» Adventure » Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Di-Di Lewis

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useless, the only thing that it did do was wake my brother up. He stood up, staggering, with an outstretched hand, calling out my name, he ran after me, but the creature that had me was going too fast for him, and he quickly grew out of breath.
I called for him, I screamed out his name, I pounded on the creatures large arms, and yet, I failed to break free from this horrible creature’s firm grasp. Then I cried, tears streamed down my face, I couldn’t help myself. I wanted my life to be how it used to be, normal, without any strange creatures picking me up and taking me away from my family. I wanted things to be normal again. Strange things were happening here, things that I didn’t like, there was nothing good here, today was truly a dark day.
The creature carried me for quite some time, I don’t know how much time, but it was a long time. When it finally set me down, we were in a dark cave, a place where no light could enter, and I was scared. I felt rope being pulled tightly around me, but I didn’t know why. Soon I was immobilized, it scared me. I was in complete darkness, tied up, and there was this strange unknown creature holding me prisoner in its cave.
“What do you want from me?” I screamed, losing my breath.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” came a quiet voice from somewhere in the shadows, “the ropes get tighter each time you breathe out, so it’s a very slow and painful death.”
I moved my arms slightly, that was more that earlier. I then pushed my arms outward, “You’re lying!” I screeched, “I don’t know who you are, but you’re lying. Where are you?” My voice echoed in the darkness.
Then came a voice quieter than a whisper, “I am over here, please help me,” the voice sounded pained, as if it had struggled to force those words out. I started then to try and find light, so I could see whatever it was that had called out for help. Then, as if from thin air, came a small globe of blue light, I blew on it, hoping it would go away, but it didn’t, it just sat put in the air. I then wished for a brighter light so I could see more than what was in the small area in which the globe of light penetrated. The light grew, it was so bright that there was temporary blindness. I looked around, and what I saw was not what I had expected, instead of being like a cave that you would have normally seen back on earth, this cave was like a box, the opening was sealed off, so there was no chance of any kind of escape, so I was pretty much doomed, there was no way out. The walls were silver, instead of a brown that would be expected, the ceiling was flat, there were no stalagmites hanging from the top.
The scariest thing of all there was that there was no one else in the cave, or whatever this thing was. I was truly scared, I didn’t know what to do in this kind of situation, this was completely unexpected, it was as if I was in a metal box, so that there was no chance of escape. Then I noticed something, a small movement, but it was something, it was over in the corner farthest from me. “Who’s there?” I called out. There was no reply, so I walked over to where I had seen the motion, and I saw a small figure, clothed in rags, thick rope twisted around it. I reached over and gently touched its shoulder, it jolted and sat up so suddenly that I stood back, afraid, I had never seen it before. Then I noticed that it was like me, a human, but wait, I wasn’t a human, so it was probably something else. “Are you OK?” I questioned it.
“I’m perfectly fine,” it replied rudely, “I don’t need any help from such an insolent child such as yourself, so just back off.”
“Were you the one that said that when I breathed out, that the rope would get tighter?” I inquired.
“Yes, but only because that’s what’s been happening to me, I just didn’t want you to get hurt, and then you go and call me a liar, such an insolent creature you are!” it replied with utmost arrogance.
“How am I insolent, I am not, it’s just that you did lie to me, you said that the bonds that had held me down would not be loosed, but look at me now, they came off. As a matter of fact, they came more loose each time I breathed in. I really don’t understand why people lie to others, it’s just wrong, so stop doing it,” I bellowed. I can’t stand it when people lie to me, it’s just wrong, I hate it. A slim smile grew on the creatures face, and I so wanted to smack it off of her, but I held my temper and said, “Do you want me to untie your bonds?”
The creature nodded, “I would like that, thank you,” it’s voice was sweet, like the song of a bird dancing on the wind, calm, quiet, peaceful, sweet, and nice. I liked it, so I smiled. “What are you smiling at?” her voice changed from sweet to rude in an instant.
