» Adventure » Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Di-Di Lewis

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that if I follow her, I might be able to find a way out of this dungeon, this horrible place that I have no idea of why I am in, so I am just following this stranger.
“Hurry along,” she said in a melancholy tone of voice, “we must hurry, we don’t want to miss our whole of opportunity, now do we?”
“No,” I replied grudgingly, I really wanted to get out of here, I didn’t know how, so I was just going to have to trust this crazy woman, “let’s get this over with, I don’t want to be trapped in here any longer.” That was absolutely true, I really didn’t want to stay in here with this crazy woman. Then, as if something had read my thoughts, an arch appeared right in front of me, but behind Dr. Stephanarie, which was extremely cool, at least, I thought it was extremely cool. I stepped forward, and I was sucked into this whirlpool of colors, black, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, white, and any other color you could think of.
I was whirled around, I couldn’t stop, I was thrown from here to there, it was uncontrollable, it was crazy, something that I’d never experienced before, it was absolutely crazy, I really don’t know what it was about, but somehow I got pulled into something strange again. Curiosity always gets the best of me, that’s my main weak point, isn’t it? I’m curious, and some day that’s going to get me killed, I just know it, I’m going to die because something looked cool, and that thing will be extremely dangerous, and it will get me or somebody else killed, I just know it.
The whirling stopped, I was hanging upside down, or was I standing right side up? Any way, it was hard to tell because I was just whirled around for quite some time, so my sense of gravity has been thrown off temporarily.
There was a blurry figure off in the distance, it looked as if it were approaching very cautiously. I watched its slow approach, it finally stopped in about three feet in front of me. It was another arch, and there was no way that I was going to step into one of those things again, although it seems as if I really don’t have a choice, seeing as I am being pushed towards it. I started grabbing for something, anything really, I didn’t want to be sucked into another one of those crazy things again. It sucked me in, as if it were some kind of black whole, just not black. An unearthly sound escaped the arch, now I was real scared. I don’t know what’s on the other side of that arch, and I don’t plan on finding out any time soon. The pushing stopped, just inches away from the arch, it was kind of creepy. I gasped, this was something really strange, I had looked into the arch, what I expected on the other side of the arch was not there, there was something entirely different.
This was what I had always dreamed of experiencing, there was darkness, complete and utter darkness, then there was light. I stepped forward into the arch, not knowing what was going to happen next, not really caring what happened next. There was a sudden burst of light and energy, as if something was being created. Things started to spread out rather quickly, uncontrollably, it was fascinating, it was wonderful. The light that had created this phenomenon was still there, extremely bright, and extremely small, it was about the size of my pinky nail. It was as if I was experiencing the creation of another universe, it was amazing. The light continued spreading, things kept popping up randomly, little tiny particles. I just realized something, there was only one way that I could survive something like this, the smaller particles had bigger forces of gravity, but I know that that is not scientifically possible, I knew that I had to get out of there, and fast. I was the largest thing in that room, and since any person would know, bigger things attract smaller things, and since I am the largest object in this universe, I have the strongest gravitational pull, so everything is going to come to me, and I will be trapped in here forever, the center of a planet, a planet that I don’t even know about, all that I will know, if I live, is that without me, this planet would not exist.
I felt something pulling me towards it, I looked up towards the source of the pull, it was another arch, my ticket out of here. First I had to do something. I reached into my pocket and tossed out some crumbs from a roll that I had left there, and other particles instantly started collecting on them, quickly creating small planets. I spat at each one, giving them each a source of water, gross, I know, but it’s better than nothing. Then I remembered, I have a water bottle, I reached for it and squirted water on each planet, now they had real water. I left them, going into the arch, oh how much I would like to stay there, in that room, taking care of those planets.
I was sucked into a tube inside that arch. I could see through it, and it was rather disturbing, I saw a huge man with white hair and big glasses. Though I can’t see where I’m going, I have a feeling that I’m not going to like it. I was spun about for quite a while, then I felt a liquid riding up my pants, then into my face, it was a purple substance, shortly after that purple substance appeared, I fell asleep.
