess it just started when I was a child, and how my father always treated me like crap.”
“You have a father?” I said sarcastically, “I had no idea, do you have a mother as well?”
“Haha, very funny, not really, but I do have a mother,” the evil woman replied sadly, “do you want to see a picture of her?”
“No, actually, I don’t want to see a picture of your mother.”
“But you always want to see a picture of her,” she said, somewhat pulling me into some kind of vortex, spinning out of control, but yet, I stood still, “Don’t you want to see my mother?”
“Yes, I want to see your mother,” I said unwillingly, as if she was controlling my tongue.
“Good, now I will go and get my dear and wonderful mother so that you may see a picture of her beautiful face,” and with that she walked off.
I stood there, unable to move, standing there, somewhat in a trance, just staring off into space at nothing in particular. Then she came back, she came with a picture, but it was not of a woman as I had expected, but it was of a terrible creature, it had horrible teeth, it had three blood red eyes, horrible matted green and orange hair, dark green scales covering its body. I felt sorry for her, she had to deal with how she looked for her whole life, and then her daughter, for having to look at her.
“I feel so sorry for you,” I stated sympathetically, “you had to deal with that for your whole life.”
“You feel sorry for me having a beautiful mother?” she asked.
“That’s beautiful?” I asked, disgusted, “What’s ugly for you?”
“What’s ugly for me id myself, I was nothing like anyone else on my planet, I was considered to be the ugly duckling, and now, since they had always called me ugly, I’m going to take over this planet and make everyone like me. You are already there, child. I’m pretty sure that you are pretty on your planet, so you won’t have to worry about being ugly, unless you want to look like my mother?”
“No thank you, I’m fine how I look right now; I would never want to be as ugly as your mother.”
“My mother is not ugly,” she said defensively, “she is the most beautiful person in the whole universe.”
“OK,” I said, taking back what I had said, “I guess your mom is the most beautiful creature in the whole universe.”
“You guess? No, it is a fact that she is the most beautiful person in the whole universe.”
“What about the multiverse?” I questioned, “do you even know what the multiverse is?”
“Of course I do, it’s probably somewhere in one of my multiple books,” she said and I’m pretty sure that she doesn’t know what the multiverse is.
As if she had read my mind, “I do to know what the multiverse is.”
“All right then, tell me what you think the multiverse is.” I tested.
“The multiverse is something that involves science, I know that much, and that it is huge,” she said unknowingly.
“Wow, that is extremely sad, I know what the multiverse is, it’s a whole bunch of universes liked together, each similar, but also slightly different in their own way, no two universes are alike.” I said knowingly.
“How do you know so much?” she asked.
“I pay attention in class, and I watch documentaries on this sort of stuff,” I replied, “it’s really fascinating. I am transfixed each time I watch anything about it.”
“Wow, now that is sad. Why would you watch documentaries on things like that, why not about your own planet?”
“I do watch things like that, but they aren’t quite as interesting because I already know a lot about it, but the multiverse is huge and mysterious,” I answered, “Why else would I be captivated by the secrets hidden by the ages? Hidden by the stars?”
“I really don’t know why, so I’m not going to guess.”
“OK, it’s not my problem that you aren’t interested in the stars…” I was cut off by this loud whirling noise, so I wasn’t able to finish the sentence.
“What have you done, child?” the woman shrieked over the noise of the wind, it picked her up and carried her away. I knew that she was going to die, and somehow I had caused this. I started laughing, I mean, it was kind of funny to see the woman that you hate be tossed in the air like a rag doll, and still be stuck to the ground. What a wonder science is, it truly is amazing.
I sat down, and the winds started to slow down, then I stood up and the winds picked up, stronger than before, I sat down because I was tired of standing. I just watched her twirl around in the air, watching her doing nothing to stop herself from spinning out of control. The winds started to slow down, I laid back, and the wind stopped blowing altogether, and the woman just fell to the ground, I’m actually surprised that she didn’t splatter on the ground like any normal thing would have, it was insane. The weirdest thing was that she stood up again, and cam towards me, “If you try that one more time I so swear that you won’t be able to see the light of day again, let alone your precious brother.”
“I didn’t do that, I swear, at least I didn’t try to do it.”
“You little brat, you are going to die,” she said, totally ignoring what I had just said, “I swear, you are going to die.”
“I am not going to die, especially by your hand,” by then I was angry, and I was pretty sure I looked angry too.
The woman looked at me with pure terror, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you angry, I swear, I didn’t mean to.” Her eyes were wide, her skin pale.
She kept her eyes away from mine, and I turned around, why was she so scared of me, shouldn’t it be the other way around? Then I saw a mirror, and my reflection in it. I looked really mad, my hair was standing on ends, little bolts of energy zapping other strands, making them join the rest, I was pale, and I had red eyes. You have to admit, I did look pretty scary.
I turned back around, the beast was no longer there. I called out for her, but she was not there, she wouldn’t respond. I almost decided to go and look for her, but I decided against it because her body was speeding towards me. “STOP!” I yelled, and her body froze in midair, her eyes staring blankly at me.
“What do you want?” I hissed, I really wanted to know what she wanted of me because she had kept me here for a reason, and I wanted to know why.
“I’ll tell you when you let me go.”
I slowly let her down to the ground, and when she was a couple feet off the ground, I let go, she just slipped, and she hit the ground with a thud.
“Ow, that hurts you know?” she complained.
“Tell me, now, or you go back up into the air, and I drop you from even higher.” I threatened.
“Fine, I wanted you here so that I could harness you energy and use it as my own so that it would be easier to take control of this planet.” She whimpered.
“Not good enough,” I said, “There has to be another reason, why would you have treated me like this? I know that you’re not a good person and all, but why treat your energy source like crap if you wanted it to help you?”
“It’s easier to get you to work for me if I treated you like crap, and then if you forgot what had happened.”
“Are you trying to harness my energy right now?” I questioned, feeling my energy slowly fading away.
“No,” she lied, “how can I steal your energy away right now?”
“You have somehow gotten a hold of me on the inside and you are draining it from the inside. Stop it now, OK? And if you don’t stop, you’re going to have to go more than a thousand feet up in the air and have a fast trip back down.
“You wouldn’t do that to me, would you?” she asked.
“Yes, I would do
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