“Oh, nothing, nothing that you would be all that concerned about, I’m just smiling.” I knelt down and started working on untying the ropes around her wrists and ankles. It took up quite a bit of time, but eventually I got the creature free. It stood up and said, “Thank you for untying me, no one else would have had the guts to untie such a dangerous girl as I, but thanks, now I know someone that I will not destroy when the world comes to an end. “I know someone that I know someone that might even help me take over and bring the world to an end. Child, you truly are something special, will you help me, or will you just leave me here to rot in this horrible dungeon? I trust you know what you are doing, that you know what is right, and that you will help this poor old woman out.”
“I will never help you,” I said spitefully, “Why would I help you take over a world that is probably as innocent as Earth?”
She laughed, “You fool, you have already helped me, you have set me free, for now I can breathe freely, and it is your fault, you do know that right? There is no one quite as foolish as you, child, especially in the dealings of this planet.”
I glared at this woman, she was something quite different than what I had expected from a person tied up, nearing death. I sat down, I didn’t know what else to do, I didn’t know where my brother was, let alone where I was, this really was a bad day. The woman looked over at me, “Exhausted, I presume?”
I stood up, shaking my head, “I’m not tired, how can I be? I know that a lot has happened today, but I am not tired.”
“How can I trust you? How do I know that you won’t kill me when your use of me is done?” I scorned.”
“You’ll just have to trust me, I mean really, you can trust me,” she exaggerated, “Young girl, you saved my life, now I am in your debt, I owe you my life. That’s how you can trust me.”
“I’m still not sure,” I hesitated, “I don’t know you.”
“It’s OK,” she stretched out her hand, long ugly nails protruding from her dry, wrinkled skin, “Take my hand and everything will be OK, I promise.” I walked towards her, and, hesitantly, I stretched out my hand towards her own and wrapped my fingers around her twisted ones. I pulled back almost as soon as I had touched her rough, slimy skin, it was something unpleasant to the touch, but my hand would not come, it stayed there, attached to hers, and I was to. I yelled, I was not fine with this. The woman laughed, it was pretty much a scream. I tried to get away from her, but she wouldn’t let go.
Her fingers curled around my own, and she had me. I was dragged down, pulled to my knees, she let go, but I could not get up, I couldn’t even raise my head. “Let me go!” I screamed, “I don’t belong here, I want to go home.” It was then that I started crying. The tears streamed down my face, staining my cheeks red and the floor blue. I screamed, but I knew that there was no point in it, that there was no one to hear me.
Then I felt something on the back of my neck, it was soft, warm, comforting, I wanted to know what that thing was, I wanted to know where it came from. I was out, just like that, out, I could see no more for there was only blackness, and I was all alone. I fainted.
Slowly I opened my eyes, I was somewhere else, I was no longer in the stone hard, on the stone cold ground, but now I was on a big, soft bed, with huge drapes hanging from post to post ten feet up. I stared at them; they were the most beautiful colors of blue, green, black, dark purple, yellow, and white. I sat up, and I noticed that I was no longer wearing my school clothes, but now I was wearing a silk dress on underneath a thin, see-through robe.
I did not like what I was wearing, it was very uncomfortable. Then the thing from the bright light came forward. “I told you were a princess, young child, I would not lie to you.”
“Of course you would,” I retorted, “I know that I will never be a Princess, and that I could never be a Princess.”
“Stand up,” it ordered, and for some reason, I did, “You do seem like the type, the perfect type. You are a perfect specimen, you are the best, there is none better for this than you are.”
“What thing, what am I the best for?” I questioned.
“You’ll soon find out my dear, you will soon find out,” it said in an annoying calm voice.
“Why don’t you just tell me NOW!” I yelled, “There is NO reason for you not to tell me what I am best for, so tell me NOW!!”
“Why would I tell such a stupid girl what she is best for?” it questioned.
“Because I will not help you with whatever it is that you want unless you tell me,” I sat down stubbornly, arms folded across my chest.
“Fine,” it said exasperatingly, “I’ll tell you.”
“Well?” I leaned forward, “You gonna tell me or what?”
“I will,” it replied very rudely, “We need you to help us stop the evil one, the one who plans on destroying the world.”
“I know her, she’s the one that I freed, I untied her, and now she says that she owes me a great debt, and that I will be her right hand, that I will help her to
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