The next thing I know is I’m in a huge pot with some kind of liquid in it, what really sucks is that I barely know how to swim, but what is awesome is I was lying on some kind of raft, something like a carrot, but I have a feeling that it was not a carrot that I am lying on. Something came in from above, it was something wooden, it reached into the greenish brownish liquid and stirred it up. I was thrown from my little raft. There I somewhat paddled, gasping for air, with nothing to grab hold of, while the man kept stirring in his cauldron, I was being pulled under, just like everything else, except that I wouldn’t just float back up to the top when he was done stirring. I was sinking down to the bottom, and there was nothing that I could do about it, I would just have to deal with it.
Something in the liquid was changing, it was starting to get a little hot, and I know that soon it will be unbearable, that I won’t be able to stand the heat. I kept sinking, even though I tried to swim back up, I couldn’t, I just get sinking, and the harder I tried to get back up to the top, the faster I sank. I tried desperately to reach the top again, but I couldn’t, and I hit the bottom of the cauldron, it was burning hot.
I saw the very bottom of the spoon thing again, but it was just too far away, I couldn’t reach it, and it was traveling to fast for me to grab it anyway, it was stirring the liquid, probably trying to keep it fresh. Then it was gone, just like it had before. The cauldron was even hotter than before, and I was forced to sit at the bottom, an endless torture for me, it was absolutely terrible. I reached up, but I know that there is absolutely no point in doing that anyway.
Suddenly there was less pressure, as if the man had scooped some of the substance out. It relieved me of a great amount of pressure, but I know that it won’t last very long.
Scoop after scoop the pressure left, and eventually there was hardly any substance left, then it was my turn, I was the next to be scooped up, I filled the entire spoon, I kept getting larger, and larger, and larger, and eventually, I was as big as the man’s hand. He looked down at me, I looked up at him, with my big and innocent eyes, “Please don’t eat me giant man,” I pleaded in a childish tone of voice, “I don’t want to die here.”
He looked down at me with sad eyes, and he set me down and pressed a button. Bars rose up out of the table on which he had placed me, fear entered my eyes and the giant laughed, it was loud, and it hurt to listen to him. The cage he placed me in looked similar to a bird cage, and I sat down, I started crying. This man was a mean man, and I just know that he isn’t going to let me go any time soon, I just know it. The giant was still laughing, I don’t understand why he would laugh at me though, it had really seemed as if he would care about me, as if he would let me go, let me be free, but I had a feeling that that wouldn’t happen any time soon.
A handle appeared at the top of the cage, and the giant grabbed a hold of it and picked me up. Suddenly, a fowl stench entered the air, I scrunched my nose in disgust, and I was carried off into a dark room. Then the giant spoke, “Don’t think you’re the only one of your kind that’s found their way here, now do ya?” It bellowed, I shook my head, there was bound to be more of me somewhere in here, “Answer me girly, you really don’t think that you can get away without talkin’, now do ya?”
“No sir,” I squeaked, my voice seemed rather high compared to his, “I’m sorry sir, I-I didn’t , mean to offend you or anything.”
“Good, but you didn’t offend me. Anyway, I have a rather special home for you, there is only one male of your kind in here that does not have a female with him, so, since you are a girl, you are going to be put into a cage with him, and you two will both entertain me, or you both will be put into the boiler, either that or you’ll become an experiment.” My eyes widened in fear, he can’t do this, it’s just flat out inhumane, but then again, I doubt he’s even human. I felt him set the cage down rather clumsily, then I heard a creek as a cage door was opened, he grabbed me by the scruff of the neck, but how he saw me was the question. Then he opened another cage, and he threw me in, I landed with an oomph on something soft.
“What do you think you’re doing, landing on me in the middle of the night?” came a muffled yell from somewhere below me.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to land on anyone, the giant just threw me in here. I’m sorry, I really am.” I apologized, rolling off of the boy.
“You’d better be, hey, wait a minute, you’re a girl, and I’m not alone anymore.” It sounded as if he was smiling. I felt hands on my arms, he was grabbing my arms rather tightly, so I reached up and grabbed his hands and pulled them off of mine. I walked away from him, I walked until I hit something solid, like a metal bar, and I sat down, I closed my eyes and went to sleep, there had been enough adventures for one day, I was done, and not looking forward to the next day. Soon I was passed
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